Victimless Crime File: Drunken Brazilian Cannibalism Edition

Many a pot smoker has claimed that I let heavy drinkers and other drug abusers off the hook by singling out marijuana related stories. My response is that because marijuana is the only drug in this country that many people think is completely harmless it is more important to show people the negative effects of chronic or heavy use of pot, because everyone knows drunks get violent and heroin users will eventually blow someone in an alley to get a fix.

That doesn’t mean I approve of heavy drinking or claim that it isn’t harmful. Any child who grew up with a heavy drinking parent or anyone at an A.A. meeting can tell you alcohol abuse not only has serious medical effects on a person, but like any drug insidiously destroys peoples lives. Whether it’s beer, hard liquor, pot or coke people use drugs to lose control and more importantly to live in the illusion of a changed reality so that they need not deal with the issues in their lives that by and large make them behave like addicts.

After years of abusing any substance a person’s perceptions will be so warped by the fantasy their drug of choice helps them maintain that they may do the most horrible things imaginable. It doesn’t matter if it is drinking or smoking or snorting, prolonged immersion in in the nightmarish inner world all users dwell in produces monsters. The constant escape form reality and responsibility, from the very concept of morality itself can turn the weak minded addicts into wife-beaters, rapists, child molesters, or in this case cannibals:

BRASILIA (Reuters) – Police in Brazil’s Amazon rain forest are investigating three native Indians suspected of murdering and eating a 21-year-old handicapped man in a rare case of cannibalism, local authorities said on Tuesday.

The Indians of the Kulina tribe near the Peruvian border are accused of having killed and eaten the insides of Ocelio Alves de Carvalho, a 21 year-old student in the town of Envira in Amazonas state.

The body was quartered and then carved up with more than 100 cuts — we think they ate his insides,” Sgt. Osmildo Fereira da Silva of the state police in Envira told Reuters.

The three Indians apparently boasted of eating Carvalho’s heart and liver to relatives in a reservation called Aldeia do Cacau, Fereira said.

Police interrogated a suspect but did not arrest anybody, Fereira said.

The Kulina do not practice cannibalism and police suspect the three Indians were drunk or took drugs.

“Alcoholism is widespread among Indians throughout the region,” said Inspector Pablo Souza, with the Federal Police in the state capital Manaus.

Cannibalism is extreme, but everyone has either witnessed or been in a bar fight. Every adult has seen people drunk and knows how depraved people can be when they drink too much. When I lived in the Bronx I once was awoken by the sound of four drunk men brawling with two petite women outside the neighborhood bar. When Bloomberg passed the smoking ban in bars I saw many drunken revelers exposing themselves to passersby, laughing as their friends passed out in the street and basically doing things most were probably ashamed of when sober. Personally I don’t drink, and aside from a glass of wine with dinner I think it’s a sign of immaturity at best when someone my age still hits the bars and gets drunk. At worst it is the literal pissing away of your life.

And smoking pot is no better.

h/t Crime Scene KC

Death Bed Blogging Link Round Up

I’m sick. Sicker than any person has ever been in the entire history of our great republic. It might be a cold, it might be the Bacon and Egg Cheeseburger I ate at IHOP early Sunday morning, or the chicken I cooked which might have been a day or so past it’s prime and even though I baked it with a little Kosher salt and Pepper came out dripping wet with oil. Or maybe that’s what they want you to think.

But I find it suspicious that after criticism of the new administration I don’t feel well. I’m not saying Barack Obama has a secret sickness ray he’s using on dissenting bloggers, I’m just asking questions. If I die, blame Obama!

Did you know the Sullivan Law, one of New Yorh’s first gun control laws, was provably a racist attack on Italian and other immigrants by an predominantly Irish government that was in cahoots with Irish street gangs who wanted immigrants disarmed because they were fighting back against their strong arm tactics? Billlls Idle Mind examines the shady history of gun control.

At La Russophobe an oil investor talks about the perils of investing in Russia under Putin. As he puts it companies stupid enough to invest in Russia were”raped” by the ex-KGB run government.

