Camila Paglia on The Stimulus, The Fairness Doctrine and Obama’s First Few Weeks

Segments of this interview with Camille Paglia have been going around but frankly the whole interview is worth a listen. While well known for her provocative articles in Salon, Paglia’s Sexual Personae is one of the most important books on art and culture written in our times. I am not one of those on the right who are slavishly devoted to the idea that Paglia is “the good Democrat” just because she leans toward classical liberal values and thus is at odds with the Feminist and Democrat establishment, but Paglia is a influential intellectual (in many respects not influential enough in the academic world) who gives a wonderful interview and here she’s at her manic best.

The People’s Stimulus and the Fall of New York

This video is making the rounds and while The Rebel Economist is indeed “Fox News hot” the real draw in this video is showing how even Obama’s most ardent supporters understand that a tax cut would be better for the economy than the America busting stimulus package that just passed:


The tears of Obama’s supporters will be like sweet wine to those of us who foresaw the economic collapse worsening due to the government policy of printing billions of dollars of unbacked, essentially worthless currency and dumping tax money into Democrat special interest payola. Which will be good since this year’s grocery inflation will make it so that aside from the metaphorical feasting on others’ sorrow most of us will be skipping meals as food prices go sky high.

Hopeful that Obama can save the economy? Think again, as goes New York so will go the rest of the country and this Peggy Noonan piece shows that New York is definitely experiencing some of the hardest times anyone living there today can remember. This passage will speak more to people who have spent long periods of time in New York, but even someone who has only seen the city on television can in part appreciate the House of Usher like decline of New York Noonan invokes:

A moment last Monday, just after noon, in Manhattan. It’s slightly overcast, not cold, a good day for walking. I’m in the 90s on Fifth heading south, enjoying the broad avenue, the trees, the wide cobblestone walkway that rings Central Park. Suddenly I realize: Something’s odd here. Something’s strange. It’s quiet. I can hear each car go by. The traffic’s not an indistinct roar. The sidewalks aren’t full, as they normally are. It’s like a holiday, but it’s not, it’s the middle of a business day in February. I thought back to two weeks before when a friend and I zoomed down Park Avenue at evening rush hour in what should have been bumper-to-bumper traffic.


If you want to feel the bruise of what’s happened, pick a neighborhood full of shops and go up and down the street. Here’s Second Avenue in the 80s. A jewelry and consignment store on 84th has a new sign on the window: “We Buy Gold.” Paul is at the counter, spraying the tarnish off a silver chain. How’s business? “No buyin’, no sellin’, no nothin’. It’s a joke. People scared. They’re in shock.” Nearby, an empty storefront, a bar that had been in business only 10 months. The sign on the window—you see it all over Manhattan now—says, “Retail Space Available.” Next door, in a small beauty salon, the owner says “We’re trying to survive.” In September business plummeted. It’s down “at least 30%,” she says. July and August had been surprisingly good; her clients didn’t go away on vacation. In the fall they were fired. “They lost the job, so they don’t need to cut and color so much.”

In a liquor store just off 82nd, the owner, from India, says volume is still high but profits are down. “In business, if you have a product under $15, is good. People used to spend $70, $80 on a bottle of wine, all the bankers, the young kids. Nothing moving more than $15.”

On 81st, the kosher restaurant has closed. On 79th, the Talbots is gone. “Left a few months ago,” says the doorman next door.

Turn down to Madison Avenue in the 80s. A high-end butcher who’s been in the neighborhood more than 30 years is moving to the West Side because his rent has been raised more than he can afford. Why are landlords raising rents in a recession? It’s not landlords, he says, you can reason with them, it’s co-op boards that own a building. The people in the apartments upstairs are paying high maintenance, and they’re worried about their jobs, their businesses, their bonuses. So they raise the rent on the shop downstairs to cut their maintenance. When the shopkeeper says he’ll move and who’ll take his place in this economy, the boards say, “It’s Madison Avenue, we’ll be able to rent it.” He says, “They will for a while. But not if it gets worse.”

