Hamas Barbarity Update for My Friends at The First Post

Some “journalist” from The First Post used my blog as an example of bad faith righty pro-Israel propaganda for posting this video of Hamas attacking a wedding:


The First Post’s Blogfinder General goes on to “debunk” the claims made in the video (and shown) by giving us the official Hamas line of the story:

According to a Reuters report of August 11, 2007, 20 people were injured and four were arrested for questioning. The Jerusalem Post reported on August 13, 2007 that five guests were detained “for several hours”, but there was no killing.

They were detained not for singing and dancing, but because they were leading members of Fatah. The breaking up of the wedding party occurred at a time of heightened tension between Hamas and Fatah, when Hamas had banned fireworks, celebratory gunfire and overly noisy gatherings.

Does that justify what occurred at the wedding? No. But nor is it justified to misrepresent this incident as a rampage by “animals” who murder people for listening to music. Melanie Phillips appears to have removed her link to the video; but she hasn’t issued an apology yet.

Since Mathew Hopkins, I mean Brenden O’Neill is such the expert on truth one is surprised to see him make the dishonest implication in his report that Melanie Phillips should apologize for something I said. I have said Hamas are animals and barbarians which now that I think of it is an insult to animals and barbarians. For that I’ll never apologize.

But O’Neill demonstrates in his distortion why I will believe my lying eyes and an angry Arab Christian over any so-called journalist covering the middle east. He wanted to prove that there was some sort of moral equivalency between people calling for the destruction of the Jewish state and people who call a group that has the destruction of all Jews worldwide as a part of their charter evil. If he cannot see the difference between supporting Israel and Hamas, how can we trust him to be “fair” about reporting.

Well clearly he can’t since he seems to imply Phillips is sharing in my “guilt” in a way suspiciously similar to how so many “peace” protesters have been targeting Jews in Europe and America for punishment because they, to their hate filled minds, share in Israel’s “guilt.” See how I did that Brenden? I linked you to these Neo-Nazis in a seamless and dishonest way, like you connected Phillips to me.

But since you won’t admit to the first video showing the truth about Hamas here’s another for you:


Wow, that was a lot of single gunshots in the background. I wonder what those were? But didn’t you love the surprise ending where Hamas backs a truck up to their victims’ houses to steal their stuff? Why wouldn’t we think they were legitimate?

Ever see how the whole human shield thing works?


Here’s another one. Check out 1:10 where a Hamas fighter busts a cap in a stone throwing civilian:


At least the Israelis use rubber bullets. But I guess this is more propaganda.But isn’t it funny how Hamas seems to be able to get themselves in these videos that show them in a bad light so often?

U.S. Military Warning of Possible “Sudden Collapse” of Mexican State!

Sure wish there was some sort of physical structure we could use to ensure violence from a failed state didn’t spill over into America. What do you call that? Oh yeah, a fence. Sure could use one of those now:

EL PASO – Mexico is one of two countries that “bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse,” according to a report by the U.S. Joint Forces Command on worldwide security threats.

The command’s “Joint Operating Environment (JOE 2008)” report, which contains projections of global threats and potential next wars, puts Pakistan on the same level as Mexico. “In terms of worse-case scenarios for the Joint Force and indeed the world, two large and important states bear consideration for a rapid and sudden collapse: Pakistan and Mexico.

“The Mexican possibility may seem less likely, but the government, its politicians, police and judicial infrastructure are all under sustained assault and press by criminal gangs and drug cartels. How that internal conflict turns out over the next several years will have a major impact on the stability of the Mexican state. Any descent by Mexico into chaos would demand an American response based on the serious implications for homeland security alone.”

Mexico has already descended into chaos with military troops battling drug gangs who can equal them in firepower and manpower. Border Patrol has publicly stated that they have plans in place to deal with the expected spillover of drug violence in a statement meant to calm border state residents fears.

John Robb Author of Brave New War has a good post breaking down the basics of why we should be concerned about this, and his blog Global Guerrillas is worth perusing to fully understand why this isn’t simply a “drug war” on our border and solutions aren’t as easy as legalizing pot.

Man Sells 14-Year-Old Daughter for Beer in California

In the argument for assimilationist policies regarding immigration there can be no more poignant evidence of the superiority of American culture than how many cultures treat women. Multiculturalism pretends that all cultures are equal, which in practice means we must accept this sort of depravity on our own soil:

A California man is under arrest for allegedly trying to sell his 14-year-old daughter into marriage for 100 cases of beer and other items. Police say 36-year-old Marcelino De Jesus Martinez arranged for his daughter to marry an 18-year-old man for several cases of Corona beer, 50 cases of Negra Modelo, six bottles of wine, fifty cases of soft drinks and 50 cases of Gatorade. Several cases of meat were also promised.

The daughter moved in with the man, but the father never received payment so he called police. Police brought the daughter home along with a surprise for the father; an arrest warrant. De Jesus Martinez and the 18-year-old are both in jail charged with felonies. The father is charged with receiving money for causing person to cohabitate and the other man is charged with statutory rape.

Police say arranged marriages are common in many cultures and are not against the law as long as both people are over the legal age.

The father didn’t know what he was doing was illegal, mainly because we kid glove immigrants and allow them to ghettoize themselves instead of trying to assimilate them into American culture, which includes the knowledge that a little girl is worth more than a months worth of beer.

But I guess thinking that makes me a racist.

h/t Moonbattery

Blood Libel Watch: Degenerates Claim Jews Eat Babies, Target Ambulances

Atlas brings us video of a man in a Nazi-esque Jew mask apparently miming eating dead babies during a U.K. protest. Pam asks, where is the international outrage? There is none because the left and their Muslim allies have spent the last decade and a half mainstreaming anti-Semitism. Watch and be disgusted:


That’s what these peace loving Muslims and Leftists think of you if you’re Jewish.

The Swedish Red Cross has also claimed Israel is targeting them. I say it’s time to divest from the Jew hating European Red Cross. Call your local Red Cross and demand that they disassociate themselves from the rank anti-Israeli politicizing of their counterparts via a statement at least. If They’re O.K. with being associated with groups that help propagandize for Hamas, I’m not O.K. with donating to their group.

If this is the kind of propaganda “peace” protesters are comfortable with, what kind of solutions are they willing to accept? A final one perhaps?

British Police Fleeing from Pro-Hamas Demonstrators

This is the video I alluded to in yesterday’s post. I watched the entire thing twice afterward and think it’s worth giving it’s own post:


Gateway Pundit is reporting that these “peace” demonstrations have already racked up over a million pounds worth of damage:

Taxpayers face a bill of more than £1million after violence erupted during a weekend of demonstrations over the Israeli military action in Gaza.

Extremists were blamed for clashes which broke out near the Israeli embassy in London, as tens of thousands marched in protest over Israel’s offensive.

Police believe a small number of activists tried to hijack the demonstration and turn it into a riot.

Shop windows were smashed and police pelted with bricks and bottles by masked youths near the embassy in Kensington during the largest demonstration against Israel’s military action. Protesters smashed up a police van before torching an Israeli flag.

Many are thought to have travelled to London with the aim of causing anarchist mayhem at Saturday’s demonstration, organised by the Stop the War Coalition.

It is believed coachloads of Muslim youths with Pakistani origins attended the demonstration after being driven from Yorkshire and the Midlands.

Right. This was a small group that “hijacked” the protest not a stark example of the break down of law and order in England. If you can leave England, now is the time to do so. If you don’t think so just watch the video.