Revolutionary Communist Party Orchestrating Violent Oakland Riots

Surprise! The violent riots in California weren’t race driven at all, but the work of RCPUSA who are hoping to duplicate the chaos caused in Greece. Notice in this SFGate article how a “small group of protesters” splintered off from the main rally and smashed the storefronts of Black owned businesses. If these were members of the community why would they smash businesses they frequent to protest one of their neighbors deaths?

Because this was a “professional job” according to this CBS report via Bizzyblog:

You’ve heard of a mob mentality. Well, I’ve just seen it in action.

Wednesday night’s riot in Oakland developed quickly like a spark into a wildfire, and I was right in the middle of it.

It started with a peaceful demonstration at the Fruitvale BART station.Hundreds of demonstrators carried signs, shouted into megaphones and voiced their opinions.

Suddenly, a large segment of the crowd started walking off.

“Where are you going?” I shouted, and I got 10 different answers; all of them in downtown Oakland. Many just shrugged their shoulders and said they were just following.

About 6:15 p.m., the crowd arrived at the Lake Merritt BART station at 800 Madison. They stopped and seemed confused, as if they were trying to understand why they were at a BART station and not BART headquarters.

Suddenly, a protester pointed at a police car. Someone started cursing at the officers who were standing behind it. The crowd surged. They rolled up a dumpster and set it on fire. It escalated. Someone else threw rocks; breaking the windshield. Traffic piled up and officers started shouting to the drivers, “Roll up your windows!”

The crowd surged several times. Once, CBS 5 photojournalist Patrick Sedillo was trampled. I was right behind him, and grabbed his coat before he hit the ground. We ran a short distance for cover.

The left is feeling its star rise, look for more Leftist driven chaos on the streets whenever an incident happens. They don’t care about the victim murdered by by a crazed cop, but using his death to indulge their own blood-lust.

Arm yourselves.

Degenerate Jew Hater Pat Buchanan Claims Israel Launched a “Blitzkrieg” on Gaza

He also repeated the Islamist generated provably false smear that Gaza is a “concentration camp” run by Israelis. Here’s a transcript from Newsbusters:

DAVID SHUSTER: A lot of people have criticized Israel for its “disproportionate response.” And yet, after 9-11, the United States went into Afghanistan and killed a lot of people–some would argue a lot more than were killed with 9-11. What’s the difference?

PAT BUCHANAN: Well, the difference is, in my judgment, Afghanistan, that was–al Qaeda was responsible for bringing down those towers. If the Afghans had dealt with them, given us Osama Bin Laden, then we would not have gone in. We had a justification. That was an act of war. The Israelis have been hit for six months with these little rockets that didn’t kill anybody. It was outrageous, cruel and stupid, and they triggered a blitzkrieg against the Palestinians in Gaza, which in my judgment is an Israeli concentration camp, where a million-and-a-half people are locked up, cannot come out or go in. They’ve been controlling food, electricity, fuel. And the innocent people in Gaza are the ones suffering.

SHUSTER: Concentration camp? Doesn’t that diminish the significance of the real concentration camps?

BUCHANAN: I’m not talking about a death camp. I’m talking about what the British had in concentration camps in South Africa, and what the Spanish had in Cuba, and what others have had where they bring all these people, lock ’em in there, and treat them with great cruelty, and a humanitarian disaster, despite what Tzipi Livni says.

So Buchanan thinks( like a typical lefty) that Israel should wait until Hamas develops the ability to kill mass numbers of Jews before responding.

And back pedaling aside, why would a supposedly smart man (though having read his work I find reports of his intelligence greatly exaggerated) use such loaded language concerning Israeli actions? Where would he get such an idea I wonder?

This is not Pat’s first foray into anti-Semitism. Nor is it the first time he’s sided with enemies of freedom and decency. Pat buchanan isn’t a “Conservative,” he’s a Confederate, desperately seeking allies to overthrow our Republic. MSNBC is happy to let this Moby make the rest of us look like cartoon characters, and it’s time that we cut this dead weight lose and send a message once and for all that the Right stands with Israel, and against Islamic Imperialism.

Gateway Pundit has more.

The Truth About Hamas: Rare Video Shows Hamas Barbarity Aimed at Palestinians

Video by an Arab Christian exposing the sheer evil of Hamas through a collection of videos. The first clip is the most powerful, it shows Hamas gunmen murdering people at a wedding while unaware they are being filmed. The wedding guests crime? Dancing and singing.

