FBI Recovers 48 Child Prostitutes in Prostitution Raid

Horrible. As society crumbles it is always the children that suffer the most. I don’t know who is worse the people forcing the children to turn tricks or the customers who know women and children are being forced to service them but go along with it rather than help. Here’s an idea Libertarians, before we legalize prostitution let’s have the johns get their acts together.

From CNN:

(CNN) — Law enforcement officials arrested more than 500 people, and took custody of 48 juveniles in a coordinated 29-city weekend sweep aimed at combating child prostitution, the FBI announced Monday.

Task forces made up largely of state and local police officers arrested and booked what authorities said were 464 adult prostitutes, 55 pimps and 55 customers on state charges. While most faced local charges, a senior FBI official said he expected there were would be some federal charges as well.

The FBI Monday said 19 searches were conducted, netting a total of $438,000 in cash, plus illegal drugs, cars and computers.

The four dozen juveniles were recovered in the third phase of Operation Cross Country, an initiative that seeks to help child prostitutes and crack down on people who control them and patronize them.

In the previous coordinated operations, authorities recovered 21 alleged child prostitutes last June and 47 in October.

In 2003 the FBI, Department of Justice prosecutors, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children launched what was called the Innocence Lost National Initiative to address what had become a growing problem of children forced into prostitution. Many were young runaways.

Officials say the 32 Innocence Lost task forces formed nationwide have now recovered about 670 children in the six years, and seized more than $3 million in cash.

The most recent operation involved law enforcement agencies in several states including California, Alaska, Michigan, Georgia, Colorado, Oregon, Alabama, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Illinois, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Minnesota and Arizona.

Perhaps apropos of nothing most of the states listed are ones who have either turned a blind eye to illegal immigration i.e. the modern day slave trade, or are being overwhelmed by illegals But far be it from me to suggest Pax Americana.

I think we should fast track women and children victimized when they come over here fro citizenship and make more spaces available for law abiding Latin Americans fleeing a third world hellholes. Then we should give the death penalty to anyone who transports children over the border for prostitution, but I’m a “wingnut fascist”, what do I know?

America Close to Civil War?

I was out and about yesterday with my wife and we stopped at several stores that sell guns and ammo because I’m trying to decide if it would be cheaper to order my ammo off the Internet and pay a big shipping charge or buy here. Because I’m in the market for unusual rounds (.410 Buckshot, 20ga Buckshot, .327 Federal Magnum) I have to check around to find what I need. What I found is a series of big box sporting goods stores like Dick’s and Sports Authority desperately short on inventories and even some of the better gun stores here light on the most common calibers. A few months ago a pawn shop owner told me there were a lot more gun purchases because of the election, but frankly there is more to it than that.

We live in a deeply divided country politically, but more importantly we live in a time when the the left has spent years demonizing the right and with the left’s near monopoly on the media we have generations of young people who literally think I and many of my readers simply don’t deserve to live. We’ve all felt it, I have the death threats to prove it and that palpable sense of menace, the recurring incidents of left on right violence here, is one of the reasons I moved from just owning shotguns to buying a handgun.

In normal times the rule of law constrains the rabid foot soldiers of the left, leaving them to the occasional assault after which they are arrested and dealt with. But as the economy flounders, and the thin veneer of civilization slips from society the left is becoming more lawless, and the right more aware of how close we are to the brink. Now many governors are asserting their state rights in the face of a “stimulus” package that includes modifications to existing state laws and the left is predictably demonizing those governors.

Is it me or does this sound familiar:

In the first five weeks of his presidency, Barack Obama has acted so rashly that at least 11 states have decided that his brand of “hope” equates to an intolerable expansion of the federal government’s authority over the states. These states — “Washington, New Hampshire, Arizona, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, Oklahoma, California…Georgia,” South Carolina, and Texas — “have all introduced bills and resolutions” reminding Obama that the 10th Amendment protects the rights of the states, which are the rights of the people, by limting the power of the federal government. These resolutions call on Obama to “cease and desist” from his reckless government expansion and also indicate that federal laws and regulations implemented in violation of the 10th Amendment can be nullified by the states.

Why are these states (my new home included) rejecting the money? Mostly because the money comes with strings attached that will hurt the states in the future, but it is also justifiable fear of a Federal Government which is printing money to cover its bills, that will give $900,000,000 in aid to the Palestinians Islamists and is taking active steps to make us less safe. This government is trying to enact sweeping national laws which would result in a defacto gun ban as Cartel Violence spills into Texas from a fatally destabilized Mexico. States are fearful that Obama’s quasi-Socialist administration is going to encroach on the rights of it’s citizens:

For example, Family Security Matters reports that Missouri’s “House Concurrent Resolution 0004 (2009) reasserts its sovereignty based on Barack Obama’s stated intention to sign into law a federal ‘Freedom of Choice Act’, [because] the federal Freedom of Choice Act would nullify any federal or state law ‘enacted, adopted, or implemented before, on, or after the date of [its] enactment’ and would effectively prevent the State of Missouri from enacting similar protective measures in the future.”

The resolution in Montana grew out of concerns over coming attacks on the 2nd Amendment, thus its preface describes it as, “An Act Exempting From Federal Regulation Under The Commerce Clause Of The Constitution Of The United States A Firearm, A Firearm Accessory, Or Ammunition Manufactured And Retained In Montana.”

