More Anti-Semitism on Display

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This video is the more insidious Marxist Anti-Semitism:

Via Gateway Pundit we have Dr. Salah Sultan, a Muslim cleric active in several American Muslim organizations threatening the destruction of Israel and America as well as referencing the hoax Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and claiming President Bush uses the Space Shuttle to fly honored guests to his ranch(!?!). The good doctor’s appearance begins at 2:58, but it will be instructive for you to watch the whole video:

As I told my Jewish friends yesterday, it’s time to arm yourselves.

Hope and Change: Al-Qaeda Blames Obama for Israel Stomping All Over Hamas

I guess this is some unexpected “blow back” for everyone who claims terrorists wouldn’t bother us if we minded our business. Ron Paul I’m looking at you. From the AP:

 CAIRO, Egypt – Al-Qaida’s No. 2 leader lashed out at President-elect Barack Obama in a new audio message Tuesday, accusing him of not doing anything to stop Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip, according to an intelligence monitoring center.

The recording purportedly by Ayman al-Zawahiri was al-Qaida’s first comments on the Gaza crisis since Israel launched its offensive against the Islamic militants of Hamas on Dec. 27.

In the comments, which were posted on a militant Web site and obtained by the SITE Monitoring Service, al-Zawahiri described Israel’s actions in Gaza as a “crusade against Islam and Muslims” and called it “Obama’s gift to Israel” before he takes office later this month.

“This is Obama whom the American machine of lies tried to portray as the rescuer who will change the policy of America,” al-Zawahiri said, according to SITE. “He kills your brothers and sisters in Gaza mercilessly and without affection.”

I wonder what the left will put forward as a solution to this blow back?

Russia’s New “Cold War”: Kremilin Cuts Gas Supplies to Europe During Harsh Winter Weather

We will see an increasing incidence of this sort of of economic warfare as the global economy slows and basket case states enmeshed in the global economy use what ever resources they can to blackmail money and other concessions from their neighbors. Russia’s move though has more than economic consequences, it can literally cost people their lives:

Fears of a deep chill spread across Europe yesterday after a row between Russia and Ukraine over gas prices cut supplies to the rest of the continent on a day of plummeting temperatures and heavy snowfalls.

The European Union said the situation was “completely unacceptable” as thousands of businesses were urged to switch fuels, and households struggled to keep warm in sub-zero temperatures. But there was no sign of an end to the standoff between Russia’s energy monopoly Gazprom and Ukraine, locked in battle since New Year’s Day.

Gazprom stopped pumping gas to Ukraine for domestic consumption on 1 January after the two countries failed to agree on a fixed price for 2009. The pipelines that cross Ukraine also carry gas to Europe but that continued to flow, until Moscow accused Ukraine of siphoning off Europe’s fuel and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin retaliated by ordering Gazprom to cut EU-bound exports by the amount being stolen.

Yesterday Russia stopped gas supplies through Ukraine to Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia and Macedonia. The government of Slovakia declared a national emergency; Austria and Italy reported falls of 90 per cent; France said Russian supplies had tailed off 70 per cent, and Germany also reported a decline although did not quantify it.

The Czech Republic, which took over the EU presidency this month, had sharp words for Moscow. “Drastically curbing deliveries this way is no solution to business disputes,” said Alexandr Vondra, the Czech Deputy Prime Minister. “It is impossible to hold other countries hostage.” He demanded the warring sides reach an agreement by the end of the week.

In Bulgaria, the government has declared a “crisis situation”. The country not only has the lowest GDP per capita in the EU, but relies on Russia for all of its gas.

“Everyone was sent home from school after the gas suddenly went off,” said Patrizia, an 18-year-old student in the provincial town of Pazardzhik, where the daytime temperature was minus 8C. “It’s the first time I remember this happening, there was no warning, and people are worried because they have no idea how long it will last.”

Douglas Erskine, a British expat, said many of Bulgaria’s seven million residents would struggle. “Houses are poorly insulated, the electricity supply is unpredictable, and the elderly will struggle to get coal and wood. In many towns and villages, people gather in cafés to keep warm because they can’t pay for heating at home. What will become of them if the heating goes off?”

