Angry Black Man Let’s Loose on Rush Limbaugh Show

Via Conservative Black Woman this clip of “AJ from Houston” calls into the Rush Limbaugh show and begins a tirade many people in the Black community have heard from their elders before, but many more need to. CBW says this guy reminds her of her Grandfather, my Grandfather was a quiet man who said much the same thing, but his brothers topped AJ when they got going.

I like this clip because I happen to love angry old people telling people what’s wrong with them. And from Rush’s reaction so does he. Enjoy:


Teachers Caught Red Handed Indoctrinating 1st Graders into Obama Personality Cult

It’s like something out of Red Dawn:

A parent in the Clark County School District of Las Vegas, Henderson area reported January 27th that his son, who is in 1st grade, came home yesterday saying that he didn’t want to go back to school anymore.

When asked why, the boy said that during the Pledge of Allegiance the teacher put up a large image of Obama next to the flag.

Thinking that the boy might be exaggerating, the man asked his son if he was sure, and suggested that by “large” he might mean an 8×10 photo of the president. The boy apparently said “No, it is a large picture of Obama and when we are done, the teacher turns off the image.”

The same thing was not done for President Bush last year.

After investigating this morning, the other parent reported that what the boy said was true.

At least three of the five classrooms have an overhead projector and as the children stand to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the teacher turns on the classroom overhead and a full body image of Obama, with six U.S. flags behind him, comes up about 4 feet away from the flag that hangs on the wall. The screen is apparently around five feet by six feet.

In the image, President Obama appears to be staring straight out with no facial expression, just a serious look. All of the kids in each class faced the President, instead of the flag that hangs in the corner.

Read the rest.

h/t Dr. Bulldog

We Are Republican

This video rallies Republicans and causes much gnashing of teeth among big “C” Conservatives who helped get Obama elected with their petulance and support of the Christianized Communism of Mike Huckabee. Check the comments of Hot Air to see what I mean on that.

But I think it’s just the message we need:


It’s just too bad the Rebuild the Party folks have become the favorite hangout for Paulnuts, who are hell bent on ensuring no one takes this seriously.