Importing Violence: 11-Year-Old Girl Runs Off to Mexico with 23-Year-Old Boyfriend


Yet again there’s a case which brings to mind Dr. Deborah Shurman-Kauflin, author of the book Vulture: Profiling Sadistic Serial Killers, and her essay Importing Violence: The Danger of Immigration from Violent Cultures where she talks about the importance of ensuring immigrants adopt American values and leave what are sometimes barbaric third world practices behind. In the essay she in part speaks about the inherent misogyny of many Latin American culture:

First, take the concept of ‘rapto.’ This comes from Mexico where in some areas, it is socially acceptable for a man of any age to abduct a female of any age as long as long as he intends to marry her. That is right. Men can kidnap and rape females. This is acceptable in Oaxaca where the government continues to view rapto as a minor crime. One legislator even referred to this horrid violation as “romantic.” Lest anyone believe such garbage, note that 24 year old Mexican immigrant Eliseo Nunez snatched a 12 year old girl and took her to Mexico to fulfill his erotic desires. Isn’t that romantic?

The fact is that South American male attitudes toward females are often archaic and misogynistic. Thus it is not surprising that the U.S. is seeing more attacks against women and little girls committed by these immigrants. In August 2005, illegal immigrant Jose Ramirez from El Salvador was charged with the violent attack of a 15 year old girl who refused to respond when he whistled at her (Roh, 2005). Perhaps such primitive behavior stems from the homeland culture. El Salvador and Guatemala have had a string of unsolved brutal murders where young females have been abducted and cut apart. Authorities have found body parts, including heads scattered around. In one instance, two female heads were deposited right in front of a local police station, blood still oozing from the severed heads (Miles, 2003). Gangs are suspected in these crimes as it is often part of their initiation to kill.

With that in mind we see that 11-year-old Iridian Julissa Rodriguez who has run away, suspectedly to Mexico, with her boyfriend 23-year-old Enrique Vasquez. That’s right, he’s a pedophile by our standards, but by Latin American standards simply her boyfriend. But the community and police here aren’t, for some strange reason, treating this the same way they would if some White guy from a swanky San Francisco brownstone had run off with a little girl. It’s almost as if the idea of a 11-year-old being sexually involved with a grown man is considered de riguer in certain sections of society.

From Dallas News’ Crime Blog :

The Irving area has become a focal point in the search for a missing and endangered 11-year-old girl from Tyler, after the car of a man police believe she is traveling with turned up in a hit-and-run crash there Tuesday evening.

Authorities say Julissa Rodriguez ran away from home Saturday night, leaving a note saying she would rather be dead or be in Mexico.

Tyler police say they have obtained an arrest warrant for the man they believe she is with. Enrique Vasquez, 23, (below) is wanted on a kidnapping charge. He was already on probation after committing a 2006 home burglary.

A turquoise Pontiac Firebird that police believed Vasquez was driving was involved in a three-vehicle collision in Irving about 6:20 p.m. Tuesday. The driver, whose description matched Vasquez’s, ran from the scene.

Vasquez is described as 6 feet 1 and 210 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes.

Julissa is described as 5 feet tall and 108 pounds, with shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes. Police say she has a small gold angel earring and may also be wearing a silver ring in the shape of a frog. She is believed to be wearing black flat shoes with shiny stones around the front top.

Anyone with information is asked to call Tyler police at 903-531-1000 or go to where tips can be entered.

Needless to say if you see Julissa please let someone know. And keep her in your prayers if you’re the praying type. The Tyler police have a page with all the information on the case here. Take a look.

Times Square Bikini Restaurant Claims Melody Morales “Too Ghetto” to Work at Their Classy Establishment


What’s classier than eating defrosted chicken wings in an overpriced Times Square theme restaurant? Having those wings served to you by one of the thousands of New Yorkers with just enough pride to not want to strip for a living, but who will still take off their clothes for some vague promise of $500 a night. I mean, if I’m looking for a classy night out the first thing I say to my wife is “Hey honey, let’s hit a theme restaurant like Hooters, but with less clothes. And it wouldn’t hurt if they had a bunch of strippers who thought they were too good to dance in an actual club Pussycat Dolling it up while I wolf down a cheeseburger” at which point my wife just looks at me.

Just kidding, I’d never say that because I’m not a douchebag. If I want to see strippers I do so after my meal, and not that my wife’s not my best friend, but I prefer to not have my old lady sitting next to me while I tuck singles into the cleavage of the single mothers/lesbians whose most attractive feature is how much worse their lives are than yours.

If that’s how strip clubs work, I’ve never been.

But it seems I’m in severe disagreement with the managers of Hawaiian Tropic Zone. The managers there, managers who work at a restaurant on 42nd St where girls in bikinis serve inedible food to middle-aged virgins while a second rate cheerleading squad does the dance routines from In Living Color, think the above young lady isn’t classy enough for their fine establishment.

Apparently they told Melody Morales she’s “too ghetto” to work at HTZ, or as I like to call it Hooters 2.0. From the NY Post:

She had everything a bikini-themed restaurant could want – waitressing experience, ample motivation, and a more than ample bra size of 34-D.

