Importing Violence: Accused Child Killer Taunts Americans While Crisscrossing Our Mexican Border

According to authorities Noe Torres was one of several men involved in an armed assault on a residence that led to the shooting death of 10-year-old Carlos Perez. While his cohorts were trailed and imprisoned Torres has remained at large in large part by exploiting our lax border security. He has also taken great delight in taunting authorities (and the grieving family) as evidenced by his latest escapade:

CLOVIS, N. M. (KRQE-KBIM) – The fugitive suspect in the murder of a sleeping boy has hopped between two states and across the Mexican border with his latest stunt being a three-minute voicemail message left for a local reporter.

In the message Noe Torres denies any role in the killing of 10-year-old Carlos Perez but said he is not giving up despite an earlier call saying he would surrender. That contact with the media came after his story and photograph were broadcast by the crime show “America’s Most Wanted.”

Perez was killed as he slept when at least four men on the outside shot up the family’s Clovis apartment three years ago. Investigators have said they believe the bullets were intended for the child’s older brother.


“I’m not a murderer,” Torres said in the phone message. “Those false accusations have been blown out of proportion.

“I have fled the state of New Mexico for drug charges and possession of firearms in a case out of Tucumcari from April 2005.”

Over the last three years police said they have tracked Torres’s movements to locations throughout eastern New Mexico, west Texas and Mexico.

Outrageous. Murdering a child is “blown out of proportion” only if you’re some degenerate who has no soul. Here’s the A.M.W. page on him. Here’s video that includes audio of Torres so you can know if you hear his voice as well as see his miserable face. Needless to say if you see this person don’t approach him, but call the police immediately.

Fatal Identity: Reporter Gina Barton Details the Bizarre Tim Wicks Murder

In January of 2002 a surveyor working near the Michigan/Wisconsin border made a grisly discovery. Just over the guardrail on the road he was working sat a headless, handless body. Unbeknownst to investigators at the time it was Tim Wicks, a part time jazz drummer who died at the hands of his “friend” Dennis Gaede in the culmination of a crime spree so bizarre and audacious that it seems like fiction. Gaede is a Moriarty like villain whose criminal machinations kept him on the run for years, until fate finally proved that justice can be delayed, but not denied.

Award winning journalist Gina Barton spent four years tirelessly investigating the case and brings her in depth knowledge to the reader in her book Fatal Identity. Available at Amazon or through the author’s own site, Fatal Identity is a must read thriller for anyone interested in true crime.

Dateline did a story on the case with Gina Barton’s help which aired in 2005, here’s a snippet of it:

This is the story of the monsters that live among us, and how they insinuate themselves into our lives. Everyone should read this book to understand the mind of people like Dennis Gaede, as least as much as we’re able.

Gaza Barbarians Live Like Kings on Your Tax Dollars

The Jew hating communists that infest the American political scene would have you believe the Palestinians in Gaza are starving to death because the evil Jews have them under a state of siege. This video of Gaza in December 3rd shows that even though the Gazans have no industry of their own and live almost exclusively off American and European welfare they have a life similar to my own in my new home state of South Carolina. And I’m a hard working blogger!


The “world’s largest prison camp” doesn’t look so bad, eh? I was told Gaza was basically a concentration camp, but if that’s a how the Israelis run their death camps their hotels must be awesome. I’m booking a flight to Tel Aviv.

In the meantime what does the Hamas influenced Mohammedan do with his free time when welfare from the adults of the world supports almost all of them and their life of leisure? Why enact barbaric legislation that legalizes crucifiction of course:

Hamas having decided that stoning girls to death is not brutal enough, has enacted a law legalizing crucifixion. Public decapitation for gays and rape victims wasn’t bad enough… Now they can look forward to being nailed to a cross and left hanging until they slowly suffocate to death. This will be happening, in modern Palestine. Would it be acceptable anywhere outside the middle-east?…
—– More..———————————
Hamas Enacts Islamic Laws, Including: Amputation, Crucifixion, Lashes

Hamas members of the Palestinian Legislative Council in Gaza have approved a new bill “to implement Koranic punishments,” including hand amputation, crucifixion, corporal punishment and execution. Drinking, owning or producing wine is punished by 40 lashes, while drinking in public adds three months’ imprisonment. Several laws are directed against Hamas’s Palestinian rivals, including a law intended to inhibit non-Hamas negotiators by sentencing to death anyone who was “appointed to negotiate with a foreign government on a Palestinian issue and negotiated against Palestinians’ interest.”

The following is the description as it appears today on the Al Arabiya website:

Headline: Hamas approves law of punishment by lashes, amputating hands, crucifying, and execution – in order to implement the Islamic Sharia law. Hamas members of the Palestinian Legislative Council approved in its meeting in Gaza a new bill proposed by the Hamas who have a majority in the Legislative Council, whose purpose is “to implement Koranic punishments.”

