Iowa Man Convicted of Trafficking Teens into Prostitution – Scientology Still the “Real Threat”

I sometimes get comments or emails where someone with no morals (or perhaps no soul) demands to know why I “waste my time” complaining about adults having sex with children. No really, I get those messages. Observe my response to “Ranger Six” on this post, who informed me yesterday that rather than waste my time exposing a scam in which degenerate baby boomers pretended to be “Craft Fathers” to have sex with very young girls who wanted to be Wiccans I should be fighting the “real threat” which he claims is Scientology.

Yes, really.

For those of you unfamiliar with the “threat” of Scientology all you need to know is that morons who can’t think for themselves get scammed by the Scientologists into buying books and self-help courses which ultimately only work if your problems are so petty that you really didn’t need help to clear them up in the first place. When universal enlightenment doesn’t make some loser happy he begins crying the blues about how he was a “victim” of a scam, usually to a whole network of other losers whose sole purpose in life is to make sure the first loser never learns his lesson about getting involved with cults by inducting them into their anti-cult cult.

But he’s not really a victim, he’s a mark, just like the old lady who loses her money in Vegas or the guy who thinks he’s going home with the stripper who told him he was cute. If the threat of Scientology sounds suspiciously like the threat of Deepak Chopra or Wicca to you that’s because it is exactly the same thing.

But to some people this threat is MORE important than adult men grooming children, because those stories never end up like this:

DES MOINES, Iowa — The first person to be convicted under Iowa’s human trafficking law was sentenced Monday to 25 years in prison.

Leonard Russell was found guilty of two counts of human trafficking, two counts of pandering and a count of ongoing criminal conduct during a September trial in Crawford County.

The 37-year-old was sentenced Monday in Crawford County District Court to 25 years on the ongoing criminal conduct charge, and 10 years on each of the other four charges — with all the sentences to be served concurrently. He was also fined $5,000.

Prosecutors said Russell, who has used addresses in Sioux City and Omaha, Neb., recruited and harbored two Nebraska girls last year for commercial sexual activity, including prostitution and performing at strip clubs. They said the girls, ages 15 and 16, were runaways.

Attorney General Tom Miller said in a statement that the case helped officials understand that human trafficking is a much bigger problem in Iowa than many realized.

“It can be especially perilous for young people and disadvantaged kids, and it can occur in small towns,” he said. “The underground nature of human trafficking makes it hard to fight, but the trafficking law is a valuable new tool and we will use it.”


Prosecutors said the girls were taken to Davenport in far eastern Iowa, across the river to Rockford, Ill., and back to Denison.

The girls testified that they engaged in prostitution and performed at strip clubs including Big Earl’s Key Club in Denison. They said they had to give the money they earned to Russell and Ryan in exchange for food, shelter, transportation and clothing.

The teens testified they were ashamed with what they were doing, but they felt they had nowhere else to go. One of the teens was with Russell for eight days, the other for 10 days, officials said.

But suckers giving money to Scientologists for “e-readings” or whatever other nonsense they can come up with are the “real threat.” Why, what’s wrong with a adult man having sex with and then pimping out vulnerable young girls? Small potatoes! Let’s all go after the “real threats” to our children which I assume would include fortune tellers at psychic fairs, the guy who guesses your weight at a carnival and the diabolical genius behind Miracle Blade.

When groups like Pagans Against Child Abuse raise the alarm over Internet predation by adults on teens they do so because in the long run most of the stories end like the above, with a young girl in a bad situation with a sub-human lowlife. When Warriors for Innocence or The Ultimate Evil expose a site making it easier for men to groom children they are doing so because they see a real physical threat to children. When blogs like Absolute Zero expose online pedophiles, they are showing you why they are more dangerous than Scientology.

So please stop with the nonsense about what a threat Scientology is. Call me when you can show me Scientology facilitating adults having sex with children (not a history lesson about L. Ron Hubbard and his perversions) but don’t tell me someone feeling like they got ripped off after trying to buy their way to happiness is worse than what the two little girls above went through, or the hundreds of sexual assaults on children happening this very minute. It is beyond the pale to compare the two and only the most depraved of individuals would even try.

