World in Chaos Link Round-Up!

Remember all those people who claimed the world would be better off without America and our crass capitalist consumerism? You know, your sociology professor, that pot smoking boomer down the street and your Starbucks barista? Well, as you suspected, it turns out they had no idea what they were talking about. American consumption was driving the global economy including the emerging economies of China and India. The socialist European countries do not produce enough wealth to drive global spending.

Larry Elliot puts it best in his recent Guardian article on the plight of Asian markets:

Quite simply, the great engine of globalisation has gone into reverse. During the long boom, the US acted as the consumer of last resort: it sucked in exports from China and Japan. As China industrialised, it needed high-grade investment goods from Germany, and as prosperity spread in the world’s most populous country, there was strong demand for Japanese electronics, cars and consumer gizmos. Now that America has stopped spending, Chinese factories have closed. The knock-on effects of that are being felt in Tokyo and Hamburg.

In Japan, all the main industries are reporting decreases in exports of more than 40%. The big car companies – Toyota, Nissan and Honda – are really feeling the pinch: overseas sales by the transport equipment sector were down almost 54% on a year ago. What’s more, car sales are slumping everywhere: J­apanese exports to North America, Europe and the rest of Asia were all down by more than 50%.

He of course goes on to claim massive spending by the government will change all this in truly (and I hate the word but it’s perfect here) leftarded fashion but his information points to the harsh reality of Obama’s stimulus package and why it will fail on a global level. As taxes “on the rich” go up and more people jump on the dole (and limited budgets) we will stop buying high end foreign goods (as we already have) and that will tank the rest of the world’s economies. Given how the world is reacting now I dread what will happen when-American purchasing power really drops. Right now big box stores full of imported goods are still crowded, come this summer when that merchandise isn’t moving things will get worse than they are now.

And now they’re pretty bad:

Russian bombers buzzed Canada during Obama’s visit. Defense officials think that was a test of Canadian security when “our security attention would be focused in Ottawa around the president’s visit.”

Anti-globalization protesters are planning eat the rich demonstrations in Germany. I assume they’ll bring a Guillotine for the rich who their spokesman has claimed benefited from Globalization while the rest of Germany “suffered” (by being kept men and women of the state) at the hands of “unfair” trade agreements.

German leftist groups are already destroying the cars of “the rich” in an arson spree. It’s only a matter of time before they torch people.

The new White House Budget Director told Neil Cavuto massive deficits were “beneficial” to America. A federal panel yesterday released a report calling for gas tax hikes and charging motorists by the mile for driving.

Strapped for cash and unable to combat the Mexican cartels, the feds are going to let states legalize pot if they want. It’ll be amusing to see the looks on legalization proponents faces when drug gangs don’t disappear, but begin legally setting up shop and destabilizing America as they did in Mexico. But hey, we can get high, who cares if the bodega down the street is burned and the owner’s daughters raped for not paying protection money to gangs, right guys?

Despite massive government intervention, U.S. and world economies are racing into depressions.

Meet our new Director of National Intelligence. Chas Freeman was the president of the Middle East Policy Council which published a textbook claiming Muslims discovered America before Columbus or the Vikings (and that the Iroquois were Muslims!) and runs a magazine known for viciously anti-Semitic propaganda.

Biden wants to destroy the coal industry, and thus most cities’ ability to have reliable power.

EU insiders are afraid that European countries’ attempts to save their own economies will hurt the “Eurozone” and are trying to stop them.

And of course gun stores can’t keep arms and ammo on the shelves. The Mrs. and I are in fact going to be spending the entire weekend putting food, water and ammo into our larder. No matter what happens now it’s pretty clear the world is slipping into chaos and the governments of the world are only making things worse.

Are you ready for that?

The Death of Manliness: College Student Michael Tracey Cries, Runs to Parents After Getting Himself Arrested

We simply don’t produce men the way we used to in this country. My grandfather who died a few years ago was a quiet man who loved fishing, had a dry wit and prided himself on doing his own thing with dignity. At his funeral the reverend talked about seeing my Grandfather walking along the road in upstate New York on some errand and when offered a ride he’d decline because he simply liked to take the 2 mile walk to play the numbers.