And thanks to unbridled spending in the guise of stimulus things will get worse. When I lived in New York I was given to hiking through the city and even several years ago when the economy was roaring you could see the creeping decay on the edges of the city. You could feel the quiet flight of overtaxed middle class New Yorkers and witness the third world poverty filling the vacuum they leave behind. No amount of government spending will make people return to New York, only the knowledge that the cost of living there would go down to more reasonable levels would reverse the flight of wealth from the city. Tax cuts like The People’s Stimulus would do just that.

Until then only the super rich and the desperately poor will remain.

But New York will continue to raise taxes, the federal government will print money and the left will cheer both on until New York, and most big cities, collapse. Welcome to the beginning of the new America, the richest banana republic in the world.

Leftist Hamas Supporters Assault College Republicans in Florida

When people claim America isn’t slipping into 2nd world status I just point out that we have raised several generations of Americans who adopt banana republic style political activism. Whether it’s the attempted murder of people whose only crime is attending the Republican National Convention, attempting to bomb conventions, shooting soldiers or threatening political opponents with guns, leftists in this country are no longer interested in debate with anyone who disagrees with them. The left in this country is only interested in silencing, then destroying, any who are not part of their ideological cult. We are only an incident, or perhaps a malicious prosecution, away from uncontrollable political violence in this country.

This video shows what kind of young adults decades of leftist indoctrination produces. Police have to physically stop them from assaulting and killing the college Republicans:


Arm yourselves.

Middle Eastern Christian Persecution by Islam Foreshadows Our Future

This is a clip from Pierre Rehov’s documentary First Comes Saturday, Then Comes Sunday which documents the persecution of Christians in the middle east by Muslims. It features author Brigitte Gabriel who founded Act for America and a host of other Christians who provide first hand accounts of what living with the “religion of peace” is really like.


Lest you think that Islamic persecution is limited to Arab countries this piece from The Opinionator will show you that Islam has begun it’s persecution of all non-Muslims in Europe already. Muslim rape gangs have drugged and assaulted nearly 2000 Christian and “Atheist” English girls (some as young as 11) in the past five years according to and the answer of the English government is to ban Geert Wilders from entering their country because he threatens “community harmony.” For teenage girls in England the communities are anything but harmonious.

It should be noted that England allowed an Al-Qaeda linked Muslim to speak before the House of Lords prior to banning Wilders.

Meanwhile Muslims control the streets of England:

Two Muslim Child molesters receive no jail time for sexually assaulting three 13-year-old girls on a field trip.

Four Scottish men were hospitalized by a gang of Muslims on the same street where Kriss MacDonald was tortured to death. MacDonald was targeted by five Muslim men simply because he was White. His excruciating death was the stuff of nightmares:

Kriss Donald, a slightly built, 15-year-old schoolboy was abducted from the streets of Pollockshields, Glasgow, on March 14, 2004. His kidnappers were five British Muslims of Pakistani descent, intent on exacting retribution on a white male – any white male would do – following a fight in a night club the previous weekend. Kriss was driven around for several hours whilst he was held down and tortured in the back of the car. He was eventually taken to an area of waste ground where he was finished off. Before he died, it is alleged that he was castrated, burned with cigarettes; his eyes were gouged out and he was stabbed repeatedly. Once on the waste ground he was doused with gasoline and set alight whilst still alive. He crawled a few metres and then, mercifully, died. A walker who discovered his body the following morning was unaware that it was even human, remarking, that at first, he thought it was the carcass of an animal.

A Muslim official who helped bring these degenerates to justice had to quit his job and go into hiding because the British Muslim community threatened to kill him.

Following the campaign of blood libel spread by Muslims Jews have become increasingly targeted in Europe. A bike shop in Sweden was found to have a sign in the window saying Jews not welcome.

Half of all racial killings in England are of White victims. Most by Muslim assailants.

A gang of 20 Muslim youths attacked a Christian pastor who was preparing a church for his father’s funeral. The claimed he was a Zionist.

I could list dozens more but I’ll simply direct you to the Religion of Peace site which compiles these crimes. England is crumbling under the weight of Islamic imperialism and unless Americans wake up so will we.