Via Absolute Zero check out this video from Project Safe Childhood, then tell me Scientology is the real threat. Pay particular attention to the part that starts around 3:50:


Thank You Brit Hume

When I first started really following politics I tried watching a lot of news shows on a lot of different channels but over the years there is only one that I continued to watch nightly and that was Special Report with Brit Hume. Brit Hume has been a voice I trust in both the reporting of Washington politics and the commentary on the political stories of the day and his departure from the the evening time slot is a sad day for fans of old fashioned reporting that is fair, balanced, and unafraid.

While many will be wishing Brit good luck in his future endeavors I’d like to also take the opportunity to say thank you.

Here’s video of Brit’s last few minutes from Hot Air:


Muslim Cab Driver Get Nine Years in Missouri Rape Case

I guess that woman who requested a non-muslim cab driver in England doesn’t look so crazy now. From Sara Shepard:

A cabbie who allegedly drove an inebriated passenger to a hotel room and tried to have sex with her while she was unconscious has been sentenced to four years behind bars.

Abdi Qamaan, 48, of Kansas City, was charged with kidnapping and attempted forcible sodomy in connection with the December 2006 incident.

Qamaan told police he took the 28-year-old woman from a Midtown bar to the hotel because she was too drunk to tell him where she needed to go, according to court documents. Police were at the hotel when Qamaan returned the next morning to take her home.

Qamaan denied having sex with the woman, but police found both his and the woman’s DNA on a condom left in the hotel room.

The complaint against Qamaan can be read here. This old article from FrontPage explains why Muslim men may not be the best choice for someone to be alone with a drunk woman, or your teenage daughter. Takeaway quote:

In the case of prevailing orthodox Islam we are faced with a deep division between the sexes. With Allah’s unlimited ruling license the males are entitled to be the masters of the females. The Koranic order says that the man has to “go to the woman” whenever he likes, to “enjoy her however he likes”, and to discipline her in case she develops her own ideas like sexual self-determination.

Over the centuries this basic frame had been filled with a lot of “prophetic” instructions as to what disastrous role the woman could play if the man as Allah’s deputy does not carry out this divine license of fertilizing control. Insofar the woman is looked upon from a “higher” biologistic viewpoint regarding her as “seed field” that – under strict male surveillance signaled by “Islamic correct” veiling – guarantees for the continued survival and expansion of Islam.

We are dealing here with premodern, partly archaic thinking that divides its world into two Manichaean halves. Irrespective of the usual statistical remnant of liberal “dissidents”, the orthodox ideology bases on an Islamic half that accords to Koran and “prophetic” tradition and a non-Islamic half consisting of unbelievers and disobedient women. The religious war – known as “jihad” – against the latter two groups belongs, therefore, to the most prominent duties of the “believing” Muslim. Its “religious” dimension is boosted enormously by customary family “honor” installing male control from early youth on, often widening into brutal raping, sometimes incestuous punishing patterns.

In other words Islam screws men up and makes them more prone to see raping non-Muslim women as a sanctioned activity.

Fjordman’s seminal editorial on Europe’s Muslim rape wave is a must read on this subject. Also by way of Fjordman we find that six times more women were raped in Oslo, Sweden than in NYC in 2006. Two thirds of the assailants were Muslims. Oslo is currently under sige by a combination of Muslim and “anti-fascist” thugs. I’ve no doubt that they are raping any women they come across. Here’s video of the chaos.

In Australia Islamic rape sprees led to so-caled race riots although I’m not sure what race Islam is.

Without strong voices advocating the superiority of Western values how long until we have our own rape waves?

h/t Crime Scene KC

If You See a Person Who Needs Help in California, Just Keep Walking



A lot of people have mentioned this story but realistically you need little comment here. The litigious harpy who is suing the woman who saved her life deserves worse than being in a wheelchair for the rest of her life, but luckily her friend was there to make sure that didn’t happen. The magnitude of her ingraciousness is beyond comprehension. And worse the next time someone wrecks a car people won’t be willing to pull them from the smouldering wreckage before they burn to death. This lawsuit will cost lives.