Americans overseas were disenfranchised. The election was stolen!

Economic minister for a country where you can go to jail for criticizing Islam fears the rise of “far-right” Fascism. He is comfortable with far left fascism it seems.

Lobbying firm connected to John Murta raided by the F.B.I.

The “stimulus” bill contains a provision that will allow the government to begin rationing health care:

One new bureaucracy, the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology, will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective. The goal is to reduce costs and “guide” your doctor’s decisions (442, 446). These provisions in the stimulus bill are virtually identical to what Daschle prescribed in his 2008 book, “Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis.” According to Daschle, doctors have to give up autonomy and “learn to operate less like solo practitioners.”

Keeping doctors informed of the newest medical findings is important, but enforcing uniformity goes too far.

New Penalties

Hospitals and doctors that are not “meaningful users” of the new system will face penalties.  “Meaningful user” isn’t defined in the bill. That will be left to the HHS secretary, who will be empowered to impose “more stringent measures of meaningful use over time” (511, 518, 540-541)

What penalties will deter your doctor from going beyond the electronically delivered protocols when your condition is atypical or you need an experimental treatment? The vagueness is intentional. In his book, Daschle proposed an appointed body with vast powers to make the “tough” decisions elected politicians won’t make.

Tough decisions like denying the elderly health care, no doubt. According to Myth Debunker Daschle’s book calls for society to deny treatment to the elderly and others to make sure the young have the health care they need.

Known Al-Qaeda sympathizers are being allowed to sue reporters who uncovered threats in their forum to behead English politicians.

The surviving Mumbai jihadi is complaining that a female F.B.I. agent sexually harassed him. No, I’m not joking.

At Huffington Post a starry-eyed Obamunist has lost all his Hope and Change. Two weeks in and the peanut gallery of the left is already unhappy. Maybe he should issue them their “O” armbands and have a midnight torchlight procession to boost morale.

The L.A. Times is shocked to discover that crazed birthing machine Nadya Suleman is on welfare. More shocking is that she had two disabled children prior to having her octuplets. But if she’s on welfare who’s paying for all that bad plastic surgery?

A 47-year-old Saudi man has married an 8-year-old girl to the father’s debt. In a similar case two girls aged 5 and 8 were forced into marriages to adult men by a religious court in Pakistan. That deafening silence you hear is Western Feminists reaction.

Elitist bigots were shocked to learn that they’re fantasy of being the most enlightened people in America was completely false.

In England a 12-year-old Jewish girl was attacked by a Muslim mob who chanted “Death to Jews!” Why are Muslims comfortable assaulting people in England? Maybe because of the English culture of fearful civilians and lax sentences:

Two men have been jailed for five years each after repeatedly raping a 17-year old girl in Rochdale last July.

Asylum seekers Mohammed Ali, who was believed to be 25 at the time of the incident but in court this week claimed that he was 18, and Alik Madi, who also claimed to be 18, were sentenced at Bolton Crown Court. Both men lived at the same house in Rathbone Street, Newbold.

The victim had been walking close to the Lidl supermarket on Spotland Road in the early hours of Saturday 5 July when the two men dragged her into some bushes and raped her several times.

The court heard how the girl had appealed to passers-by to call the police following the incident but her cries fell on deaf ears as a teenager on a bike, a man walking his dog and an employee at a petrol station on Whitworth Road all refused to help her.

Red Alerts factoid: Anarchist icon Hakim Bey was a pedophile whose books are even today traded by perverts online.

I’m going back to bed.

Jihadists Launch Rockets and Throw Pipe Bombs at Pro-Israel Demonstrators in Sweden

Needless to say the police were basically powerless to stop them. Here’s video of one of the rocket launches:


Ted Ekeroth was there and has a report on his blog:

The arabs, that numbered about 100, where shouting “allah ahkbar” as they normally do and showed their hate towards Israel and the Jews with different slogans. It didnt take long until they started attacking us, this time with homemade pipebombs and fireworks. The home made bombs were pretty powerful, as I stood not to far away when one of them exploded. According to what I heard, the police managed to arrest the ones that threw the bombs. However, they did not disperse the arab crowd which they should have done according to me. In total there were two pipebombs, two rockets and some glass bottles.

