Ann Coulter on Rush Limbaugh

Frankly I’m not a Limbaugh fan though I like Ann Coulter. Hot Air posted Limbaugh’s interview with Coulter in four parts but the first part is the most interesting. She makes the point that White liberals minimize the historical injustice of slavery and segregation by claiming equal victim status to Black Americans.

Good stuff and sure to hit a nerve with the White Liberal elite. Think White liberals don’t die a little inside whenever their imaginary solidarity with Black folks is called into question? Just check the first few comments of on this Pandagon post about MachoSauceProductions and tell me Coulter doesn’t have White liberals pegged in her new book Guilty: Liberal “Victims”and Their Assault on America.



The rest are at Hot Air.

Parents of the Year Discipline 9-Year-Old Daughter With S&M Sessions


Juan and Dawn Corral deserve to be executed if these charges are true. If you’re squeamish don’t read this:

BULLHEAD CITY, Ariz. — A girl’s parents were arrested Wednesday on suspicion they severely beat and abused the 9-year-old, including forcing her to eat naked on the floor “like a dog,” Bullhead City police said.

Juan Corral Jr., the girl’s stepfather, was booked into the Mohave County Jail in Kingman on charges of sexual contact with a minor, sexual molestation of a minor, endangerment per domestic violence and aggravated assault per domestic violence.

Dawn Corral, 32, was arrested on charges of child abuse per domestic violence, endangerment per domestic violence and aggravated assault per domestic violence.

The abuse occurred while the family lived in Bullhead City between December 2007 and February 2008, said Emily Montague of the Bullhead City Police Department.

The victim was then 8 years old, Montague said.

The girl was also forced to remove her clothing and eat her dinner on the floor “like a dog” and made to go to the bathroom on the floor “like a dog,” Montague said.

During a week in January 2008, Corral Jr. punched and slapped the victim in the head and punched her in the stomach numerous times, Montague said. The victim was so severely beaten, she missed an entire week of school because her body was badly bruised, Montague said.

Corral Jr. also inappropriately touched her as another form of “discipline,” Montague said.

The victim’s mother stood by and watched the abuse and did nothing to protect her daughter, Montague said.

So the story here is that this woman pimped out her little girl to her new husband and watched him torture the girl and molest her. Is it just me or does it seem like we’re pretty much at the end of Western Civilization?

h/t Trench

Christian Girls Drugged and Sold as Sex Slaves in Pakistan

Since much of the Muslim immigration into England is from Pakistan stories like this go a long way toward explaining the lawlessness, misogyny and savagery that characterizes urban England. From Assyrian International News Agency:

The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that two Christian girls in Pakistan have finally been rescued after two Muslim men kidnapped them two months ago, raped them repeatedly, forcibly converted them to Islam, and sold them to other men as sex slaves.

Sisters Parvisha, 18, and Sanam, 14, received a call in November 2008 from their neighbor, Muhammad Irfan, offering them training in cosmetology and jobs in his beauty salon. Parvisha, the oldest of seven children, convinced her father, Pastor Sharif Alam, to allow her to take the opportunity so that she could help support their struggling family. Irfan told the girls that he would come to pick them up since they did not know where his shop was.

Kidnappers Drug, Rape, and Force Sisters to Accept Islam

On November 12, 2008, Irfan picked the girls up with the help of another man, Muhammed Mehboob, drove them 30 minutes away from home and stopped to get drinks. The girls’ drinks were heavily drugged and when the sisters came to they found themselves locked in a small hotel room almost 500 miles away from their home in Gujranwala. At gunpoint, the girls were told that if they tried to escape or made any noise they and all of their family would be killed. During the night, each man raped both girls.

The next day the men drove the sisters to Karachi where they stayed at Mehboob’s brother-in-law’s house. There they repeatedly raped both girls over several days and then took them to an Islamic religious school where they forced them to convert to Islam. Parvisha and Sanam were given Muslim names and told that if they cooperated they would be released soon.

