Hannah Overton Deserves to Die in Prison


The woman grinning her way through a 20/20 interview in the still above is Hannah Overton, who murdered her four-year-old foster child with a massive dose of salt. She was convicted of capital murder in Texas for the crime, and is rotting in prison where she belongs. But thanks to the efforts of her church full of depraved murder apologists and the Internet based campaign of disinformation they run she may escape justice and walk free.

The “Free Hannah” movement, largely made up of people from her church it seems, want you to believe her victim was a mentally unstable child with an eating disorder that led him to overdosing on salt himself.They claim he was unmanageable, that he was injuring himself, and that ultimately he was responsible for his own death.

That victim was a four-year-old child. A four-year-old who these sanctimonious supposed followers of Christ to this day claim was a uncontrollable hellion who ate himself to death. Despite the obvious evidence to the contrary. From the Caller-Times:

Authorities issued arrest warrants for the foster parents of a 4-year-old boy who died last week after investigators say he was fed a mixture of water and Cajun seasonings by his foster mother.

Hannah Overton, 29, was charged with capital murder and her husband, 30-year-old Larry Overton, was charged with injury to a child. Officers arrested the couple late Friday afternoon a short time after District Attorney Carlos Valdez and investigators met to discuss the case. The Overtons’ bonds have been set at $250,000 each.

John Gilmore, the attorney for the couple, said they are innocent.

“It was done accidentally and I don’t see any criminal activity done here at all. They’re both going to plead not guilty,” Gilmore said.

Police said the Overtons waited nearly three hours on Oct. 2 before taking Andrew Burd to a medical clinic after he drank the mixture, vomited and drifted in and out of consciousness. He was not breathing when he arrived about 5:20 p.m. and medical staff immediately contacted police.

The boy was taken to Christus Spohn Hospital South but died the following day.

According to arrest affidavits, one of the Overtons’ biological children told investigators Hannah Overton watched Andrew on a security camera in a bedroom and used food and pepper as a form of punishment. A neighbor, who lives in the 5900 block of Parkview Drive, told investigators Hannah Overton called her about 2:52 p.m. that day and asked her to watch one of her children because Andrew was intentionally vomiting and defecating and “smearing it everywhere.”

He is not sick, he is doing it to get to me,” Hannah told the neighbor, adding he had defecated eight times, the affidavits said.

Kids act out to “get” parents don’t you know. And we all know how easy it is for a child to vomit and defecate at will when they’re angry. But Overton supporters claim that nothing in the above report sounds like intentional murder to them. I guess giving a child a fatal dose of sodium and waiting until he’s comatose to take him to the hospital is just good parenting to the Corpus Christi Christian Fellowship members that cheerlead for this murderess.

But all their theories are verifiably false, as during the trial the child’s former foster parent testified that Andrew was not a difficult child and certainly didn’t have a eating disorder:

During the trial, Overton, a former licensed vocational nurse, admitted she gave Andrew a cup of water mixed with spices but said it wasn’t to punish or harm him.

Her attorneys also argued Andrew had behavioral problems and an eating disorder and ingested something on his own to cause the toxic sodium levels.

Sharon Hamil, Andrew’s foster mother for the 18 months before he lived with the Overtons, said she remembered a much different boy.

“When I had Andrew I didn’t have any problems,” Hamil said. “To me he was a happy, typical child.”

The Overtons were in the process of adopting Andrew, who had lived with them since June 2006.

The “Free Hannah” group’s entire argument is based on explaining away Hannah Overton’s abuse of the boy by claiming he was so difficult that the extremely bizarre things investigators discovered Hannah was doing to this defenseless child were logical in context. What sorts of bizarre things? from Parents Behaving Badly:

When the autopsy was performed the cause of death was ruled as sodioum poisoning with a secondary factor of blunt force trauma. Hospiatl workrers also noticed bruising in his body and an untreated wound on his arm that was consistent with a burn. The Overtons were arrested for Andrew’s death.

During the investigation one of the Overtons biological children told police that Hannah Overton would use pepper as a form of punishment and that Hannah would watch over Andrew with a security cam. One might assume that since she was using a security cam they she may have been locking Andrew in the room, the same room where it was alleged that Andrew was forced to sleep on a piece of plywood.

Outrageous. The Hannah Overton supporters see these same facts and in their depravity attempt to justify the monstrous behavior of Hannah. They have run a campaign that has caught the attention of the always credulous 20/20 (which you can see in three parts, I, II, III) and other media outlets that are glad to air the Hannah supporters’ smears of this little dead boy, and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars so this monster can afford high-priced lawyers to get her out, and it might work.