But pretty Melody Morales says she was still rejected for a job at Times Square’s Hawaiian Tropic Zone – because she “talks ghetto.

“We will not hire you because you have a ‘speech problem,'” a Hawaiian Tropic Zone manager told Morales, according to her million-dollar Manhattan Supreme Court discrimination lawsuit. “You have a Latin accent. You don’t speak white.

Morales countered: “I’m five-foot-six. I’m slim and slender. I got boobs. Ok? I was perfect for the job.”

The restaurant is already reeling from a $600 million federal lawsuit from October, in which four waitresses say managers looked the other way while a general manager repeatedly sexually harassed and assaulted them.

Classy. Melody is sure missing out working there. But let’s be honest here, Melody is more qualified than most of their girls to bring sub-par dishes to men who aren’t allowed by their wives (or restraining orders) to actually visit strip clubs. She seems like she would do a great job catering to unimportant middle managers who frequent such places in an attempt to at least pretend they’re living the high life while eating HTZ’s famous and notoriously bland “Hung” (get it?) Barbecue Ribs with a side of their no doubt delicious pre-frozen garlic spinach. After all she’s worked at Hooters.

And she looks like this:


Whereas if I was a judgmental man I’d say the rest of the HTZ girls (all found on their website with pics and a short bio) range from equally as attractive as Melody to Hunt’s Point street walker in caliber. And while I haven’t heard any of these women speak, the charge that Melody Morales’ accent is more “ghetto” than the rest of the women is highly dubious, especially since three of them are from Brooklyn. And you know what those people sound like.

The managers apparently demand that the women working there “talk White” whatever that means. Here’s more class via The Daily News:

A former Hooters girl who says she’s got the right assets – but the wrong accent – is suing the Hawaiian Tropic Zone for crushing her dream of working as one of its bikini-clad beauties.

Melody Morales said she was rejected for a job by a manager at the Times Square restaurant who griped, “You don’t speak white” and “you are ghetto.”

The 21-year-old Latina lovely is the latest woman to sue over working conditions at the Hawaiian Tropic Zone, where employees in skimpy beachwear parade nightly before diners.

“Not to brag, but I look good in a bikini,” Morales said Tuesday. “I could have done a perfect job there.”

The suit says Morales went with her mother to the restaurant last March in search of a job. It claims a manager told her to get lost, saying, “I am not going to ruin my business with your Latin accent.

So f’n classy. I wish I could go there now and order one of their “Bazoomba” platters. Who would have thought New York was full of bigots? I mean except for people like me who have actually lived there.

I hope Melody Morales gets millions. I also hope that those millions change her perspective on things. Also from The Daily News:

Morales, who said her dream job is to pour drinks while strutting her stuff in a bikini, returned to the Hawaiian Tropic Zone months later still in pursuit of a position.

Thanks for helping children realize their potential New York Public School teachers! You’re worth every penny.

After she was insulted she came back willing to work for the same people. Melody, you could do better than that. Red Alerts is behind you 100% so go to college, remember you’re more than just a collection of nice parts, and support Red Alerts by taking a photo of yourself holding up a sign that says “I Love Red Alerts!” in a bikini.

But not that Puerto Rican flag one, it’s kind of ghetto.

New Holocaust Watch Link Round-Up: The Pieces Falling into Place

1) Obama makes first T.V. interview with anti-Semitic/pro-Jihadist Al-Arabiya where he grovels to the Muslim world. The Arab culture respects strength and since President Obama knows that (he has family that are Muslims and spent time in multiple Muslim countries) he knows that his timidness on our behalf will be seen as encouragement for Islamic Imperialism.

2) President Obama also wants to meet with Iran without pre-conditions. Coincidentally Iran is weeks away from having a Nuke and have yet again gone on record claiming the Holocaust was “a big lie”. Iran has missiles which can hit much of Israel.

3) In the ever escalating anti-Semitic violence in Europe a Muslim mob was allowed by authorities to attack a Pro-Israel demonstration in Sweden. The Muslims chanted “Hitler!” during the attack. Here’s video:


4) Also in Sweden a town canceled it’s Holocaust remembrance program in protest of the Gaza war. Tell me again how anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are two different things.

5) Jew-hating communist Jimmy Carter is claiming Hamas is trustworthy on various television appearances. Hamas has said they will continue to arm militants and they just broke the cease-fire agreement by firing a rocket into Israel which killed a soldier. I guess you can trust them … to kill Jews

6) The Pope is reinstating a Holocaust denying crank to the Church.

7) The supposedly moderate Muslim Council of Britain is boycotting the Holocaust memorial there. They won’t attend until the “Palestinian holocaust” is given equal weight.

Need I go on? Anyone with half a brain and a basic knowledge of history knows where this is going. It’s time to pick a side, and the left has already picked theirs. The rest of us need to prepare ourselves to fight, literally if necessary, to keep a second Holocaust from happening on our watch.