Natalie Dylan May Have Chosen the Wrong Career


A little levity in these dark times. The above is apparently one Natalie Dylan who made headlines when she decided to fund her Masters Degree by selling off her virginity. At this point the bids on her auction have supposedly hit 3.7 million dollars. Her sister funded her own degree by hooking, a word Natalie shies away from using in the reports.

The funny thing about this story is that Natalie’s chosen field for her studies is Family and Marriage Therapy. That’s right. A woman who thinks hooking online and meeting some strange man for sex is perfectly acceptable will then advise couples and families on how to run their relationships. Is this irony?

As an aside though an attractive woman by any standard is she 3.7 Million dollars attractive?


I’m voting no.

You Can Crash on My Couch (or Hide in My Attic) if You Need To: A Message to My Jewish Friends

Looks pretty bad out there, huh? In less than twenty years we’ve shifted in this country from considering anti-Semitism a sure sign of barbarity to having the left use it as a valid political point. Twenty years ago (and I was in high school so I was fairly naive) I would have told a person who claimed there would be pogroms in Europe against Jews starting up in the 21st century that they were paranoid, stupid or likely a combination of both. I would have been wrong.

The left, specifically the left in this country, has managed to cover up some of its very dark early history, as Jonah Goldberg’s book Liberal Fascism admirably exposes. Some, but not all, and despite the “moderate” left Democrats long using the Ku Klux Klan as a paramilitary wing, right up into the 70s as a matter of fact, and despite the “Hard Left” being quite open about wanting to overthrow our country and establish a Soviet or Maoist style government (neither of which were welcoming to Jews, Gays or other minorities) Jews have long believed themselves at home on the left and have recruited other disenfranchised communities to join them.

In return the left, along with their Islamist allies, are preparing the way for a second Holocaust not just in Israel, but in Europe and even on our own shores. You think I’m hysterical? Over the weekend this was the news:

At yesterday’s NYC Gaza rally at least seven police officers were injured and Atlas has a report that a couple was physically attacked by Muslims while police stood by powerless to do anything.

A waiter in Woodbury, N.Y. ruined a Jewish wedding by blasting a tape of Muslims shouting Allah Akbar over the PA system.

Synagogues were vandalized in Chicago. Hey, wasn’t leftist group Rise Up planning attacks on Synagogues last week?

In Oslo, the Muslim/Leftist protesters showed up to a Pro-Israel rally with knives, bats and molotov cocktails and they used them on innocent people. Also in Oslo, Pro-Palestinian protesters used their children as shields to ward off police. Neocon Express has video.

Sweden’s Social Democrat party is openly supporting Hamas and had members in attendance at several violent rallies.

French Synagogues were fire bombed in France.

In Denmar, protesters chanted “We want to kill all the Jews. All Jews should be slain, they have no right to exist.

Muslims took the streets from the police in London in a brazen display designed to show the world who the real power is in England.

Francesca Segal in The Guardian wrote that she no longer feels safe as a Jew in England.

In Spain pro-Hamas protesters brandished guns and were photographed carrying a sign that says “You can put my mortgage up your Holocaust.” Barcepundit has more.

The U.N. General Assempbly President has claimed Jews are “like Nazis.” Therefore they get what’s coming to them I suppose.

As Gates of Vienna says, it’s 1932 in Europe. But this time, America is no safe haven as the Left/Islamist alliance pushes European style anti-Semitism into the American mainstream. And when they’re done with the Jews it will be Gays, Republicans, Libertarians, Christians, Pagans and any other group that might not fit into their nihilistic vision of a Communist state propped up by a violent population of Islamic Imperialists.

The time to draw a line in the sand is now, and it is time for new alliances if the Post-Enlightenment West is to survive. Abandon your pre-conceived notions of the Right if you’re a Liberal Jew and know that while many on the right make room for Classical Liberalism (and clearly for FDR style policies) the left will have less and less room for those their new allies are bred to hate. You will soon be expelled by the left and no amount of debate will derail the genocidal ambition of the modern Islamists, and the left is more likely to help them than stand up to them.

And what of the rest of us? This violence is a call to action. Just as the Republicans fought to free the slaves despite being despised until this day for doing so, it is time for the Right to stand with Israel not just in word but in deed. Synagogues need protection, our Jewish friends need support and Israel needs us.

We must attend rallies, we must take up collections to help rebuild the houses of worship being destroyed, and if need be we must fight. When a young couple is surrounded and attacked by Leftists or Muslims we can no longer wait for the police to stop it. We must be as militant as the left is and the time for polite disagreement is over. If we do as the Europeans did prior to WWII and wait for things to get better, who will we turn to when they don’t?

Muslims Already Turning on Barack Obama

Did you know Obama was a Zionist agent and perhaps the Muslim Anti-Christ known as the Dejjal? Not only that, he’s apparently got something to do with the Reptilian masters of the New World Order. Or something.

And you lefties though Obama would usher in a new era of Hope and Changery that would heal the divide between the West and Islamists. Not quite baby. Here’s a video by Hashems Films detailing Obama’s pro-Zionist reptillianism:


Wow. Confusing and murky but the ultimate message is clear. Obama is a Zionist and worse helped G.W. Bush write new verses to a bad karaoke song. Can you deny he’s the Dejjal now?

How about afer this video from a Zakah1. He’s got it all figured out:


That’s just part one of nine clips that are too tedious to watch. There’s more if you look which raises the question: How is Obama going to bring us more goodwill from Muslims if there is already a movement within Islam to declare him as bad as Bush?

We Need More Republicans Like Michele Bachmann


Congresswoman Bachmann just released this statement on her website:

Today, U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN-6) reaffirmed her support for the people of Israel and voted for the bipartisan resolution, H.Res. 34, which recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks by Hamas, reiterates the United States’ strong support for Israel, and supports the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

In debating this resolution, Bachmann stated:

“The current conflict in Gaza has drawn worldwide attention and concern. No one likes to see the destruction, the loss of life, the grief. But, Israel was pushed into a corner with no other option than to defend and protect its people. Now, it is time that Congress put its words into action and stand strong behind our most valuable ally, Israel.

The extremist views that support terrorism and violence are the biggest threat to both our nations. Terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Islamic Jihad actively foster violence and hinder the peace process in the Mideast. These acts endanger the entire global community, most of all the peace-loving people who live in the Middle East. These are not only Israelis, but also Palestinians. They deserve a chance for a peaceful life and a future for their children. Terrorists work to block such chances.

The people of Israel have been victims of violence and hatred for far too long. It is imperative that the leaders of America do everything in their power to foster an environment with the Middle East that promotes peace and understanding. The future of America and Israel depend on it.”

Exactly. I’m proud our elected officials are standing by Israel and prouder still there are Republicans like Michele Bachmann willing to stand up for Israel when so many Americans are willing to devolve into rank anti-Semitism.

She’s on Twitter and YouTube. Check her out.