The newspaper Al Hayat of London reported on Dec. 24, 2008, that this step is seen as unprecedented, and has brought criticism and concern from human rights organizations in the Gaza Strip, especially as this law includes punishments by lashes, cutting off of hands, crucifixion, and execution… The language of the law proposes “primary and secondary” laws. Primary laws include: “Koranic laws, blood revenge, lashes, crucifixion, and execution …”

The text stresses: “These punishments will not be canceled or pardoned … except if pardoned by the victim himself… Section 59 of the law establishes that “punishment of death will be enacted on any Palestinian who intentionally does one of the following: Raised a weapon against Palestine on behalf of the enemy during war, was appointed to negotiate with a foreign government on a Palestinian issue and negotiated against Palestinians’ interest, performed a hostile action against a foreign country in a way that endangers Palestine in war or in harming political relations, served a foreign army in time of war, advised or helped soldiers to enlist in this army, weakened the spirit or the force of resistance of the people, or spied against Palestine especially during war.”

The punishment of lashes appears in many sections of the law. Section 84 states that: “Whoever drinks wine, owns or produces wine will be punished with 40 lashes if he is Muslim, and anyone who drinks wine, or angers another person [with wine], or causes him distress when drinking wine in a public place, or goes to a public place while drunk, will be punished with no less than 40 lashes and imprisonment for the minimum of three months.” [Al-Arabiya, Dec. 24, 2008]


Oh why can’t we all rally around those poor Palestinians?

h/t Jawa Report

Importing Violence: Four Arrested in San Francisco “Lesbian Gang Rape” Case

And the left is shocked to find that they aren’t White Republican “Christianists” at all. Instead it’s beginning to look as if the two adults and two teens were some of the left’s “brown people” they love so much, as in unassimilated immigrants or children of immigrants from Latin America. It is an outcome easily predicted by anyone who has read the essay Importing Violence: The Danger of Immigration from Violent Cultures by Dr. Deborah Shurman-Kauflin author of Vulture: Profiling Sadistic Serial Killer. The multiculturalist view of immigration, where we ghettoize immigrants and allow them to continue to act in accordance with third world values, leads to violence and mayhem. Violent homophobia is common in Latin American cultures, as is rape unfortunately, and without a demand for assimilation of immigrants into American culture we see a growing pattern of hate crimes against gays and sexual abuse of women and children from people we haven’t got the decency to give the full benefit of first world civilization to.

Black Americans have long been the targets of racist hate crimes from immigrants who have refused to abandon the racist views of Blacks common in Latin America. All the while White liberals, comfortable in their gated communities and eagerly working to keep minorities out of their rarefied neighborhoods, have accused us of racism for demanding that immigrants here adopt our norms of behavior. But in terms of the treatment of women and gays why shouldn’t we demand that immigrants recognize that rape and mayhem against any person is un-American and if they want to live here they need to leave such barbarity behind?

Would it really be racist to tell Latin American immigrants that gays and Blacks have the same right to live free of predation they do?

Via Brietbart here’s a video report of the arrests:

Happy New Year (Unless You’re a Jew)

Israel has finally acted to defend their population from Islamist rocket fire and as expected the Left has vilified the tiny state for having the temerity to not simply allow Muslims to murder Jews at random. What has perhaps shocked many was how openly anti-Semitic leftists have been, even ones in the public eye.

The dust hadn’t cleared from the first day when Communist front group A.N.S.W.E.R. (who caused much of the violence at the RNC) started emailing people on their list to support “Palestine” against Israel. They have organized marches in several major cities including New York, New Haven C.T., Washington D.C. and were present at a violent protest in Fort Lauderdale.

Here is video of that protest taken by Tom Trento of which shows the collection of Muslims and leftists calling for Jews to “go back in the ovens” and the police having to restrain them from attacking pro-Israel protesters:


Charming. Even better DailyKos is up to their old tricks, using White Nationalist website Stormfront as a source for a post claiming Israel tried to murder insane pedophilia supporter Cynthia McKinney.

Speaking of blockade running, McKinney’s ill-planned attempt had a very special guest along for the ride – a CNN reporter. That’s right, CNN has embedded reporters with terrorist supporting blockade runners:


Lefty darling Rachel Maddow came dangerously close to blood libel on her show. Will that affect her viewers? Probably not according to this Rasmussen poll which shows that only 31% of Democrats support Israel’s right to respond to Hamas rocket fire. I’ll repeat that. Less than a third of Democrats believe Israel should respond to months of rocket fire by Hamas. Shamefully, Republican support for Israel is only at 62%.

Atals Shrugs has a great round-up of how barbaric the pro-Palestinian protests have been. Z.A.C. is a great source of information on the Leftist-Islamist axis. But you needn’t actually have to do research to see where this is going. The left has completed the transition they began a few years ago back from multiculturalist flower children to the Jew hating “progressives” of the 1920s. Jews are being targeted here on our own streets. And they will only be the first.

The left is cheering on the destruction of the Jews and when they are done who will be next? Gun owners? Christians? Already Blacks have found themselves the targets of left wing racism in the suburbs of San Francisco. The left has become more Marxist, more militant and more hateful than ever. We can stand up to them now, or wait as one by one every group they dislike are demonized and broken by them an their Islamist allies.

Support Israel and groups like Stand with US in their fight to counter the hatred of the radical left. If you are near the Westwood area of Los Angles tomorrow (Jan 2nd) Allyson Rowen Taylor of Shariah Finance Watch is organizing a counter-protest to a large anti-Israel protest and could use your support.

The fight for freedom can only be won when Western Civilization flourishes. As long as we are being torn apart from within we will continue to crumble. It is time for all Americans to stand up against the divisive radicalism that has sided with our enemies and state clearly that allowing a second Holocaust is not permissible.