The bombs didnt reach into our crowd since the distance between us was larger than last time, but the rockets exploded over the heads of the peaceful pro-israel demonstration.

According to the commander of the police operation, the organizers of the manifestation wanted to seal the square off for security reasons. I, however, think that the point of the manifestation was lost whem no “outsiders” could see or hear what we had to say. When you show support for something in public, you do that for a reason – for others to see and hear. This was not possible due to that the area was completely sealed of and the only ones that could hear us were the police and the hateful arab mob. The point of a public manifestation was lost in my opinion.

This kind of escalation of behavior should be worrisome to Sweden. It is only a matter of time before more powerful and lethal devices are employed by the Jihadists in their proxy war on Israel fought in the streets of Europe.

Infidel Bloggers Alliance, Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes are also blogging this. Gateway Pundit has more.

Barack Obama Doesn’t Care About Black People!

Or at least one Black person, James Mcdaniels who died on the USS Cole. Obama has been meeting with families of terror victims to explain why he is basically letting a bunch of murderous Jihadis off the hook. Some families aren’t interested in excuses, they want justice and they rightfully feel betrayed. If this mother’s pain doesn’t make you tear up a little you’re a soulless monster:


My heart goes out to her. But judging by the racist language thrown at her by Obamunists angry at her betrayal in this video’s comments, the only sympathy she’ll be getting is from we “wingnuts.”

High Ranking U.K. Diplomat Screamed Anti-Semitic Slurs in Public Gym

Surprise! A nation mired in Socialism and class warfare produces a political class that is increasingly going back to basics in terms of its views on ethnic relations. Marx himself was a rank anti-Semite and almost all modern leftist ideologies bear the stigmata of anti-Jewry to some extent.

From The Daily Mail:

A high-ranking diplomat at the Foreign Office has been arrested after allegations that he launched a foul-mouthed anti-Semitic tirade.

Middle East expert Rowan Laxton, 47, was watching TV reports of the Israeli attack on Gaza as he used an exercise bike in a gym.

Stunned staff and gym members allegedly heard him shout: ‘F**king Israelis, f**king Jews’. It is alleged he also said Israeli soldiers should be ‘wiped off the face of the earth’.

His rant reportedly continued even after he was approached by other gym users.

After a complaint was made to police, Mr Laxton was arrested for inciting religious hatred through threatening words and behaviour and bailed until late next month.

The maximum penalty for inciting religious hatred is a seven-year prison term or a fine or both.

Mr Laxton, who is still working normally, is head of the South Asia Group at the Foreign Office, on a salary of around £70,000.

He is responsible for all the UK’s diplomacy in that area and for briefing Foreign Secretary David Miliband, who is Jewish.

Mr Laxton has worked extensively in the Middle East – he married a Muslim woman in 2000 – and has been deputy ambassador to Afghanistan.

The case could not have come at a worse time for the Foreign Office. Next week, Britain is hosting an international summit on combating anti-Semitism, with politicians from 35 countries.

Mr Laxton had gone to the London Business School’s gym in Regent’s Park after work on January 27.

An onlooker said: ‘I was in the gym around 9pm and I heard this guy shouting something about “f**king Israelis”.

‘This bald guy was cycling away on his machine in the middle of the exercise room. When another guy approached him he shouted “f**king Jews, f**king Israelis”.

‘The gym was pretty full and everyone looked totally shocked.

I’m sure. Who would have thought Jews in England were maligned and hated by the elite? Europeans who hate Jews? Surely you jest!

I should also point out that Muslim women are not allowed to marry non-Muslims, so either Mrs. Laxton is a liberated woman or the mention of his marriage to a Muslim woman is a politically correct reporter’s way to explain to us why he more vocal about hating Jews than a “proper English gentleman” should be.

How are Jews doing in Europe these days anyway? Not well. And things have not been going well for them for some time.

The Christians aren’t doing too well either.