Bubonic Plague Carrying Mice Missing from New Jersey Lab!

I don’t know what is scarier, the fact that plague carrying mice went missing or the fact that authorities don’t think it’s a big deal. From Fox:

TRENTON, N.J. —  The frozen remains of two mice injected with the organism that causes plague have not been accounted for seven weeks after being discovered missing at a University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey facility in Newark, the university said Friday.

The FBI investigated and determined there was no risk to public health or any indication of the terrorist link.

It wasn’t the first time plague-infected mice have disappeared from the New Jersey facility. Four years ago, in September 2005, three live mice infected with bubonic plague bacteria disappeared from various cages. Officials later said they believed the rodents had died.

UMDNJ’s Public Health Research Institute issued a four-paragraph statement about the December incident late Friday saying it believes the red hazardous waste bag containing the dead mice was sterilized and incinerated along with another bag.

“Although the mice in the missing bag were used in vaccine experiments involving the bacteria Yersinia pestis, the organism that causes plague, UMDNJ has no reason to believe that this situation poses a risk to the safety or health of UMDNJ staff or the community at large,” the university said in its prepared statement.

University spokesman Jerry Carey said he did not know why UMDNJ waited seven weeks to disclose the missing mice.

I’d like to know that as well. But first I need to go stock up on disinfectant and breathing masks.

h/t Tammy Bruce

Victimless Crime File: Your Testes!

You know that guy who told you pot smoking was not only safer than using other drugs, but that it doesn’t cause cancer like regular cigarettes? Well he lied to you, and it looks like that lie will cost you big:

Marijuana use may increase the risk of developing testicular cancer, in particular a more aggressive form of the disease, according to a U.S. study published on Monday.

The study of 369 Seattle-area men ages 18 to 44 with testicular cancer and 979 men in the same age bracket without the disease found that current marijuana users were 70 percent more likely to develop it compared to nonusers.

The risk appeared to be highest among men who had reported smoking marijuana for at least 10 years, used it more than once a week or started using it before age 18, the researchers wrote in the journal Cancer.

Stephen Schwartz of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, one of the researchers, said the study was the first to explore marijuana’s possible association with testicular cancer.

This is the first study to look at this question, and by itself is not definitive. And there’s a lot more research that would have to be done in order to be more confident that marijuana use really is important in a man’s risk of developing testicular cancer,” Schwartz said in a telephone interview.

The study found the increased risk appeared to be in the form called nonseminoma testicular cancer. It accounts for 40 percent of cases and can be more aggressive and more difficult to treat, Schwartz said.

Experts are unsure about the causes of testicular cancer, which often strikes men in their 20s and 30s. The disease is seen more commonly in men who have had an undescended testicle or have a family history of testicular cancer.

The disease usually responds well to treatment and has a five-year survival rate of about 96 percent, according to the American Cancer Society.

About 8,000 men in the United States are diagnosed with testicular cancer per year, and there are about 140,000 U.S. men alive who have survived the disease, the group said.

The researchers said they were not sure what it was about marijuana that may raise the risk. Chronic marijuana use also can have effects on the male reproductive system including decreased sperm quality, they said.

Even the decreased sperm quality should be enough to get most men to put the bong down. No doubt because this is an early study many a pot head will wait to see more studies before proactively protecting their junk. But you know, pot smokers are as reasonable as you and me…

Hope and Change: Is the Obama Administration Railroading Leopold Munyakazi?

It sure seems that way when you read this report from Fox News:

Leopold Munyakazi, 59, taught French at Goucher College, north of Baltimore, until he was suspended with pay after the liberal arts school learned in December that he was wanted in Rwanda. Munyakazi has denied the accusations.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials are taking steps to deport Munyakazi, who was arrested Tuesday at his home in Towson for overstaying his visa, according to agency spokesman Brandon A. Montgomery. Munyakazi was later released from custody but with a monitoring device.

The arrest came a day after the allegations against the professor became public, but Montgomery said the news reports weren’t a factor.

“We don’t rush to get something done just because of the news,” he said.

The genocide accusations stem from 1994, when more than a half-million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed in Rwanda after the then-president’s plane was shot down as he returned from negotiating with Tutsi rebels. Munyakazi is Hutu.

“I think they did it under the pressure of the Rwandan government,” Munyakazi said Thursday of his arrest. “They would like to show them that they are doing something about the allegations.”

Andrew Tusabe, second counselor at the Rwandan embassy in Washington, called the arrest a positive step.

“We appreciate the development and ask authorities to send him to Rwanda where he will face justice,” Tusabe said.

Munyakazi is charged with murder and several genocide-related counts, according to a copy of an indictment provided by Munyakazi. Goucher officials said they gave Munyakazi a copy of the indictment, which they received from a Rwandan prosecutor.

Alison Des Forges, senior adviser to Human Rights Watch’s Africa division, reviewed the indictment and said it contained details that do not “fit historical facts of the time.” For instance, it is unlikely that Munyakazi organized a militia associated with a party that was opposed to the party he was affiliated with, Des Forges said.

Given that why the sudden rush to send this guy back to a certain death while everyone is distracted? As the left used to say up until recently, I’m just asking questions!

