Mother Killed While Defending Her Children was Stalking Victim

This is a follow up to the story of the heroic mother who died in a hail of gunfire when a maniac invaded her home. She managed to throw her children out a window to waiting officers during the stand off even while apparently taking bullets from the soulless bastard. She was apparently stalked for some time by the murderer before hand:

The report raises questions, like whether the mother was attacked by this bastard after the San Francisco Halloween party and just decided to put the incident behind her out of fear for her family. The attack seemed to be a planned rape gone wrong seeing that the degenerate carried restraints with him.

Another reason why I like to keep a gun (or in my case guns) in the house. The police can’t always protect you.
Too bad the perp killed himself. He got off easy for what he did, he deserved to die in a much more painful manner.

Anarchists Turn Greece into a Failed State

Greece has long tolerated a violent Anarchist movement to fester within its borders. The end result of that is a criminal enterprise large enough to make it impossible for authorities there to maintain basic law and order for all. Two Greek police officers were attacked by a mob of Anarchists and were forced to defend themselves, leading to the death of a teen Anarchist. Greece is now, in the face of a massive wave of violence, bowing to the Anarchists’ demands of punishing the cops in a clear display of impotence that will further embolden violence against police officers:

ATHENS, Greece (AP) – The fatal police shooting of a teenager has set off Greece’s worst rioting in years, with hooded youths rampaging through Athens and the northern city of Thessaloniki over the weekend.

Gangs smashed stores, torched cars and erected burning barricades in the streets of the Greek capital and the country’s second largest city in a dramatic eruption of a long-tolerated self-styled anarchist movement.

Rioting began in several cities within hours of the death of a 15-year-old who was shot Saturday night in Exarchia, a downtown Athens district of bars, music clubs and restaurants that is seen as the anarchists’ home base. Soon dozens of stores, banks and cars were ablaze. Police said 24 policemen were injured, and one remained in hospital on Sunday morning.


Police said the two officers involved claimed they were attacked by a group of youths, and that three gunshots and a stun grenade were fired in response.

The two officers have been suspended, arrested and charged, one with premeditated manslaughter and the illegal use of a weapon, and the other as an accomplice. They are to appear before a court Wednesday. The Exarchia precinct police chief has been suspended.

A blurry video shot by a bystander from a nearby balcony that purportedly shows the incident has been shown on local television and posted on the Internet. Two sounds that could be gunshots can be heard, but the image is too blurry and distant to show the sequence of events clearly.

Pavlopoulos and Deputy Interior Minister Panagiotis Chinofotis submitted their resignations after Saturday’s rioting, but they were not accepted by the prime minister.

The violence died down Sunday morning, only to begin again as afternoon demonstrations in Athens and Thessaloniki to protest the boy’s death degenerated into running battles between Molotov cocktail-throwing youths and riot police firing tear gas.

In Thessaloniki, protesters attacked City Hall, two police precincts, several shops and a bank, as well Greek television channel vehicles.

Dozens of stores in central Athens went up in flames or saw their storefronts smashed. At least two buildings were destroyed by fire, as was a Ford car dealership. Streets were littered with jagged chunks of paving stones and rocks thrown at riot police, as well as shattered glass from storefronts and banks.

The rioters’ own behavior should prove that it is likely the two police officers were telling the truth. That the government cannot keep order, and that they bow to the will of those who they should be fighting tooth and nail, shows that Greece has relinquished its right to exist to an army of people who will continue to drag the state into a dark age.

The police of Greece should quit their jobs and flee to another country before the Anarchists come to power and purge them. Any decent person living there should make their way to America where if someone tries burns your home you’re allowed to kill them (except in New York and Los Angeles) and where we still hold out hope of having a civil society in the future.

Update: Bloomberg reports riots are still ongoing, Z.A.C. explains why the Reds in charge of Greece are siding with the rioters and how this is connected to Pakistani terrorism.

Video courtesy Breitbart:

Manhunters: A&E Debuts New Crime Drama

A&E is debuting a new crime series called Manhunters: Fugitive Task Force which promises to be the must see reality series of the season. From their press release:

NEW YORK, NY OCTOBER 29, 2008 — They are the best-of-the-best, hunting down the worstof-the-worst . . . everyone from the DC Snipers and triple-homicide felons to major international fugitives. They are the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force, and they are the ultimate “manhunters.” Mandated by Congress after 9/11, the Task Force is made up of multiple federal, state and local agencies, and has the unique ability to transcend jurisdictions in order to work together, unfettered by local boundaries, towards the common goal of catching the most violent criminals on the run.

MANHUNTERS: FUGITIVE TASK FORCE, premiering Tuesday, December 9 at 10:00pm ET/PT on A&E, follows the elite agents of the NY/NJ Division in the heart of New York City, the most active unit in the country, as they track down a different dangerous felon in each episode. The Task Force includes Commander Lenny DePaul. Lenny joined the U.S. Marshals Service in 1989 and has been in the fugitive program since 1991. A former member of the Navy’s elite amphibious assault group, he also spent five years with the Secret Service serving in the Reagan White House. Deputized U.S. Marshal Tommy Kilbride, a 17-year veteran of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, and a supervisor with their Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) unit. Deputy U.S. Marshal Michelle ‘Michy’ Mendez. Michy was recruited by the U.S. Marshals Service while an undergraduate, studying criminal justice. Deputized U.S. Marshal Roxanne Lopez. Roxanne, a detective with the Spring Valley, NY Police Department’s Special Investigations Unit, joined the Task Force in 2003. Detective and deputized U.S. Marshal Rasheen ‘Pep’ Peppers. Born and raised in Newark, NJ Rasheen has been with the Newark Police Department for 12 1/2 years. Deputized U.S. Marshal Federico Merced. For the past 15 years Federico has been an investigator with the NY State Inspector General’s Escape and Abscond Unit. He joined the Task Force three months ago and is the newest member of the team. Vinny Senzamici, a deputized U.S. Marshal, and senior parole officer with the NY State Division of Parole. Vinny, who is known for his “hard nose” investigative style, joined the Task Force in 2002. And Deputy U.S. Marshal Mike Romani. A 15 year veteran of law enforcement, Mike has been with the Marshals service since 1998.

Here’s a trailer for the show:


The show premieres Tuesday December 9th at 10:00 Eastern on A&E. The first episode is called “Third Time’s a Charm” and will kick the series off with a bang as I.C.E./D.R.O. supervisor Tommy Kilbride tries to track down a twice deported felon who has crossed illegally into the United States a third time. When Kilbride returns to the old NYC stomping grounds of the fugitive he learns the man is in L.A. and planning on heading back to South America. Can Kilbride and company intercept this dangerous felon before he escapes justice? Tune in to find out.

Parents Smoked Pot and Watched Porn with Teen Son


Oh. My. God.

MARSHFIELD, Mo. | A southwest Missouri husband and wife are accused of smoking marijuana and watching pornography with their teenage son.

Webster County prosecutors said Wednesday that Catherine Carson and Lee Murdock of Rogersville face several charges, including endangering the welfare of a child. Arrest warrants have been issued for the couple, but authorities said they were not in custody Wednesday.

KY3-TV in Springfield reports that detectives found out about the parents’ actions while they investigated allegations that the teenage son molested at least three young children.

Prosecutors said the boy is in state custody and is undergoing counseling. They couldn’t say whether the teen will face charges in Juvenile Court.

Court documents say Carson and Murdock admitted that they smoked pot and watched pornography with their son.

Need I comment on this?

h/t Crime Scene KC