Bakers say the price of bread could rise by 5 per cent because of gas shortages. The disruption has already forced two big fertiliser producers and a major brewery to stop production, and metals and pharmaceutical firms warned they may have to follow suit.

An EU delegation headed to Kiev for talks yesterday. Separate discussions are planned with Gazprom representatives today in Berlin.

There are talks and demands now, but how long before the E.U. will respond militarily to the Russians provocation? After a hard winter where hundreds of people freeze to death? There is already talk of “stronger intervention” from the E.U. which will not go over well with Putin’s Russia.

The Georgian invasion has emboldened Russia to the point where they may force Europe’s hand. Then I guess we’ll see if the Europeans are still against American foreign intervention.

New Holocaust Watch Link Round-Up

Yesterday the Mrs. and I went out and ended up putzing around South Carolina’s nicest pawnshop where my wife got me an early anniversary present (19 Years on Jan 22nd!) the Charter Arms Patriot in .327 Federal Magnum. This is actually the first handgun I’ve owned, as I’ve been happy with my shotguns for home defense and having lived in NY, NJ and CT I’ve never felt like jumping through the bureaucratic hoops blue staters have created for law abiding citizens.

We had begun thinking about a handgun mainly because of the devolving political situation here in America, where a humble blogger like myself can attract dozens of death threats a year, and it behooves me to suggests to my Jewish friends they should be doing the same.

Since military operations began in Gaza the protests in Europe and here in America have been characterized by such extreme anti-Semitism that it is hard to believe that any Jewish citizen feels safe without the ability to defend themselves. These protests have united leftists and Islamist groups who are feeding on the nihilism and blood lust of each other in an ever escalating spiral of violent hatred. Don’t believe me? Here are a few links that will change your mind:

There were two car bombs targeting synagogues in France. The synagogues were full at the time so this was an attempted murder.

Pro-Hamas posters have been hung on synagogues in Los Angles.

Atlas is warning people of a Communist plot to riot at synagogues. Rise Up has sent out an email calling for activists to disrupt Jewish services and confront American Jews “with their clear responsibility- far more than complicity-in the mass murders, occupation, and forced starvation of the people of Palestine” in a stark statement reminiscent of neo-Nazi propaganda. Claiming Jews here are responsible for Israeli military operations is one step away from blood libel.

Also at Atlas, Jewish shops in Paris are being looted in organized anti-Semitic attacks. From The Chicago Sun-Times:

PARIS – Looters ransacked a Paris watchmakers and grabbed more than a quarter of a million dollars (200,000 euros) worth of stock in the wake of a protest against Israel’s Gaza offensive, the shop said Monday.

A manager of the Louis Pion boutique in central Paris’ Opera district said “40 vandals came in, in three successive waves at three-minute intervals,” on Saturday. Police confirmed they had opened an inquiry.

More than 20,000 demonstrators marched in Paris on Saturday to protest Israel’s assault on Palestinian Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip and, while most dispersed peacefully, between 200 and 300 went on the rampage.

Following the protest, mobs that peeled off from the main march overturned around a dozen cars, burning several of them, and smashed the windows of several shops on Paris’s iconic shopping street, the Boulevard Haussmann.

Jewish neighborhoods are also under siege in Sweden, a Dutch MP has called for an Intifada against Jews in his country and a new Pew Poll shows that in Spain a shocking 46% of Spaniards think negatively of Jews. Compare this to America where 77% of Americans have favorable views of Jews. According to the poll, Spain’s anti-Semitism has doubled since 2005.

One American without positive views of Jews is Ron Paul, who simply cannot bring himself to condemn Hamas rocket fire. Given how popular Paul is with the young, I find this worrisome.

The list goes on and on. Jews are being targeted by the Leftists and Islamists for violence while the world does nothing. It is the 1930s again, and we are months from a pogrom here in America. The time for debate is almost over. If my Jewish friends think liberals here will never allow anti-Semitism to get out of control they have not been paying attention to where the left has lurched to and who they now travel with. It’s time to think seriously about the defense of your homes and community. Buy a gun, learn to use it and be ready when the Brownshirts and their Mohammedan allies come for you.

