Filthy Degenerate Pimps Out Children for Beer and Cigarette Money

The truly disturbing part is that it was an arrangement the unidentified woman had with her friend Reggie Stafford for at least twenty years. From

A 48-year-old Wichita woman is accused of prostituting her 5-year-old daughter, and prosecutors say it wasn’t the first time.

Sedgwick County District Attorney Nola Foulston on Friday sought a judge’s permission to introduce testimony from two of the woman’s grown daughters, who said she sold them for sex when they were between the ages of 8 and 14.

When the mother goes on trial, however, the jury will only hear about the 5-year-old. Prosecutors say a man the mother knew for years paid her for sex acts with the child.

Sedgwick County District Judge Greg Waller ruled this week that testimony about the 5-year-old’s older sisters won’t be allowed at trial.

Waller said the stories of the older women didn’t meet the strict guidelines set by the Kansas Supreme Court for introduction of prior bad acts. Prosecutors said they were trying to show a pattern of behavior.

The 48-year-old mother and her friend, Reggie Stafford, 51, are charged with multiple counts of rape, sodomy and aggravated indecent liberties with a child.

The mother, who is not being named to protect the identity of her daughters, is also charged with aggravated child endangerment.

“This is a weird case,” prosecutor Christine Ladner told Waller during Thursday’s hearing.

“The sad facts are that (the mother) was the supplier of sex acts by her daughter to the defendant Stafford,” Ladner said.

The adult daughters told Waller during a pretrial hearing Friday that they didn’t want to testify against their mother.


The key witness in the case is now 7 years old. She testified in a previous hearing that her mother took her to see Stafford on several occasions, where he performed various sex acts with her.

In return, the girl said Stafford gave her mother $6 or $7, which her mother used to buy alcohol and cigarettes.

The mother has claimed that she has a drinking problem but that she never allowed her child to have sex with Stafford.

Stafford has denied having sex with any of the girls when they were underage. Police said he told them he had sex with the middle daughter — the one who denied any involvement with him — after her 18th birthday.

The adult daughters seem to be so damaged that though they turned in the mother to protect their youngest sister they not only waited decades to report the abuse but they were clearly guilted into not testifying against the soulless monster they call a mother.  Reggie Stafford though is the real villain, he could have put aside his disgusting perversions to do the right thing and save those kids but for he continued to prey on the daughters of this evil harlot. Both should be executed.

h/t Parents Behaving Badly

Warren Buffet Giving Away Shares of Berkshire Hathaway

Fox Business just reported that supposed financial genius Warren Buffet was giving shares worth somewhere around $100,000,000 to charity. Buffet’s business plan, I have argued for some time, relied heavily on a market overrun with credit derivatives (which are a literal time bomb in our economy), illusionary wealth and being on the “in” in highly manipulated markets.

Dumping this amount of stock (which equals something like 1000 shares, talk about overvalued) is a clear signal that at this point it’s worth more to Buffet to get the tax write-off for the “gift” than to hold it. In other words, he isn’t expecting it to pick up the value it’s been shedding anytime soon.

The Warren Buffets of the world are given much to much credit. In the rarefied ivy-covered towers of high finance market fundamentals and common sense are just fly-specks on Main Street. Look at the surprise which met news that sales of previously owned houses had increased slightly as housing prices plummet and you’ll see that most academically trained business and financial journalists have read to much Marx and not enough Paul Heyne. Of course there will be an uptick in home sales as desperate sellers lower their prices to get out from under a mortgage they can’t afford. It’s called a buyer’s market.

These same people who weren’t able to predict that when prices were cheap enough, some people would buy property have spent years telling us Warren Buffet is a genius, based on his business model which will not survive The Great De-leveraging without billions of dollars of government intervention.  I guess in a way that is genius, because Buffet’s about to benefit from a newly Socialized United States cronyism as soon to be taxed to the hilt Americans bail him and Berkshire Hathaway out of the whole they helped dig in our economy.

Wilders or Wilderness?

Via Infidel Bloggers Alliance comes this powerful piece about the plight of non-Muslims in Islamic Europe:


Thanks to Damien for sending this along. But the authorities in Europe aren’t just persecuting people who speak out against the creeping Islamization of of the West. They are also actively helping Islamic imperialists oppress and attack Jews. Here’s video of pro-Hamas Muslim crowds assaulting a peaceful pro-Israel demonstration by throwing eggs, glass bottles and homemade bombs. Police on the scene do nothing, except aggressively disperse the peaceful protesters to the cheers of the Mohammedan crowd. Via Atlas Shrugs:


I cry for Europe. The New Dark Age has begun there.