Update: Here’s a video of the story via Breitbart:

The “My Desk is Full of Notes for Too Many Posts” Link Round-Up

Otherwise known as the link round up of stories I wanted to do but couldn’t because I’ve been bogged down researching the freaky Hannah Overton case and have been receiving near nonstop hate mail from Wiccans who for some reason have decided now is a good time to dig through my site and accuse me of “being a Christian,” hating gays and being a bit too hard on pedophiles. Showing up on a Squidoo lens as the only Republican Pagan blog (thanks to the remarkably talented P.J. Deneen) may explain why so many Wiccans are suddenly giving me the business via my contact form although having just recently announced on several forums that Wicca is a fraud may also have gotten people riled up.

Off topic but the most polite of these people is Dee Herbert from PaganFM! and I was thinking of trying to wrangle an appearance on her show. Would any of you readers be interested in hearing me argue politics and religion with another Pagan on a podcast? Pagans Against Child Abuse has also been mulling one, but I’m not familiar with how popular they are. Any podcasters out there drop me a line.

I also restarted the world’s most neglected survival blog and am compiling more material for Fiendish Delights. In this economy you’ve got to change and grow so my wife and I have been revamping our other online assets, unlike those Pajamas Media pussies who just got their welfare checks cut off and have been crying like little French girls ever since. Here’s a hint Jeff, get an f’n job hippy. If you want to make money you have to work for it, not wait for Charles Johnson to send you an allowance. I’ve also considered going back to the ol’ blogger roots.

Long story short I have a bunch of stories I don’t have time to write about but didn’t want to pass on. Enjoy:

Al-Qaeda has been raping young male recruits to make them into suicide bombers. Some of the folks at Metafilter don’t believe Al-Qaeda would sink that low, which proves that the Internet has destroyed Western Civilization. Wired calls this a “gay rape horror” but women have been undergoing the same treatment as well.

Via Fausta comes this must read article Kristallnacht in Caracas which talks about the similarities between the attacks on Synagogues in Venezuela and the rising anti-Semitism in South Africa.

Speaking of South Africa, a woman murdered a child she fostered then claimed he was possessed, his mother was a Satanist and she even had an Imam testify that she did nothing wrong when she beat the child to death. Before his death the boy’s teacher called the mother to see how he was since she withdrew him from school, to which the mother spontaneously claimed the child was well and she wasn’t abusing him. Because the child is a White Afrikaner it is thought that there is a racial component to the abuse. It’s almost like reforming a country on race-based class warfare principles rather than Republican governance is a bad idea.

Alternately, maybe she read a Saudi textbook on Islam. You’d be surprised by how hateful and barbaric they are, especially regarding non-Muslims.

Someone on the British Left has finally noticed that the distinction between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism is literally academic. Reading Jonathan Fredland’s Guardian article I found myself thinking “Too little, too late.

British House of Lords member Lord Nazir Ahmed has called for all British citizens who served in the I.D.F. recently to be arrested for war crimes. Since all Jews are automatically granted citizenship from Israel if desired and all citizens are required to do military service, Ahmed is basically calling for the rounding up of any young Jew who has spent significant time in Israel. Not surprising since you may recall Lord Ahmed as the person who threatened to “mobilize 10,00 Muslims” to attack Parliament if they dared to speak with Geert Wilders. Truly the man is a traitor.

A Synagogue in Amsterdam was fired on in an anti-Semitic attack.

Police in Malmo Sweden have admitted they were ordered by superiors to allow the pro-Hamas Muslim crowds at recent protests to run amok and attack people according to the newspaper Skånska Dagbladet. Gates of Vienna has a translation.

Fatah is brutally torturing hundreds of Palestinian Hamas members on England’s dime.

After raising money for a memorial for Honor Killing Victim Aqsa Parvez, Pam at Atlas Shrugs was given the brush off by the cemetery because they didn’t want to offend the girl’s family, who murdered her and have yet to put a proper marker on her grave.

I am still reading up on the Hannah Overton case, but Lost in Lima,Ohio has been all over it. Read In the Name of Justice or Despite it? and Andrew Overton … and the Excuses. It’s worth your time.

Is this irony? Inbred seditious Klanner and Irish hater David Duke says Michael Steele is a racist.

The founder of a human rights group was caught sending emails to people in which he said “The simple answer is that you the Jews are real motherf—– bastards,” and “You guys are simply assholes … Stop playing the bloody victim games.” Several universities that have him scheduled to speak still think it’s a wonderful idea to have him discuss equality and human rights with their students.

Here’s an interesting story of what may have been an attempted human sacrifice of a woman by her boyfriend.

Man pulls out 13 of his own teeth with pliers in England. He was unable to find a dentist taking NHS patients since 2001. Let’s get some of that universal health care over here!

A gang of teens and children were found slowly roasting two puppies alive for fun in England. Luckily a passerby saved the two seven week olds who were only slightly harmed. But what happened to their litter mates and mother? It really is the end of England.

After a drunken one night stand a woman carved her name and various marks into her passed out partner. You have to see these pictures.

My favorite conspiracy theorist has noticed that Obama supporters don’t like doubters. Are they programmed to react badly? Hey, she’s just asking questions!