He was almost 80 at that time. Kids today need Segways to run the malls.

I’d seen the man I called “Pop” get a hook in the finger, slam his hand with a hammer and hurt himself in a variety of ways we men often do and aside from some color language his reaction was always what I think is a proper man’s reaction, a joke and a chuckle while administering first aid. Men are, above all else, supposed to be able to deal with discomfort stoically and gracefully.

Michael Tracey did not, apparently, have the benefit of such an example, as video of his arrest is being circulated by his friends as evidence of him being brutally victimized by the police after attempting to attack Ann Coulter. The video shows no such thing, merely a grown man who must think of himself as the most delicate of flowers screaming like little a French girl as he resists arrest while the heroically patient police try their best not to laugh at his melodramatic hysterics. Observe:

Ewing Police arrest student at Ann Coulter lecture

That his friends and family can watch this and think that Michael Tracey was abused by anything other than his own effeminacy and his parents coddling speaks volumes on why New Jersey, and America, has such a dearth of men. Since at least the 90s we’ve been turning our young men into simpering, mincing quasi-adults who have no pride, dignity or sense of self. When I was young I wouldn’t dare cry while being arrested in front of a woman, I’d smirk rakishly and throw her a wink. After all, what’s more enticing to young women than that trouble making rebel who their parents would hate?

Instead Tracey cries like he was thrown off the Rock of Love Bus and then begs the same women who I can only assume will never sleep with him for fear he’ll burst into tears after orgasm to support his quest for justice, which according to reports is a demand they not charge him with the crime which got him arrested in the first place. Gods help us if he ends up in court, we’ll need to provide him with a swooning couch and smelling salts.

What the hell has happened to us?

Obama Plans Assault Weapon Ban!


I warned all you Libertarians, Paulnuts and Alex Jones groupies that you should hold your noses and vote Republican in this election, but you said “No way man, besides if Obama wins the Democrats will move to the center to keep power!” which you knew in your hearts was bull. Now they’ve announced their desire to make “some changes” to gun laws, including a ban on the sale of assault weapons no doubt in preparation for rounding up non-Obamunists when the so-called stimulus bill collapses the economy.

From Obama propagandist Jason Ryan of ABC, who tries to sugar coat the latest gun grab:

The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today.

“As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons,” Holder told reporters.

Holder said that putting the ban back in place would not only be a positive move by the United States, it would help cut down on the flow of guns going across the border into Mexico, which is struggling with heavy violence among drug cartels along the border.

“I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum.” Holder said at a news conference on the arrest of more than 700 people in a drug enforcement crackdown on Mexican drug cartels operating in the U.S.

Mexican government officials have complained that the availability of sophisticated guns from the United States have emboldened drug traffickers to fight over access routes into the U.S.

A State Department travel warning issued Feb. 20, 2009, reflected government concerns about the violence.

“Some recent Mexican army and police confrontations with drug cartels have resembled small-unit combat, with cartels employing automatic weapons and grenades,” the warning said. “Large firefights have taken place in many towns and cities across Mexico, but most recently in northern Mexico, including Tijuana, Chihuahua City and Ciudad Juarez.”

So our Second Amendment Rights come second to Mexican security. I’m more sympathetic to Mexico than most people on the right and I say no way. Notice also that civilian semi-automatic assault rifles are not the problem in Mexico, as civilian owned “assault rifles” are already modified to keep them from automatic fire. This is the same lie the Democrats used in the 1990s and the media is promoting it again. The sales of automatic weapons are already prohibited – you need a special license from the ATF and only police and bonded security contractors can own grenades – and as far as I know they don’t own frags. The Cartels are not getting their military weapons from American gun shops.

Another lie is that the first AWB made it illegal to sell Assault rifles. It only made it illegal to import or produce more for sale and existing rifles were still legal. Holder’s phrasing should trouble us all, as it sounds like he’s getting ready to confiscate rifles that are on the market.

Why does Holder need to lie?

Ryan goes on:

During his confirmation hearing, Holder told the Senate Judiciary Committee about other gun control measures the Obama administration may consider.