I’ll warn you now, the images are not for the feint of heart:


h/t Atlas Shrugs

Jesse MacBeth Exposes Iraqi Veterans Against the War’s Role in His Fraud!

When Jesse MacBeth was exposed as a phony soldier many hard leftists still used his fraudulent stories of atrocities to further their anti-American agenda. Media Matters claimed exposing those soldiers was itself a smear in one of the most hypocritical and telling episodes in that organization’s history. In the midst of it all his chief supporters, Iraq Veterans Against the War, faded into the background and cut ties with the small time crook who did time largely due to them helping him pull off this scam.

In a video MacBeth talks about IVAW and although he now claims that he was tortured in boot camp because he was a Muslim (sure, sure) it is interesting, to say the least, to see him turn on his fellow conspirators after serving his time. Note to IVAW, that’s what happens when you let someone take the fall for you:


Pogrom Against Jews in Europe Continues While American Media Silent

Gates of Vienna has been keeping busy following the attacks on European Jews. American news sources are basically ignoring what should be one of the most important stories of Gaza conflict which is how every country with a large Muslim population has become unsafe for Jews and their governments are basically powerless (or unwilling) to protect them.

Have you heard about the Synagogue burned in England? No, off course not.  From The Daily Mail:

The number of anti-Semitic attacks in London has risen sharply following Israel’s land assault on Gaza, Jewish community groups said today.

Their leaders have compiled a dossier of attacks against Jews which will be handed to seniors officers in the Metropolitan police.

The attacks include claims of:

* An attempt to burn down a synagogue in north-west London.
* An assault on a Jewish motorist who was pulled from his car and punched.
* A gang of youths chanting anti-Semitic slogans as they tried to enter restaurants and shops in Golders Green.

The Community Security Trust, which is responsible for the safety of Jews in Britain, has also noted the emergence of anti-Semitic graffiti in Jewish areas across London.

Slogans sprayed on walls include: ‘Kill Jews’ and ‘Jews are scumbags.’

The trust has now logged 24 anti-Semitic incidents – most of them in London – in the past week. Police are said to be stepping up patrols in Jewish areas.

Mark Gardner, the trust’s spokesman, told the Standard: ‘There has been a significant rise in the number of anti-Semitic incidents, especially when compared with what is usually a very quiet time of year for racist, anti-Jewish attacks. (!?!)

‘It is a pattern with which we and police are now sadly familiar, whereby hysteria is whipped up against Israel: and British Jews then suffer a wave of anti-Semitism.’

The arson attack on the synagogue in Brondesbury took place on Sunday night. The arsonists first tried to smash open a window but failed because of the toughened glass in place to protect such buildings from terrorist attacks.

Mr Gardner said: ‘Having been thwarted they then appear to have attempted to set the front door alight with petrol, causing some damage to the exterior of the premises. Police, CST and fire brigade attended the scene.’

On New Year’s Eve, a man was pulled from his car just as he was about to drive off and assaulted by three men whom he described as being of Arab appearance.

The victim did not suffer any serious injury. The same night a gang of youths alarmed locals in Golders Green by trying to enter Jewish shops while chanting anti-Israeli slogans.

English Jews were already the frequent targets of Muslim and Leftist anti-Semitic attacks. Maybe it’s time to come to America where at least 60% people don’t hate Jews. That’s better than England I bet.

This recent attack in France should thouroughly disgust you:

Fears that the conflict in Gaza could spark violence between Jews and Muslims in France have been heightened as three teenagers were arrested yesterday for an alleged anti-Semitic attack on a 15-year-old girl.

An inquiry was launched after the victim said she was insulted, knocked to the ground, kicked and punched by a gang of 10 youths as she left Leon Blum school in Villiers-le-Bel north of Paris.

Three of her alleged attackers – aged between 13 and 15 and all from her own school – were arrested on suspicion of ‘aggravated violence and anti-Semitic insults’, according to a police source.

The girl said they had told her they were seeking to avenge Palestinians in Gaza as they set upon her on Monday.


The National Bureau of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism, said it had received about 100 reports of anti-Semitic insults and threats since the start of the conflict in Gaza. On Monday a stolen car was driven at high speed into the front gate of a synagogue in Toulouse, south west France, and set on fire.

The article goes on to state that there are around 4 million Muslims in France and about 700,000 Jews. The Muslims can probably rally twice that with the help of Leftist allies so French Jews are in a pretty bad position, especially given that the French government can barely maintian law and order now.

Everything old is new again it seems. Arm yourselves.