Bigoted Lefty Harpy Thinks 9/11 Truthers and Che Guevara T-Shirts are an Embarrassment

Amanda Marcotte, a woman known to be a racist, said something interesting during a fellatious book review of pretentious anti-Semite Matt Taibbi’s The Great Derangement:A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics, and Religion. On speaking of Taibbi’s “adventures” undercover she makes this statement:

“…and he also spends a lot of time kicking around with 9/11 Truthers, the biggest political embarrassment to the left since the invention of Che Guevara T-shirts.”

Wow. One would think if one of the pillars of the Internet left was so embarrassed by Truthers and Commie-worship she’d tell her friends at DailyKos and Democratic Underground to stop encouraging it. Marcotte herself has been known to dabble in not only conspiracy theories but bizarre demonization fantasies of the right, as she does later in her post when she gets sidetracked trying to convince the world (and herself) how fabulous her life is. So fabulous we’re all just jealous of her:

“I think it’s absolutely true that culture war issues are meat thrown to wingnuts to get them into a frenzy of envy and hatred for the liberals with all the sex we’re having in between interesting parties with good food and conversation.”

My wife and I will be laughing about this one at our anniversary (together 19 years today!) dinner tonight at our favorite Indian restaurant. Though the above really needs no comment I will put forward that most people whose lives are filled with great sex and interesting parties are much more pleasant than Amanda Marcotte. And anyone who has ever felt the need to try to scrub the Internet of things she wrote to advance in her career, because said things went well beyond the bounds of partisan debate, is being hypocritical when they claim to be shame faced by some kid who doesn’t even really know who Che is putting on a t-shirt he got at the mall.

Marcotte’s venomous hatred for anyone with he temerity to disagree with her is typical on the left, and more to the point, a driving force for truthers. Many young truthers grew up being told Bush was evil, Bush lied, Republicans want to enslave them etc. Why would they then draw the line at a 9/11 conspiracy theory?

Taibbi’s book sacrifices truthers to attack Christians. By linking Christians to truthers Taibbi is doing little more than smirking his way through yet another character assassination against one of the only groups miscreants can still safely be publicly bigoted against. The truthers themselves though are a product, not of fringe leftism, but of the Left’s irrational anti-Bush/anti-Republican hatred. At a certain point the left needs to accept that if their strategy is to claim Republicans are capable of anything then there will be people who claim they’ve done anything and it’s a rum do indeed to have groomed them for years, filled out your rallies (and traffic) with them, and then suddenly decide now that you don’t need them and they are too embarrassing to be associated with.

What’s more if the left wants to make class warfare and “imperialism” central to their ideology then they are simply going to have to accept that Communists will fill their ranks. And commies love t-shirts with slogans on them.

Marcotte isn’t embarrassed by the embrace the left gave truthers and the Cult of Che when Republicans were in power, nor did she mind the ideological reach around Democrats, once a party willing to go to war to halt communism, gave to the dozens of front groups for the Worker’s World Party. Certainly Marcotte isn’t embarrassed by truther Cindy Sheehan, Castroite Medea Benjamin or Innsmouth’s own Susan Sarandon when she glares blankly into the camera of whatever B-list event she’s at and croaks “Bush lied-people died. Ia! Ia! Cthulu Ftagn!” so why are the rest of the truthers and commies different?

Perhaps because they don’t attend any fabulous parties?

Trutherism and Che worship were born from the left, not imported into it. Maybe that’s what Amanda Marcotte should be embarrassed about.

It is Muslims, Not Geert Wilders, that Incite Hatred of Islam

Geert Wilders is being prosecuted by his own country for releasing this film:


According to the European powers that be, this under ten minute video “incites hatred of Muslims” in people who see it. This is of course a blatant attack on the Enlightenment values of Western Civilization, but more to the point, it’s simply a falsehood. No truthful accounting of Islamic theological doctrine, no criticism of Islamic practices does more to make people fearful and even hateful of Muslims than the words and actions of Muslims themselves.

Islam is perceived as a backward, barbaric religion filled with hordes of criminals, rapists and slave traders. It is perceived that way because it is largely the truth. That’s not to say that all Muslims are criminals; to be sure Muslim women and children are as much the victims of the savagery of Islam as we are, and many Muslims secretly wish they could simply live their life as modern people. But those people are usually murdered by their brethren, which is what their religion demands good Muslims do to those who waver.