“I think closing the gun show loophole, the banning of cop-killer bullets and I also think that making the assault weapons ban permanent, would be something that would be permitted under Heller,” Holder said, referring to the Supreme Court ruling in Washington, D.C. v. Heller, which asserted the Second Amendment as an individual’s right to own a weapon.

The Assault Weapons Ban signed into law by President Clinton in 1994 banned 19 types of semi-automatic military-style guns and ammunition clips with more than 10 rounds.

“A semi-automatic is a quintessential self-defense firearm owned by American citizens in this country,” LaPierre said. “I think it is clearly covered under Heller and it’s clearly, I think, protected by the Constitution.”

I like how he minimized the ban by including the number 19 so that AWB opponents look petty. But 19 types of weapons will in reality cover dozens of makes and models including specialty hunting rifles, aftermarket modifications on popular hunting and trapping models and will flat out eliminate the collecting of historical significant militaria. The AWB was used to strip WW II vets of their M1 Garands in New York City and will strip you of your semi-automatic hunting rifle now.

I’m not giving up my guns, what about you?

7th Grader Kidnapped and Raped from New Mexico School, Parents Not Notified

At first this story sounds like an easy indictment of the school but it turns out the school was never given the updated contact information for the girl’s parents. Having worked with children I know how hard it is to get parents to give you their cell numbers in case of emergency (many parents are under the impression that if the child needs to be suspended or if they are late picking up their kids they can buy themselves time by avoiding calls) but a case like this shows why you must make sure you are contactable if you have children in school or after-school programs.

The rapists had contact with the child before, so if the parent was able to be on-scene immediately he or she could have provided phone records to police right away. Since the rapists went to the home of one of the assailants, the girl may have been spared some of the abuse she suffered before facilitating her own escape:

Think Progress Attacks Rick Santelli with Death Threats and Anti-Semitism

Think Progress’ brown shirted net groupies’ reaction to Santelli’s great interview with G. Gordon Liddy is food for thought. Think Progress is already jumping to mademoiselle Obama’s defense (as they are paid by Soros to do) but even in that they expose their fascist roots. Dig this comment by one of their long time supporters Guido the Loving OBGYN:

The professional victim bit. Very lame. Like a gold-digging harlot who cries rape or a child playing one parent against another. Jeesh where do they find these people. Oh, on the ex-con Liddy show.

Classy. But coming from a man who links to this anti-American propaganda in his comments it’s hardly surprising he thinks women “cry rape” for money. The rest of the comments are equally demonizing, and go on to claim we on the right are pretending we’re close to a civil war.

I wish that were true.

First enjoy the interview, which will set the stage for the Think Progress hate fest:


Before you claim Santelli is hysterical to assume his life is in danger here’s a selection of Think Progress members thoughts:

.45 ACP posted this on Feb 24th at 12:14am

I’ve finally come to the conclusion that the only good republican is a dead republican.

Joe the Philosopher posted this on Feb 24th at 5:15am

Santelli is just another rich thug. Odds are good he’s a crackpot Zionist who thinks it’s okay to give billions to loser, Jewish owned and run banks but not to loser home owners. Okay to give money to Jewish owned and run investment banks, but don’t help the auto industry which employs millions of honest Americans.

I say we nail the Zionists to a cross.

coprogessive posted this on feb 23rd at 7:18pm

WOW! It’s amazing how quickly those well-to-do, gated estate living, conservative Repuglicans claim victimhood. Poor, poor baby.

“A conservative is a man who has plenty of money and don’t see any reason why he shouldn’t always have plenty of money” – Will Rogers

dburton posted this on Feb 23 at 7:07pm

Santelli needs psychiatric treatment! Actually, a lot of RepubliCons need psychiatric treatment.

republicans hate facts posted this on Feb 23 at 6:36pm


You get the idea. For more than 24 hours Think Progress has allowed death threats, anti-Semitism and threats to Santelli’s children to remain in their comments as they sit back and watch the frenzy their years of demonizing anti-republican propaganda has created.

Why shouldn’t Santelli be scared? Why shouldn’t we all?