Just in Case You Thought Huffington Post was a Serious News Source…

They go out of their way to prove you wrong. Noted hack Alex Leo used a obviously doctored Youtube video where someone spliced audio together to make it sound like John Gibson called Eric Holder a monkey. Huffington Post has already posted a retraction and lame apology, but DailyKos and other lefty blogs have all basically ignored the truth in their continued attempts to smear some poor schmo just trying to make a living.

Courtesy Johhny $ here’s audio of Gibson talking about the controversy:


The reaction from HuffPo purists was as expected.

From PJBroughton:

I personally don’t care if the video is a fake or not.
Fox itself is devoid of any criteria recommending it as a credible news source.
If this video has been altered, then it’s high time Fox got a taste of it’s own revisionist nonsense.

From Knowitall:

Whether or not the video was doctored or not, I think it is still a major indictment of Fox news that the possibility of the clip being authentic was within the realm of possibility. Many people believed it because of Fox’s tendency to play fast and loose with the truth. And that’s a Fact!!!

From Ted LPD:

Clip is not doctored. I edit videos. These are frames we need to hear. Facts are stub_born. They won’t go away no matter how you look at them.

The neo_con and NY Post must pay_dearly. New_Yorkers will hold them accoun-table now or very soon.

That last one, with its implied threat of violence, is why I A) moved away from New York and its hateful leftism and B) own several guns. People like Ted LPD and the rest of the HuffPo loyalists are criminal malcontents always looking for an excuse to hurt someone, and HuffPo just gave them one.

Interesting side note: HuffPo banned me a couple of years ago for telling the White posters there that it wasn’t appropriate for them to speak for Black people. No threats, no racist name calling, just a simple “you don’t get to decide what Black folk think” and I was gone. Ted has threatened several people in that thread and is still there. Weird, right?

This isn’t the first time HuffPo has been used to launch a smear campaign on a popular conservative figure. Also HuffPo tried to blame T.V. Newser for the video, but they’re not taking the blame.

h/t Fausta

Did You Know All Nazis are Christians and All Pagans are Good People? Why Wiccans Hate You

At least that’s what emailer “Marlene,” who took umbrage to a post I wrote about the pedophile enabling hippy sex cultists on PaganSpace (three or four months ago), claims in a missive as childish as it is inaccurate:

in reverence to your red alert on paganspace.net concerning the accusations on
that site, i just wanted to say that there are bad people everywhere and from
every religion, if you choose to make a website about terrible people that prey
on children then you really should do your homework since most child abusers are
christian . as well as the nazi shit heads , yeah they are christian too.
wiccans and witches believe harming none and protecting everything under mother
nature’s sky and above it. Pagans are good people!!!!!

If you find her writing hard to follow blame the teachers’ union. But I thought it was important for readers, many of whom are not familiar with the inner workings of the “New Age” and neo-Paganism, to see exactly what the average Wiccan thinks of them and mainstream American society. So let me apologize in advance for boring some of you with this short essay describing why your children will hate you when they convert to Wicca. Continue reading

Victimless Crime File: Pot Dealers Use Dr. Mengele’s Experiments to Discipline Child

When I started seeing this story of a couple using Nazi-like torture on their 11-year-old son as a form of discipline I knew pot was involved. Sure enough, the modern day Dr. Mengele, one Pedro Rivera, was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell which doesn’t necessarily mean he was a dealer, just that he had a very large quantity of pot in his house. Judging from the mug shots of him and his girlfriend Megan Brazell, they were using right up to when they were dragged into court.

But the pot is not what got them arrested at first, it was the 40 minute long ice water baths that caused frostbite and hypothermia he gave to his son, you know, to discipline him. That sounds rational, right?

Read this and you will weep:

New Castle County Police said his father, 29-year-old Pedro Rivera, was the culprit who dealt the blows to him.

“This is one of the nastiest cases of child abuse that we have seen in a while,” said Cpl. Trinidad Navarro.

Rivera and his girlfriend, Megan Brazell, 26, were arrested Saturday and charged with child abuse. Police also found more than 20 bags of marijuana in Rivera’s bedroom.

Police received an anonymous tip of child abuse taking place at the Village of Windhover Apartments, located at 104 Sandburg Place in Bear. Navarro said officers responded to the residence at about 5:40 p.m. Brazell answered the door and told police that she was alone with her two infant sons, but upon further inspection of the residence police found Rivera.

“While inside, the officers noticed a man coming out of the back room of the home who said that he had been disciplining his son,” Navarro said.

That abuse included submerging the boy in ice-cold water for 40 minutes, Navarro said. Police found a bathtub full of water when they searched the home.

“When they took him to the hospital they weren’t even getting a reading on the kid,” Navarro said.

Police found the boy inside of a closet on his hands and knees shaking, Navarro said. He didn’t respond when officers asked about injuries on his body. Those injuries included burn marks to his back, buttocks and hands, bruises under both eyes and a hemorrhage in his left eye. Police said the blisters on his hands were signs of frost bite that was healing.

“It’s a pretty troubling investigation,” Navarro said. “Clearly the worst-case scenario of child abuse is when a child dies, but it’s safe to say that officers probably rescued this kid from lifelong injuries.” Navarro also said that the boy asked police not to return him to the custody of his father.

Like I said, this seems less like discipline and more a re-enactment of Nazi Germany’s experiments on Jews and Gypsies. But hey, sober people do these things all the time to their kids, and I’m sure someone will come to the comments and name three.

Filthy Degenerate Caught Poisoning Baby Food in Florida

Authorities don’t know if she’s was caught before being able to taint any food so if you’re in Florida be careful what you give your child.

From WSVN :

TAMARAC, Fla. (WSVN) — A Broward County judge denied bond to a woman spotted by a Publix shopper pouring an unspecified black liquid into jars of baby food inside the grocery store on the evening of Feb. 12.

According to the Broward Sheriff’s Office, the witness viewed 50-year-old Shirley W. Ybarra using a plastic syringe to transfer the unknown dye from a Victoria’s Secret body splash container to an Earth’s Best banana food jar inside the grocery chain’s 4121 West Commercial Blvd. location.

When store employees confronted her, the suspect told them she had been mixing food for her son during the 15-minute event. While being questioned, Ybarra allegedly urinated on herself, prompting her to require a visit to the bathroom in order to clean herself up. Once in the lavatory, Ybarra allegedly placed a pair of rubber gloves in the trash and flushed Pine Glo disinfectant down the toilet.

The suspect’s shopping cart held baby juice containers, several tampered jars of Earth’s Best banana baby food, latex gloves, a baby syringe and paper towels.

Store officials confiscated all of the grocery products that were in the suspect’s possession and checked its other area supermarkets to determine whether or not Ybarra had visited them.

BSO Detectives sent samples of the ammonia-scented liquid to the Food and Drug Administration’s labs in Cincinnati for testing and identification, which is expected to be completed in two to three weeks.

Ybarra  is on probation for stabbing her boyfriend in the legs in 2007 and also has a battery charge on her from 2005. Her only child is 21 so obviously she wasn’t looking to poison her own child. Her family claims she’s bi-polar and she’s been institutionalized by the state while awaiting trail.

Breitbart has video of the case.