Islam is a legalistic system designed to allow men to indulge in their basest impulses, it enshrines rape, slavery, racial hatred and pedophilia. Islam is not simply different than Post-Enlightenment Western Civilization, it is the antithesis of it.

Here is a video of Muslims discussing Pedophilia:


It should be noted that the legal age for marriage in most Muslim countries is considerably lower than a civilized man would be willing to participate in. Here’s a noted “Marriage Officiant” from Saudi Arabia appearing on Lebanese television:


Odd. The good doctor isn’t being persecuted for inciting hatred of Islam and after watching him I was filled to the brim with disgust for the Koran and it’s followers. As do these stories:

Pakistani Muslims burn churches, torture Christians because Catholic man married a “Muslim” girl.

Harvard educated Iranian Muslim sliced sections out of priceless historical books in an attempt to obliterate the memory of the great pre-Islamic civilizations.

Australian Islamic Cleric says it’s O.K. to beat and rape your wife.

Christians extorted, raped and murdered by Hamas in Gaza.

The Taliban in Pakistan are threatening suicide attacks on people who play music, because music causes “mental agony in pious people.”

Muslim from Romania rapes English girl because he wanted to go to prison, where his brother was also being held for rape.

Jordan and other Middle Eastern countries won’t protect non-Muslim women from sexual slavery.

Muslims in Bangladesh gang-raped a pastor’s wife, then blamed Hindus even though the Pastor knew who did it.

That’s just a small sampling of recent news featuring the so-called Religion of Peace. Any rational person can see that it is the actions of Muslims themselves that drive fear and loathing of the cult of Mohammad. But Wilders is the one on trial, why?

Because Europeans have degenerated into the Dhimmi of Islamic ideology. Just as the Ottoman empire had Christian mercenaries willing to help spread the Caliphate, leftists in Europe and America are willing to assist their Muslim masters in exchange for a few pieces of silver and the illusionary promise of safety. It is a promise they don’t ultimately care if the Islamists keep, because they hope the Islamization of the West is a longer process than they will be around for. The people prosecuting Wilders, and the people here in America who apologize for Islamism hope they will be long dead before Sharia is imposed, and they’re happy to allow Muslims their sacrificial lambs if it means another decade of them being able to pretend the Western world isn’t collapsing.

And in the mean time, Muslims perpetrate rape after rape of women and children and our very culture. Churches will burn, Christians will be persecuted and armies of Muslims will turn every country that has them into lawless hellholes full of “No-Go Zones” where the police cede all authority. When we react the way civilized people should in the face of Islamic depravity, we are attacked as “hateful” by those who seek to satisfy the ever expanding Muslim Umma.

Prosecuting Geert Wilders will never satisfy the Umma, they will demand each of us in turn be punished for expressing our freedom. That is why more and more people have learned to hate Islam, because despite what the intellectual elite claim, Islam hates us.

U.N Official with Ties to Human Rights Watch Caught in Kennedy Airport with Child Pornography

Clarence Dias is the President of the influential International Center for Law in Development and is chair of the board of a group called Human Rights Internet. He is a member of the Human Rights Watch Asia Advisory Committee and according to one bio even worked with Unicef.

In the late 1990s Dias wrote a paper critical of applying Western standards of human rights universally which is hosted by the Carnegie Council to this day. In it he makes this statement:

This approach not only challenges the current human rights regime’s tendency to view rights as bestowed and guaranteed by the state and available as protection against state actors, but it reveals other shortcomings in the dominant Western, liberal human rights paradigm. These shortcomings, as pointed out by critics in Asia and elsewhere, include: a preoccupation with individuals as bearers of a limited set of civil and political rights; excessive legalism; a somewhat adversarial nature; failure to incorporate non-Western bases for human rights; a disregard for notions of duty and collective rights; and the relegation of economic, social, and cultural rights to a secondary status.

It should surprise no one then that a person on record as saying we civilized people are “pre-occupied” with the idea of individuals having rights separate from the group from which they come would be a filthy pervert:

A high-ranking human rights worker with ties to the United Nations was nabbed at Kennedy Airport Tuesday with kiddie porn in his suitcase, officials said.

Clarence Dias, 65, president of the International Center for Law in Development, whose offices are located at the UN, had the smut in his carry-on bag as he passed through security on his way to a flight bound for Bangkok, Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said.

Transportation Security Administration officials doing a random bag check around 8:20a.m. allegedly found a DVD whose cover featured an apparently underage nude boy and an adult male in Dias’ handbag, prosecutors said.