Lost in Lima, Ohio sums up this case this way:

Dozens of news media organizations have picked up Hannah’s story- from 20/20 to Christian News Sources. They’ve picked up Hannah’s story, her version of how a child declared “healthy and fit for adoption” one month, could end up dead less than six months later. But it’s Hannah’s story they have picked up- not Andrew’s.

No one wants to talk about Andrew’s story, about the suffering he endured, the incredible pain he would have been in the last day of his life. They don’t mention that the 23 teaspoons of Zatarain’s he would have had to have ingested was almost 100 times the recommended serving size (1/4 teaspoon), which introduced almost 24000mg of salt into his body at 240mg per serving. How, in making Hannah some sort of saint, they’ve made Andrew a child that was wild, and flawed. They’ve went as far as to claim that perhaps Andrew- suffering from his never mentioned before eating disorder- might have found a moment alone in which he on his own consumed so much salt that it caused the fatal toxic levels in his blood. The bruising on his head that was listed as a secondary cause of death? Well, that wasn’t really what it seemed. Perhaps someone rubbing his head, and the onset of his death caused it. Really, it could have been anything.

There is more to Andrew’s story, but sadly, it may be washed away by a flood of support for the woman who was responsible for providing him with care, love, and protection- the woman who didn’t fulfill that responsibility.

Indeed. Andrew Burd’s story must not be forgotten in the mad rush to free a child killer. He deserves justice, and that justice would be Hannah Overton dying in prison, caged like the animal she is. But the lawyers paid for by this insidious smear campaign against a four-year-old are appealing the case and may well get her conviction overturned. Andrew needs your support now more than ever.

Send letters, call and fax your support to:

13th Court of Appeals: Corpus Christi Site Nueces County Courthouse 901 Leopard, 10th Floor, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 – Telephone: (361) 888-0416 Fax: (361) 888-0794

Don’t let Hannah Overton get away with murder.

Update: Now this is just weird. Hannah’s Father beat a teenage girl to death with a crowbar and her maternal Grandfather was Marshall Applewhite, the man who led the Heaven’s Gate cult. There are Internet rumors that Pastor Rod Carver, one of Hannah’s most ardent supporter, was superficially involved with one of Applewhite’s pre-Heaven’s Gates groups. The group Carver heads now is a fundamentalist sect (an “intensive” religion rejecting outside influences on the key mythology) while Heaven’s Gate was a syncretistic cult (an “expansive” religion accepting outside ideas as complimentary of the central mythology) so the groups have little in common, aside from the unconditional support of murderers.

Filthy Degenerate Robert Blue Trains 15-Year-Old Daughter for MMA With Starvation and Bondage


And by “train for Mixed Martial Arts” I’m sure he means live out his sick fantasies of abuse and degradation. From Fox5 Vegas:

LAS VEGAS — Police said a Valley father chained his daughter to her bed because he thought she was overweight.

Robert Blue was in custody Tuesday night at the Clark County Detention Center, KVVU-TV in Las Vegas reported.

Blue, 53, was also accused of beating his 15-year-old daughter with a wooden stick and kicking her, police said.

Blue’s daughter was found beaten and in tears, according to a police report. The report said the girl was shackled to the bed on and off for two days.

In the arrest report, Blue told police his daughter was chained to her bed to keep her out of the kitchen and from overeating.

Neighbor Alicaer Fletes said he feels badly for the teenager. He said he didn’t know about the alleged abuse.

Blue said he was upset because his daughter weighs about 165 pounds, and Blue wanted her to weigh between 140 and 145 pounds, explaining that was her fighting weight in mixed martial arts.

“They’d have to be pretty sick, demented, mean and horrible,” said neighbor Kimberly Bissell.

Police said Blue had been chaining his daughter to the bed with a padlock and chain since Jan. 12, when he said he found pea and corn containers in her room. He said she had found a way around the chains on the pantry and refrigerator over the past month.

Blue also stated in the report that he didn’t think he had committed a crime and that he was acting in his daughter’s best interest.

Sick. And who in the hells puts their 15-year-old in training for MMA anyway?

