Ashton Kutcher Kicks off Liberal Fascism 2.0

In an essay written on the 5th grade level Ashton Kutcher, the embodiment of “beta” maledom, introduced his “Pledge” drive wherein he and a bunch of celebrities (and in some cases we use the term loosely) take what Micheal Goldfarb of The Weekly Standard aptly describes as a”creepy loyalty oath” to Obama.

Some of the goals they claim to now be dedicated to achieving, like ending modern day slavery and helping food banks (both of which I am already involved in) are laudable, or I should say they would be if these mincing cretin had cared to be involved before. Waiting for Barack Obama to be elected before you’ve ever donated to a food bank not only smacks of a weird cultishness, but it pretty much makes you a bad person.

For the record, the New York Food Bank is one of the most worthwhile charities you can give to, feeding literally hundreds of New Yorkers. You probably have a food bank or other programs in your area, but if you don’t consider helping them out. And you can do so without pledging to be a “servant” to Barack Obama as the people do in this video below. Watch the whole thing, it becomes progressively (no pun intended) more disturbing as it goes on:


After watching the video, and how easily supposed dissidents in the entertainment industry have slipped into their cultural jackboots, I understand why the left reacts so strongly to Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism. It’s like having the playbook of the opposing football team.

Victimless Crime File: Semi-Lucid Jew-Hating Stoner Going to Jail After Posting Assassination Fantasy on Conspiracy Website

I picked this story specifically to get my buddy Del Simmons, who went all Helter Skelter on me in the comments of my last Victimless Crime File post, to explain to me how long term drug use doesn’t make people retarded. Word on the virtual street is that Steven Joseph Christopher liked the weed which I would suggests explains why he’d post this load of crap on conspiracy mongering website

ok we have 6 days until my Presidential Assasination.

Yes, I have decided I will assasinate Barack Obama. It’s really nothing personal about the man. He speaks well, has a loving although controlling wife and two cute daughters. But I know it’s for the country’s own good that I do this. And I’m not racist either, my family is a little, but isn’t all Italian and european families? I mean how many times have you heard the word nigger in the comforts of your home? I have a lot, and it really bothered me and I would confront them about it. No, it’s not because I’m racist that I will kill Barack, it’s because I can no longer allow the Jewish parasites to bully their way into making the American people submit to their evil ways. How many of you Obama supporters are now disappointed after some of his arm-twisted Jewish appointee decisions??? Make’s you think he’s not really in charge(which he isn’t). No it’s the same old, same old filthy muther-fucking kikes who are poisoning America, who have murdered thousands of innocent lives on 9-11-01, and are thinking that they are going to get away with it again.

Barack, I view more as a sacrificial lamb, but the sacrifice MUST take place. He had good intentions, but like the Steve Taylor song goes, “a politician next door, swore, he’d set the Washington arena on fire, thinks he’ll gladiate them, but they’re gonna make him a liar.”

So, I’m stuck here in Mississippi, and I’ll need bus fare or some way of getting to Washington. I don’t own a gun, so maybe someone can give me one. And I’ll need a leak in the secret service to get a close up shot, somewhere close to the podium, since I’ve never fired a gun, so I need to get an easy shot off. Wattdysay fellas? Any help?

You all know we can’t live with the jewscum anylonger, dont cha? You got a better solution? I’m all ears.


One of my points to Del Simmons is that the drug culture is dangerous and would be even if drugs were legalized. The drug culture has fueled the growth of conspiracy theories and the attendant brain-eating businesses that have sprung up around them. is one of those businesses but luckily someone there was sane enough to alert someone to Christopher’s escalating behavior. Almost as if the people running the site aren’t kooks at all…

But here is where many would claim I have no definitive evidence of this guy being a stoner aside from those anonymous sources we bloggers are supposed to eschew. I will put forward that I know the glassyeyed look of a high person when I see one:


Still don’t think he’s a stoner?


Or you can check out his YouTube channel and decide for yourself. Or ask his “friends” from if he liked the weed.

Or his new friend Michael Crook, the inbred mutant responsible for the very worst of Internet douchebaggery (like the now defunct Forsake our Troops site and this charming YouTube video claiming all women that get raped actually asked for it) who has set up yet another hoax site where he claims to be raising money for Christopher’s bail. He also is alleged to be making death threats against the person he suspects ratted Stevie out to the Secret Service. He in fact publishes a random person’s home address and notes it would be a good thing for “God should deliver her into a brother’s hand before she has a chance to testify.” Though I can’t confirm this I’ve seen references to Crook that imply he isn’t exactly straight edge.

Hmmm. Crook knows very little about Christopher which is clear in that he makes an appeal on behalf of White Supremacism when Christopher was very clear about not being anti-Black. It’s almost as if Crook, who is known for cashing in on Internet scams, sees the conspiracy types as marks for some reason. And therein, my good Mr. Simmons, is the second way in which the drug culture creates crime, or at least a pool of victims for crime. Drug users are the frequent targets of scams because unlike sober people they fall for them. If you don’t believe that, then go to a bar and see which girls go home with the ugly guys.

Or donate money to Crook’s site and see if it ever gets to Stevie.

So what do we have here? A stoner wasting Secret Service resources and ruining his life, a degenerate milking other dopers to pay for his own habits and an entire website full of basement dwellers convinced that Steven Christopher’s death threats were caused by, I kid you not, government mind control programs who are using this as a pretext to crack down on Internet free speech. But these people would have all been the same sans drug use and legalized drugs would make this situation better according to my honorable friend Del Simmons.

I don’t buy it.

I happen to like like Del Simmons and I respect his view but he, and anyone else who thinks drug use and drug users are harmless, is wrong. Whether it be from some Libertarian impulse or a lack of exposure to the drug culture there are many who claim that getting high is a “victimless crime” but it isn’t. Steven Christopher, who has a history of domestic violence by the way, proves that the drug culture produces people who aren’t capable of living productive lives that don’t financially and criminally burden the rest of us.

If drugs were legal that would not change.

h/t Trench

Women and Guns

Here’s a short report from a local news show on the growing number of women buying guns for self-defense I found at Theo Spark. Don’t get excited, everyone’s clothed:


Good stuff. It’s nice to see that in at least one area liberal doctrine has been replaced by common sense in one of the Democrats biggest constituencies. For the 20% of you who came expecting something a little more Theo Spark-esque when you saw the title, I’ll throw you a bone:


The Decline of Western Civilization: Taliban-Like Acid Attack on Woman in Texas


When you hear about acid attacks on women you automatically think of Islamic Imperialists like the Taliban who use the barbaric practice to fulfill their own sick and twisted desires and the mandates of their false god. But in Texas Tracy Escobedo emulated the depraved Muslim practice and threw acid on his girlfriend during an argument in an SUV. Or at least he tired to. His girlfriend, Darlene Stout, ducked the acid which then splashed all over her children who were in the back.

Before you feel bad for Darlene you should know that at that point, she and Tracy left the kids to die:

Needless to say if you see Tracy Escabedo alert authorities.

But how do we deal with people like Tracy? He obviously copied the acid attack idea from news stories that have been running on Afghanistan but those stories highlight the depravity of the acid attacks. How can our country survive when people like this will adopt the most barbaric practices of our enemies? Have we gone so far down the path of narcissistic nihilism that our criminals would rather use the practices of a devil-worshiping hate cult like the supposedly Muslim Taliban?

Today acid attacks, tomorrow we’ll be seeing women stoned to death. We are at the end of an age and chaos and anarchy are sure to follow.