New Hampshire’s resolution actually references certain federal actions that would be nullified within that state were they pushed by Obama’s administration, according to americandaily.com. Among these are “Any act regarding religion; further limitations on freedom of political speech; or further limitations on freedom of the press, [and any] further infringements on the right to keep and bear arms including prohibitions of type or quantity of arms or ammunition.

Understand what is happening here. Eleven States are telling a wildly popular authoritarian philosophically Marxist federal government that has already announced their intention to forever alter our country in their “Hope and Change” campaign that the states will not allow the Federal government to implement its program. With a charismatic leader who has mobilized the radical left around him in a way no other leader has, this is a recipe for Civil War, especially as the economy, and rule of law, continues to flounder.

But in this new civil war I’m with the States. What about you?

I hope the states can assert their authority peacefully, but with a world in chaos I fear what the reaction of the left will be when they do. And judging by the ammo shortage here so do a lot of other people.

NYU Protesters Unaware of How Hilariously Funny They Are

Par for the course in any college nowadays we find emotionally stunted “activists” creating a fantasy world of high drama which comes crashing down around them when the rest of the world doesn’t play along. Bear in mind while watching this video the person filming is A) Not an NYU student and B) Supposedly male. Here’s some critical reviews to keep in mind while viewing, then I’ll expect some thoughts on how this video demonstrates the modality of power dynamics from the perspective of “othered” bourgeoisie in post-modern American academia.

Allahpundit: “To be this far over the line into self-parody and yet somehow oblivious to it is hard to fathom; it feels like satire, but it isn’t.”

Greg Gutfeld: “This footage should be mandatory viewing for every young person in America. If the person watching sympathizes with these students, then you know she or she is beyond hope.”

Stick with it until the end, where the radical documentary film maker complains that the police “probably drink corporate water” as he safely tucks away his Apple Macbook. Awesome:


Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Skank Blames “Bad” Children for her “Need” to Get High

Shannon Kramer is the seemingly unemployed single mother whose 15-year-old daughter turned her in for getting high. A reporter caught up with the mother of the year who claimed that because her children had behavioral problems (how’d that happen?) she needs to get high to deal with them.

Nothing like knowing your mother thinks you’re so awful she can’t deal with you sober I bet. Kramer’s lucky her daughter just turned her into cops because frankly her kind of mothering usually ends badly, as in dead hooker in the woods badly.

At the end we find out that Shannon Kramer actually was charged with child neglect a couple of years ago when one of her kids wandered out of the house without her noticing. But of course if Pot was legal none of this would have happened, right guys?

h/t Breitbart

Oy Vey! “Journalist” Carol Forsloff Falls for “Wicca World’s Fastest Growing Religion” Hoax

Sigh. It’s as if people will believe anything these days, but in this case the theory simply isn’t true.

Gateway Pundit linked to this piece in Digital Journal which makes a number of false claims that anybody with “teh google” and a shred of integrity could have debunked had they not been too lazy. Instead Forsloff relies on the the author of Generation Hex (the anti-Wiccan Christian version, not the Generation Hex written by known racist and hack Jason Louv) Marla Alupoaicei who repeats a claim Wiccans themselves liked to blurt out in the 90s though there is no evidence this has ever been true.

Unlike the early days of Wicca (the 1950 and 1960s) Wicca is no longer a tradition a person needs to be initiated into (and thus trained) nor does it, unfortunately, have a standard set of values and dogma. As I’m quick to point out there are even Christian Wiccans these days, and there are Wiccans who believe in Atheism, Pantheism, and a stoic few even still believe in practicing Witchcraft although most Wiccans are now anti-Witchcraft. Anyone with a Pentagram can call themselves a Wiccan because the term is essentially meaningless.

In the same vein there is no central Wiccan authority who would be keeping count of converts, so how do we know so many new converts are in existence? We don’t. We don’t even know if there can be a few self-selecting studies done where young hipsters were asked about their religious preferences. We only know that people of various stripes claim that Wicca is growing faster than all other religions so we have to judge them by their credibility, and Forsloff’s credibility is lacking to say the least.

In a side bar Forsloff claims The Witches Bible by Janet and Stewart Farrar is, well, the Witch’s Bible. It isn’t. It is simply one of nearly a million books written about Wicca for a bloated market. I would bet Forsloff good money that if a study were commissioned we’d find most self-identified Wiccans have never read the book. Of course they might actually know the author’s names which Forsloff thinks is Janet and Stewart Farrara. A small mistake but indicative of the sloppy research Marla has put into this subject.

Much is made of Marla Alupoaicei’s expertise on Wicca in this article. She is claimed to be an expert on Wicca but why do people trust her evaluation so much? Forsloff provides a link to this Christian Post article where she speaks of her deep knowledge of Wicca:

During the hour-long chat, the authors fielded questions submitted to them regarding their new book, Generation Hex, which informs and equips Christians – especially parents – about Wiccan and New Age teachings.

To write the book, the authors interviewed neopagan conference practitioners, travelers to Salem, Mass., and current and former Wicca followers.

“We … talked to over 20 Wiccans in the process of Generation Hex to be as authentic as possible about the movement,” Burroughs noted during the chat.

20 Wiccans! By the gods, you are an expert. I suppose if I spoke to 20 Christians I would be an expert on Christian conversion patterns as well.

That’s not all of the hackery going on with Forsloff and company. The claim in her article that Wicca’s membership doubles every 30 months is unsupported and were I not a gentleman I’d say pulled from a certain orifice. The whole article is grade school level at best, and now thanks to the web will have to be debunked for decades to come.