And what of the rest of us? Do we sit idle while our friends and neighbors are attacked for their “clear responsibility” for the imagined crimes Jew-hating Marxists like to whip crowds into a frenzy with? Do we Americans, of various faiths, allow our fellow citizens to suffer a second Holocaust? Because that is what we are coming to. We cannot allow the Jews to be scapegoated, to become the target of a radical movement that has an ear in the new government. We must fight for our friends and stand up for what is right, physically if necessary, because the wave of violence against Jews, I fear, has just begun.

DailyKos or DailyKampf: Degenerate Kossack Cheers on Israeli Deaths

The cretin in question, “beezling,” is a weepy emo-douche who attended the discredited New School Law Program in San Fransisco (where he learned to hate Jews I take it.)  He proudly organized for his Lord and Savior Barack Obama, even offering fellow Obamunists the opportunity to sleep on his hash resin stained couch when they traveled the country registering where they don’t live to steal the elections.

You can follow his Twitter account or his blog and see he’s sunk to comical depths of stereotypical leftist hatred for America and Western Civilization. But in his new DailyKos post he’s outdone himself by asking the question every modern so-called “Liberal” asks themselves at some point: is it wrong to be happy when Jews are killed by Hamas?

Behold the mind of the typical leftist!

Don’t misunderstand – I find any death unfortunate, and combat-related deaths to be especially tragic. I lost a high-school classmate in Iraq. While I support the Palestinians in their struggle for liberation, I acknowledge the will of parties on both sides to cease hostilities and I hope they reach a solution to the violence as soon as possible.

That being said, when I heard on the news today that an Israeli soldier had been killed, I was surprised by my initial reaction: “Well, good.”

This reaction surprised me, (Edit. Note: Not me) and I considered it for a bit, trying to decide if I was some horrible bastard or if there was a more rational explanation, perhaps one relying on nigh-Vulcan logic (I say Vulcan as opposed to human – it cannot be humane to feel anything but sadness at such an unnecessary death).

I try to be a fair person. The comparison between Israeli military strength and Gaza’s defensive capability is laughable. Israel claims it killed around 30 Hamas fighters today; twice that number of children were just reported killed thus far in the conflict on CNN.

If Alex was a fair person he’d respect the right of Jews in the Middle East to live free of terror, he’d denounce a group of barbarians who have just legalized crucifixion and he’d admit that Hamas using children as human shields is evil and largely responsible for those innocents’ deaths. If Alex was a fair person he’d admit that the I.D.F. goes out of its way to warn civilians away from bombing targets, a practice they have a history of using, and it is the death cultists who won’t allow them to leave.

He goes on to use a Chicago Tribune article to prove that Israel started the hostilities. The paragraph he sites is this:

The outbreak of violence across the border began Nov. 4, when Israeli forces crossed into the Gaza Strip to destroy what the army said was a tunnel dug by Hamas to seize an Israeli soldier in a cross-border raid. Six gunmen were killed, and militants responded with volleys of mortars and rockets into Israel.

His response to this paragraph is telling of how “fair” a person he is:

There. Bang. Israel conducts a cross-border raid in November. Then Hamas starts firing rockets again. Then Israel invades, complaining that Hamas violated the cease-fire with rocket attacks. 507 in Gaza dead thus far.

FOUR in Israel have been killed. Two of those four were Arab-Israelis. Arab housing in Israel is not required to meet the same rigorous safety demands of Israeli housing, which is designed to help withstand rocket attacks.

In other words Hamas should be allowed to dig snatch tunnels into Israel and kill any Jew they can grab, but closing that tunnel is a violation of the cease-fire. Sounds fair. Also notice how he doesn’t cite his blood libel about how Arabs in Israel are living in shanty towns that won’t stand up to rocket fire. But even if that were the case who, Alex, is launching those rockets?

Alex Brant-Zawadzki is a typical leftist (not a Liberal by any means) who is cheering on a group whose ultimate goal is the overthrow of Western Civilization itself.  A nihilist who is allied with Islamic Imperialism, he rejoices at the death of Jews because he hates them. He is the ultimate product of the New Left and it will be only a matter of time before he takes to the streets to assault and kill Jews or anyone else who doesn’t share his neo-Marxist views. If he hasn’t already.