Planned Parenthood Covers Up Child Rape

Planned Parenthood has been covering up the sexual abuse of young girls for years. In this video we see workers at a Planned Parenthood smirk, look dumbfounded then do absolutely nothing as reporters masquerading as 14-year-olds tell them they’ve been impregnated by men in their 30s. The reporters then check with police to see if the incident of statutory rape was reported. It wasn’t:

I personally think that in theory a Planned Parenthood like organization would be a great idea. But having worked in the liberal “non-profit” world I know that running programs the right way largely depends on who you can attract. In this case it seems that the North Carolina Planned Parenthood attracted either heartless dimwits unaware of how serious the problem they were looking at was or ideologues who could care less about the children as long as they “stood for choice” which seems to mean abdicating their moral responsibility to protect children.

Via Michelle Malkin here’s yet anther video of Planned Parenthood workers covering up child rape. This video, courtesy of Live Action Films, is even more shocking and disgusting:

Indiana Planned Parenthood Covers Up Sexual Abuse of 13-year Old – video powered by Metacafe

I happen to be pro-Choice (for first term) and a Federalist when it comes to these issues. I’ve always said that the Pro-life movement should take their energy and start trying to give alternatives to abortions like opening orphanages or parental help centers and should be spreading the message that children aren’t mistakes. Those things would stop more abortions than a thousand marches or protests. But here the Pro-life advocates have done a great service for people of all political persuasions, by exposing the harm Planned parenthood is causing the vulnerable children that come to them for help.

Democrat Fabian Nunez Raised his Son to Be a Monster!

The end result of Liberal parenting in focus:

SAN DIEGO (AP) – The 19-year-old son of former California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez is among four men charged in the October stabbing death of a college student, prosecutors said Wednesday.

Esteban Nunez and the others were arrested Tuesday in Sacramento, a day after formal charges were filed in San Diego. Each is charged with murder, assault with a deadly weapon and vandalism, said Paul Levikow, a spokesman for the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office.

Levikow said the office would have no further comment until an arraignment set for Thursday. The suspects face a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted of murder.

Fabian Nunez, who stepped down as Assembly speaker this year because of term limits, emerged from his home in a neighborhood near Sacramento State University on Wednesday morning and got into a Ford Expedition with his wife and two younger children. He shook his head and refused to talk to a reporter before heading to Sacramento International Airport.

“I have no comment,” the 41-year-old said when reached later inside an airport terminal.

He referred media inquiries to Carlsbad defense attorney C. Bradley Patton, who did not immediately return a telephone call Wednesday.

Esteban Nunez was arrested as he left his father’s Sacramento home, while the others were arrested elsewhere in the Sacramento area. Police were taking the suspects to San Diego on Wednesday.

It was not publicly known that Esteban Nunez was a suspect until his arrest, though San Diego police detectives had searched the Northern California homes of all four suspects about a week after the Oct. 4 stabbing.

“The subjects knew about the warrants,” San Diego police Capt. Jim Collins told the San Diego Union-Tribune. “They just didn’t know when the hammer would fall.”

Ryan Jett, Leshanor Thomas and Rafael Garcia, all 19, face the same charges as Esteban Nunez, police said.

Police allege the four men got into a fight with the victim, Luis Santos, 22, and four of his friends as they left a party near San Diego State University. Three young men were stabbed and Santos, a student at San Diego Mesa College, died at the scene.

“I’m glad they arrested the people involved in my son’s murder,” Santos’ father, Fred Santos, told the Union-Tribune from his home in the San Francisco Bay area city of Concord. “Who these people are, who their parents are, doesn’t make the pain less or more. It changes nothing. Nothing can bring my son back.”

Even now I’m sure Esteban is waiting for someone to bail him out, blaming his arrest on bigotry and will no doubt claim American society, not the piss poor parenting of Fabian Nunez, is the root cause of his inability to get involved in a altercation without stabbing someone to death. You know, the typical liberal nonsense. Esteban is a monster, a man who murdered someone over some petty squabble. And I hope the family of the victim sues Fabian Nunez for inflicting that monster on the rest of us, and their poor son.

St. Louis Alderman Tells City residents to Arm Themselves

From Fox:

ST. LOUIS — A St. Louis city leader frustrated with the police response to rising crime called Tuesday on residents to arm themselves to protect their lives and property.

Alderman Charles Quincy Troupe said police are ineffective, outnumbered or don’t care about the increase in crime in his north St. Louis ward. St. Louis has had 157 homicides in 2008, 33 more than last year at this time.

“The community has to be ready to defend itself, because it’s clear the economy is going to get worse, and criminals are getting more bold,” Troupe, 72, said Tuesday.

Troupe said that when he and residents approached a district police commander last year, they were told “there was nothing he could do to protect us and the community … that he didn’t have the manpower.”

While it’s good to see someone in government finally admitting it’s people’s responsibility to take care of themselves, the fact that it takes the current financial meltdown to do it is quite sad.

For People Who Ask Why I Was So Desperate to Leave New York

A bus driver was murdered in Brooklyn when some guy with no money wanted a free transfer. I worked in a YMCA in Brooklyn for a while and one of the reasons I quit was having to travel through some of the worst areas in New York. When I saw this video it didn’t surprise me, and therein lies the problem:

I’m happy to be out of New York and I’ll never go back.

Benjamin Sorkin is a Ham (and a Filthy Pervert)

Jeweler Benjamin Sorkin just plead guilty to secretly video taping women and young girls, many of whom were friends of his own teen, while going to the bathroom. After a court hearing Sorkin ran into two tenacious local reporters who wanted to know why a person would tape his daughter’s friends in the shower, customers peeing, etc. His reaction, in typical classless Philadelphia fashion, is to throw himself into the one female reporter and clutch his arm as if he was hurt. He goes so far as to glare at the woman, who’s half his size and exclaim “Are you Nuts?” in a clear attempt to put together a lawsuit to fund the lawyers he’ll need to keep out of jail. That’s when the reporter reminds him he’s on camera, at which point he slinks off.

I know people like this from New York, and if you live in a big city you know this guy too. Finally all those stories you tell about your Father-in-Law that no one believes has a visual aid you can use. Just tell your friends who’ve seen this “He’s a Sorkin” and they’ll understand. Enjoy:

What about that Deanna Durante? One tough cookie. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you don’t mess with Philly Girls.