Irfan and Mehboob then took the sisters to a local law office. They met with two lawyers, Nayer Zia-Ul-Din and Kokab Sahab-Ul-Din, and told them that both girls had embraced Islam and wished to stay in a government run shelter home for women. The lawyers asked the girls to sign a blank sheet. Irfan told the girls that the lawyers would present them in the court tomorrow and then they would be free to go. Irfan and Mehboob then left, leaving the girls with the two lawyers.

Lawyers Rape Parvisha after Promising a Safe Place to Stay

The lawyers told Parvisha and Sanam that since they had no place to spend the night, they could come with them and stay with their family. They took the girls to their apartment but there were no other family members present, and when the girls asked about it, they were told that everyone was attending a family function and would be back before midnight. They gave them a room to sleep.

The lawyers waited until both girls fell asleep and then dragged Parvisha into another room where they raped her. Sanam woke up when she heard someone crying and yelling for help. She ran out of the room and saw both lawyers inserting electrical equipment into Parvisha’s private parts.

While Sanam was looking for a weapon she could use to defend her sister, she saw a cell phone lying on the table, grabbed the phone and dialed the emergency mobile police number. Within no time the police arrived and arrested Kokab Sahab-Ul-Din. An FIR was registered against him. Parvisha was immediately taken to the hospital. Sanam called her father from the police station, informing him of the situation. Pastor Sharif Alam rushed to Karachi to bring his daughters back home.

Muslim Mob Defends Rapists, Attacks Girls’ Father

Pastor Alam then contacted a Christian legal group called CLAAS for help. On December 31, the CLAAS team visited Pastor Alam and his family to ascertain what had happened. While they were still talking to the victims and their family a large crowd of about 35 people gathered outside the house. They chanted for the pastor to hand the newly “converted” girls over to the custody of local Muslim authorities.

The crowd quickly became hostile and started throwing bricks and stones at Pastor Alam’s house. When Pastor Alam and a representative of CLAAS went out to talk to the crowd, someone shot at them but hit a bystander.

Immediately, Pastor Alam called the local police, but not before the mob had seized Pastor Alam’s son Sheraz and severely beat him. The police arrived as the angry mob was trying to break into Pastor Alam’s house and dispersed the crowd, arresting three people responsible for the attack.

Since then, Pastor Alam has reported that his son in-law, Stian Akram Khokhar, has been missing. He believes that the Irfan and Mehboob are responsible and are threatening him to back off the case.

Muslims have turned Pakistan into hell on earth for Christians and any woman they have their eye on. This explains a lot about recent events in England.

h/t J Grant Swank

Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Degenerate Kills Girlfriend and Her Four Children

Fox is reporting that Joshua Steven Durcho has been picked up in Texas by police after allegedly murdering his girlfriend and her four kids. Surprise! He has a record, including doing a four year bit for marijuana possession.

In this video report the victim’s ex (and the father of one of the children, my heart goes out to the guy) talks about Durcho’s drugging being responsible, and a friend of Joshua’s who “drank beers” with him said he was freaking out about his responsibilities. No surprise there, in large doses marijuana (or really the THC in marijuana) can worsen depression and other psychiatric illnesses.

Via Breitbart:

Heavy pot smoking has also lowered the activity of the inferior frontal cortex in volunteers for The Institute for Psychiatry. This area of the brain inhibits inappropriate behavior and limits paranoia. Decreased activity there can lead to all sorts of behavioral problems. And perhaps murder.

Surprise! Man Who Sold 14-year-Old Daughter an Illegal Immigrant

I speculated when I first posted this story that this was a case of unassimilated illegals actually not knowing what they were doing was wrong. The lovely multicultural tapestry liberals blather about covers up the unacceptable abuse of women raised by people happy to escape the third world but hell bent on bringing the worst parts of it with them. The girl is in protective custody, and hopefully will be fostered or adopted by a family that teaches her that she’s not an item to be bartered.

Watch and weep: