Hate Preaching in American Mosques

Brigitte Gabriel of Act for America describes the kind of misanthropic “education” Saudi funded Mosques are giving Muslims in America. This will be one of the contributing factors to a future Balkanization of America:


Apropos of nothing, I sometimes get the occasional email asking why I am no longer active with the Greenville A.F.A. chapter. For the record the Greenville chapter was basically a group of people who wanted me to forward news clippings and blog posts from one to another. Other A.F.A. chapters are quite different and active, but though I support Act for America I’m not interested in running an email list for people who can’t be bothered to set up a Google news alert. Call me when you guys are ready to actually act for America.

U.S. Army War College Predicts Doomsday in U.S.

A new paper released by the War College gives a bleak outlook for America’s readiness to respond to a variety of challenges during the next administration, challenges that the authors seem to expect will happen fairly soon. From World Tribune:

— The United States could be sleep-walking into its next crisis, a military
report said.

The report by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute, said that a defense community paralyzed by conventional thinking could be unprepared to help the United States cope with a series of unexpected crises that would rival the Al Qaida strikes in 2001, termed a “strategic shock.”

The report cited the prospect of the collapse of a nuclear state leading to massive unrest in the United States.

“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, said.

“Deliberate employment of weapons of mass destruction or other catastrophic capabilities, unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters are all paths to disruptive domestic shock.”

Titled “Known Unknowns: Unconventional Strategic Shocks in Defense Strategy Development,” the report warned that the U.S. military and intelligence community remain mired in the past as well as the need to accommodate government policy. Freier, a former Pentagon official, said that despite the Al Qaida surprise in 2001 U.S. defense strategy and planning remain trapped by “excessive convention.”

“The current administration confronted a game-changing ‘strategic shock’ inside its first eight months in office,” the report said. “The next administration would be well-advised to expect the same during the course of its first term. Indeed, the odds are very high against any of the challenges routinely at the top of the traditional defense agenda triggering the next watershed inside DoD [Department of Defense].”

The report cited the collapse of what Freier termed “a large capable state that results in a nuclear civil war.” Such a prospect could lead to uncontrolled weapons of mass destruction proliferation as well as a nuclear war.

The report cited the prospect of a breakdown of order in the United States. Freier said the Pentagon could be suddenly forced to recall troops from abroad to fight domestic unrest.

The paper can be read here. I’m still doing a second reading of it to be sure, but basically this paper predicts at least a semi-collapse of the United States. I’m going out to buy more guns and ammo.

h/t N.T.A.

Greek “Protesters” Using Lasers on Riot Police


From Fox:

A gang of masked protesters attacked the Greek riot police headquarters Tuesday amid reports that rioters are using lasers to combat police officers.

Authorities trying to contain the gangs of rioters were hit with blinding flashes of green light as the violence in Greece entered a second week, the U.K.’s Daily Mail newspaper reported.

The riot police headquarters in Athens was damaged, but no officers were injured.

Police say a group of 30 youths threw petrol bombs and stones at the building, damaging police vehicles parked outside. The central Athens building is also used by traffic police.

Though laser pointers like the ones probably being used on the riot police are unlikely to cause permanent eye damage in short exposures they do cause flash blindness when encountered at night. The pointers are a sinisterly effective tactic to reduce the efficiency of police which will no doubt be encountered in America as the anarchists and leftists organizing these riots in Greece share the knowledge they have gained from the attacks via the web.

Anti-kidnapping Expert Kidnapped in Mexico

From Fox:

MEXICO CITY — A well-known U.S. anti-kidnapping expert has himself fallen victim to Mexico’s wave of abductions as unidentified assailants snatched him from a street in the northern city of Saltillo, one of his employers said Monday.

The kidnapping of U.S. security consultant Felix Batista — who was in Saltillo to offer advice on how to confront abductions for ransom — showed how bold Mexico’s kidnappers have become. Attacks on U.S. anti-crime consultants have largely been the stuff of movies.

“We have notified the FBI and Mexican authorities, and they are working on the case,” said Charlie LeBlanc, the president of the Houston, Texas-based security firm ASI Global LLC., where Batista is a consultant. “What we are doing is we’re offering our support to the family and hoping for the best.”

The U.S. Embassy in Mexico City said it would not comment on the case, and LeBlanc would not say whether any ransom demand had been received, saying “I’d rather not talk about it right now.”

LeBlanc said Batista “was abducted on the evening of Dec. 10 by unknown assailants” in Saltillo, the capital of Coahuila state. He said Batista had his own security business and that “he was in Mexico for business that wasn’t associated with our company.”


A profile of Batista posted — and later removed — from the ASI Global Web site described him as “the primary case officer for all cases throughout the Latin American region.”

The site said Batista was a former U.S. Army major who is “known for conducting in-depth threat assessments, the successful resolution of nearly 100 kidnap and ransom cases (many on behalf of major insurance carriers) and investigations.”

The company denied local media reports that Batista was a former FBI agent, and warned those reports could put his life at risk.

“We at ASI are very concerned for Felix’s safety and would like to take this opportunity of stating categorically that Felix has never been an agent in the FBI,” the company said in a statement. “Irresponsible and erroneous reporting in the press could pose a very real threat to Felix’s life and the safe resolution of this terrible situation and must be corrected.”

The seizure seems to echo the plot of a 2004 movie, “Man on Fire,” in which Denzel Washington played a U.S. security consultant who takes on Mexican kidnappers and is abducted himself.

Batista helped negotiate the release of hostages from FARC and given their connection to the drug trade we shouldn’t rule out cartels or kidnapping gangs being hired or conscripted to get back at Batista.

Via Michelle Malkin this report puts forward the theory the kidnapping was simply a message to the world that Mexico belongs to the Cartels:

Batista, a Miami-based Cuban American credited with negotiating the release of victims abducted by Colombian rebels, was snatched after he stepped outside the restaurant, answering a call on his cellular phone, Mexican media said.

The U.S. embassy in Mexico City said it was investigating and declined to comment further.

“He may have been targeted by organized crime in an attempt to show their power. Saltillo is not a kidnapping hot spot,” said a source at Coahuila state attorney general’s office.

Batista’s employer, Houston-based ASI Global, denied Mexican media reports that he was a former FBI agent and said he was on a private trip in Coahuila state near Texas, giving seminars on security.

“We have requested help from the FBI and the Mexican authorities,” said ASI Global’s President Charlie LeBlanc.

Hundreds of people are kidnapped in Mexico every year and the number of victims has increased sharply as drug gangs, under pressure from President Felipe Calderon’s army-backed crackdown, seek new revenues to fund their operations.

Here’s a question for legalization advocates. If the theory that legalization will simply break the gangs as they go into the poor house is one of your central arguments, how’s that last sentence grab you?

Popular Pagan Site Posts Death Threat Against Red Alerts!

As a result of the efforts of PACA, Warriors for Innocence, The Ultimate Evil and Red Alerts working hard to expose the depraved indifference of PaganSpace to pedophiles grooming children on their site “Starrfire” Price, who co-founded PaganSpace (and is senior Vice-President of Alexandrianarchivesinc.com) was finally goaded into action. In a long and sullen missive she banned minors from the site rather than monitor the behavior of adults there and ensure they were not violating her own rules.

Afterward, PaganSpace allowed a person known as Peter the “Stone Warlock” to post this threat to me and the three women involved via his sock puppet account Shadow34:

(click to enlarge)

Scary stuff. Since he goes out of his way to tell us he has our home addresses I assume this is to be taken as a physical threat. But more important is his claim he will “ruin” us, because later in the thread he makes the outrageous claim that I’m a convicted felon who is on the sex offender list!

(Click to enlarge)

Note to Tom Madison and the crew at Alexandrian Archives-this is defamation. This comment asserts a fact about me which isn’t true maliciously contrived to harm my reputation. I’ve never even been arrested much less convicted of a crime and I’m certainly not on a Sex Offender Registry.

The defense against defamation, by the way, is to prove that the statement is true or given as opinion and therefore wasn’t presented as being a true fact. That’s why calling Tom Madison a filthy degenerate (my opinion based on the facts of his sex offense conviction) isn’t defamation, but “Stone Warlock” claiming that he “knows” I’m a child molester is. So boys and girls, open up your wallets..

Starrfire herself knew about this comment and even appeared on the thread after it was published thanking everyone for being supportive. I assume that one of the “everyone” she is thanking for their support includes her old friend Peter who is affiliated with Starrfire’s Pagan Pulse magazine. More importantly however is that she allowed the comment to stand for some time after it was written. It wasn’t until I contacted Ning and complained that the offending post was removed. But alas, the damage to my reputation has already been done. Other blogs are already talking about this.

So of course, I have no other option, but to go to court.

As for the death threat. Yawn. There’s not a man on PaganSpace or any other social network with the stones (pun intended) to show up at my door. I’ll sleep soundly.