Louisiana Woman Molests Boy, Then Makes Him Rape His Own Sister


That cult would never die, ‘til the stars came right again, and the secret priests would take great Cthulhu from his tomb to revive his subjects and resume his rule of Earth. The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and reveling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom. -H.P. Lovecraft

40-year-old Susan Johnston of Shreveport began a sexual relationship with a 11-year-old. The boy had a little sister who she molested since age eight. She forced the two have sex with each other several times as well. From KTBS 3:

A 40-year-old Shreveport woman has been indicted on aggravated rape charges, accused of having sex with an underage boy and telling that boy to have sex with his sister.

Shreveport police said Susan Johnston of Thompson Street is the second woman even indicted by a Caddo Parish grand jury for aggravated rape.

Assistant District Attorney Hugo Holland said Johnston is accused of having sexual relations with a boy beginning when he was 11 years old and continuing for two years. The little girl was molested starting at age 8, Holland said. The children were also told to have sex with each other on a handful of occasions, Holland said.

Her husband Brandon has been implicated as well. He is a Registered Sex Offender who has failed to register several times and the two have a history of cruelty to children. From Shreveport Times:

Susan Johnston, 40, of the 4000 block of Thompson Street, was booked into City Jail after being indicted by a Caddo grand jury, according to authorities.

Police say the woman sexually assaulted two victims in July 2008. Johnston is the second woman to be indicted in Caddo parish for rape.

She was out on bond when she was arrested on Thursday.

Johnston and her husband, Brandon Johnston, were charged with second-degree cruelty to a juvenile in January 2008 after their 8-year-old daughter was stabbed in the chest. The man remains in jail.

The couple is set to appear in Caddo District Court on Wednesday for that charge.

Brandon Johnston also has been charged twice with failing to register as a sex offender. He was convicted of sexual assault of a child in Texas and did time at Huntsville Correctional Center.

As I get older it seems the world becomes more monstrous. I have read through dozens of stories like this in the last few months and have blogged not the worst, but just the ones less likely to give you nightmares. It is as if we live in the End of Days of myth, the sword age that is a precursor to Ragnarok in pagan myth. The world is awash with evil, and worse, the acceptance of evil by the majority.

If not the end of the world, we are certainly living in the end of civilization. We have adopted antinomianism as a creed and it is considered “close-minded” or “Conservative” to decry society’s crumbling morality. Susan Johnston raped a little boy and his sister, made the boy rape his own sister and was married to a man who had raped a child already. Either she or her husband stabbed their own daughter in the chest, for some unknown reason. If I hadn’t seen the news articles I would have thought this was part of some horror movie, where a secret cult abuses children.

It is too common a madness these days to see this sort of story and that means something though I’m not sure what. But it seems to me that unless we can halt the rising tide of moral relativism in this country, no child is going to be safe. Without a doubt Susan Johnston is evil in the most basic sense of the word, but how many people are even now willing to come to her defense and claim she can be treated? That she’s “sick” not soulless. Those voices are as responsible for the abuse children suffer as the abusers themselves.

Update: D’oh. I forgot to credit Trench for the story. My bad.

Georgia Couple Hold Illegal Alien as Slave

The husband was a law enforcement officer, his wife was from India and authorities claim she lured the unnamed victim here where the two used threats of violence to force the woman to work as their nanny without any pay. From MyFox Atlanta:

WOODSTOCK, Ga. (MyFOX ATLANTA) – A law enforcement officer and his wife admitted Friday that they illegally kept an Indian woman in their home and forced her to care for their two children.  The couple now faces jail time and fines.

The assistant U.S. attorney said the couple took extraordinary measures to essentially get free child care.  The couple’s harboring scheme was illegal.

Russell and Malika Garrett admitted they knew what they did was wrong when they stood before a federal judge Friday afternoon.

The Garretts kept an illegal alien in their home and are accused of using intimidation to force the woman to work as a nanny.

The nanny was held at the Garretts’ Woodstock home and for most of the time investigators said the nanny was paid below normal wages or nothing at all.

Neighbors said they were surprised to learn that Russell Garrett carried a badge as a law enforcement officer for the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office.

Federal prosecutors said a combination of factors made the nanny too afraid to flee the home.

Malika Russell is from India and prosecutors viewed her as more culpable in the scheme because she made arrangements for the nanny to come to the U.S.

Just another reason it’s important to have orderly legal immigration into America. Stories like this one make you wonder why so many people want people to be able to cross into America without the authorities knowing about it.