The video’s title – “Winner Pub Pattaya” – apparently refers to a beach resort in Thailand, authorities said. There were also other lewd photographs in the bag, authorities said.

Dias – who holds a doctorate in law from Bombay University and Cornell Law School and has taught at Boston College of Law – claimed the porn was for research, authorities said.

“He admitted it was his – but tried to play it off. He said he was doing research on how to better make sure kids’ rights were not abused,” a police source said. “Yeah, sure. It’s always research.”

Calls to Dias’ office went straight to voicemail Tuesday.

The humanitarian group calls itself “a Third World NGO [nongovernmental organization] concerned about human rights in the development process.”

This is the latest sex scandal to roil the UN.

The agency came under fire in 2002 for turning a blind eye to wide-scale sexual abuse of West African refugee children by its own aid workers and peacekeepers.

UN workers from nine countries – including Britain and India – were accused of sexually exploiting children in dozens of refugee camps in war-torn Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, the internal report found.

This sheds even more light on the nonchalant attitude the U.N. and related NGOs have taken when “peacekeepers” are caught molesting children.

Gateway Pundit has more, including links to the several other child rape scandals the U.N. is involved in.

Uh-Oh: Pot Smoking Degenerate Who Murdered Girlfriend and Her Four Children Was a Juggalo

From NewsOK:

EL RENO — The ex-convict accused of strangling his girlfriend and her four children is a fan of Insane Clown Posse, a rap/hip-hop duo known for profane lyrics about murder fantasies, necrophilia and violent acts.

They perform in concert as “wicked clowns,” wearing black and white clown makeup.

A line in one song, “Murda Cloak,” goes “I’m killing today to take this feeling away.”

The lyrics of another song, “Sleep Walker,” include the lines “Choke ’em. Kill ’em. And sleep right through the night.”

Josh Durcho, 25, is charged with five counts of first-degree murder in the deaths in El Reno. He listed ICP — short for Insane Clown Posse — as his only musical interest on the Web site MySpace.

On one arm he has tattooed the words “Wicked Clown’o.”

One criminology expert said violent lyrics can influence troubled young people who absorb themselves in the music.

“Would violent lyrics in and of itself push someone to violence? No,” said Kathleen Heide, a criminology professor at the University of South Florida and author of “Why Kids Kill Parents.”

“But if they … were angry … alienated … depressed … doing alcohol and drugs … have difficulty with feelings and they’re not successful with life, that absorption in negative themes … can provide the impetus,” she said.

Durcho was unemployed and has been in prison for marijuana.

Still sounds like the getting high all day was the driving factor, although the Juggalos do seem to make the crime pages these days. I’m always torn on the idea of judging people by what they listen to, mainly because as an Alice Cooper/Black Sabbath/Dio kind of guy I know what it’s like to have people claim I’m more likely to commit crimes because of my aesthetic tastes, but on the other hand I’ve been fairly open about the fact I’m not a Christian and my taste in music, movies and literature may be a product of my alternative religious views now but certainly were also at the heart of my beginning to question mainstream religion in the first place. Art, and the kind of art we feel speaks to us, is inextricably intertwined with our spiritual, emotional and moral selves.

In other words, it is disingenuous at best to claim you can’t judge a person by the art they like because art plays a role in our perception and interpretation of reality and isn’t just a product of it. But, at the same time I will say it’s unfair to claim the Juggalos are more violent than Skinheads, Gangstas or many other subcultures, including we old school metal heads. And we definitely can’t make the argument that Juggalos are more violent than the typical youth in England. But to the people attacked with battle axes or who had their kids terrified by clown painted kidnappers that’s a hollow argument.

Trench Reynolds nutshells it in this way:

Now do I think that ICP made him annihilate an entire family? No. However I do think that violent sociopaths like Durcho are drawn to the Juggalo lifestyle.

That’s true, just as some satanists like Sabbath. The question becomes, are Juggalos more violent than youth culture in general, or simply more flamboyant? In a frankly stunning recent essay Theodore Dalrymple wrote about the prophetic quality of The Clockwork Orange, both the movie and the original novel, which he claims rightly predicted what youth culture in England would actually become. Here in the states we have the same violent, misogynist nihilism in our youth that the English do. The Juggalo image and Insane Clown Posse reflect that truth, but they also perpetuate some of the nihilism, especially in the Juggalo disdain for the rest of us.

That disdain, for society and its standards, is the real problem.