Regardless, the girl wasn’t fat according to her actual trainer who should know, meaning Blue’s obsession with her weight was bogus to begin with. Here’s the video and tell me you aren’t thinking what I’m thinking:


Democrat Wants to Make Profanity Illegal in South Carolina

State Senator Robert Ford of South Carolina wants to pass a law that would make profanity illegal in public. Movie theaters, Libraries, the corner store. Everywhere. What’s more even the act of writing a profane word would be punishable by, get this, up to five years in prison and a $5000 fine.

In fact the wording of his bill would make it illegal to run any almost movie, sell most books and certainly would bring record sales to a grinding halt. Why is he doing it? The same reason Al Gore supported the fascist Parent’s Music Resource Center. It’s for the kids.

Funnier than this half-assed attack on the first amendment is the wailing by young “liberals” who are shocked their nanny-state party is full of nanny-staters. C’mon Democrats, we thought you were cool!

Mexican Citizens Form Militia to Fight the Drug War


The government has been in a losing battle with Cartel forces for years. Tired of the chaos it seems the long suffering Mexican people are fighting the cartel operatives on their own terms:

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (Reuters) – Shadowy vigilante groups are threatening Mexico’s drug gangs near the U.S. border in retaliation for a wave of murders and kidnappings that killed 1,600 people in this city alone last year.

One group in the border city of Ciudad Juarez pledged last week to “clean our city of these criminals” and said their mission was to “end the life of a criminal every 24 hours.”

The emergence of vigilantes would be a new twist to a vicious drug war that killed 5,700 people in Mexico last year and forced the United States to give hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the Mexican government.

Ciudad Juarez, a manufacturing center in the desert across from El Paso, Texas, was the scene of the worst violence in 2008 as drug cartels fought each other as well as staging kidnappings for ransom and extorting businessmen.

In an e-mail to news organizations, the “Juarez Citizen Command” said it was funded by local businessmen sick of abductions and extortion in the city, home to factories that export goods to the United States.

While none of the city’s 1,600 in the last year were undoubtedly the work of vigilantes, a body was found on January 7 with a message next to it that read: “This is for those who continue extorting.”

And six men in their 20s and 30s were shot dead and dumped together in Ciudad Juarez in October with a cardboard sign reading: “Message for all the rats: This will continue.”

Drug gangs often leave threatening messages with the bodies of their victims, but security officials said those two incidents might have been the work of vigilantes.

Another group, “Businessmen United, The Death Squad” put a video on Internet site YouTube last June threatening to go after kidnappers and criminals in Ciudad Juarez, the biggest city in Mexico’s Chihuahua state. The video is no longer on YouTube.

I don’t blame them, and frankly I think I’d support them if able. The Cartels are in control of vast swaths of Mexican territory, raping, kidnapping and killing anyone they want with impunity. The citizens have a right to defend their homes and families from the drug gang threat, by any means necessary.

h/t N.T.A.

This is Why Gun Control Will Never Work

People who think banning guns will make guns disappear are usually unfamiliar with how simple a device a gun is. Anyone with some metal work experience and a garage workshop can fabricate any sort of firearm and ammunition given enough materials and time. Case in point, in Canada where Liberals claim people are more civilized police seized what is likely a home made sub-machine gun along with several sawed-off shotguns from a gang of drug dealers. Here’s the picture:


That’s some nice work. Police can’t identify the piece because according to reports it’s a hybrid of several different types of firearms:

 A submachine-gun seized during a gang house raid in Winnipeg’s North End last week is unlike anything a police firearms expert has seen locally before.

What makes the gun so unique — and troubling, police say — is the way it was cobbled together.

“It looks like a hybrid or amalgam of gun parts,” said police Det. Const. Rob Duttchen, a member of the National Weapons Enforcement Support Team.

Possibly homemade, the submachine-gun and five sawed-off shotguns, along with ammunition, were seized at a house in the 400-block of Manitoba Avenue on Jan. 7, police said.

Three males, aged 17, 27 and 28, are facing almost 120 charges.

Two of the shotguns were stolen during a break-and-enter in the District 6 area, Duttchen said.

The submachine-gun was loaded when it was found, said police spokesman Const. Jason Michalyshen.

It has parts consistent with those of a Second World War-era Sten and M-16 assault rifle, said Duttchen.

A certain level of expertise and knowledge would be required to make such a gun, he said.

That certain level of expertise is usually called shop class and the knowledge is commonly available on the Internet or though books on gunsmithing.

So sorry gun grabbers, the genie’s out of the bottle on this one. If you take my shotgun, I’ll just hit the Home Depot and make a new one.

h/t The Firearm Blog