Mass Grave of Serbs Found in Albania

I thought those Albanian Muslims we’ve done so much for were the good guys. From Serbianna Newspost:

A mass grave with bodies of Serbs has been found  in a village of Burelj in Albania says the sources close to the war crimes prosecution office in Belgrade.

“The location of the mass grave has been marked in a part of the UN report from March 2004 that still has not been officially forwarded to Serbia prosecution for war crimes,” says a source from the prosecution office.

Serbian war crimes prosecution office requested the UN report several times but the requests were ignored.

The prosecution has found that the top Kosovo Albanian separatist leadership ran a kidnapping network via tunnels and border crossings at Cafa, Prshit and Vrbnica to the psychiatric hospital in Burelj that was registered as Prison 320.

Kosovo Serbs were brought to this facility from several other concentration camps in Albania such as Tropoja, Kuks, Bajram Curi and Koljsh.

The body parts and organs were then extracted in the psychiatric hospital.

When the person whose organs were taken out died, the body was then buried in the grave that was just found.

Serbian war crimes prosecution says that it has evidence that the organ extraction network was ran by a former Kosovo Albanian so-called prime minister Ramush Haradinaj who was pronounced innocent at the war crimes trial in the Hague.

What? Islamic barbarity? I’m shocked. Natalie at Bird Brain has a post up about Albanian Muslims recently arrested arrested for war crimes. From her comments I found this link detailing the Islamists shockingly brutal crimes:

The KLA “Gnjilane Group”, tasked with cleansing the remaining Serbs from that part of the southern Serbian province, consisted of around 100 members from central Serbia (Bujanovac, Preševo, Medvedja) and from FYR of Macedonia. Many of the victims were killed in a boarding school in the town. After being kidnapped, they were first taken there, stripped naked, tied up, severely beaten, mutilated, sexually assaulted and stabbed with knives. Parts of their bodies were cut off before they were viciously murdered.

According to the findings of Srna News agency, one of the ways in which these Albanians tortured the Serbs they held imprisoned, was to force a glass in an open wound after cutting their victim with knife, to “drink Serbian blood” as the glass gets filled, while the victims are watching. At least one of their female victims was tied between the two cars and completely dismembered.

Several of their victims died after the killers checked “how many bodies a single bullet can go through”. The victims’ bodies were then dismembered and taken to different locations in order to hide the crime.

The K.L.A. mentioned in the article is of course the Kosovo Liberation Army (website here) which as I’ve previously written is a violent Jihadist organization supported by revolutionary Communists and which targeted Gypsies, Christians and Jews for extermination alongside their hated Serbian enemies.

h/t Gates of Vienna

Harmony Gates Shows Carjacker Why You Never Rob a Hippy

I’d think the Manson family would have shown everyone that the hippy dedication to peace and love last only so long as someone gets them high and, most importantly, stays out of their vans. This chump learned that the hard way when Berkley resident Harmony Gates got stabby with him during what he thought was an easy carjacking:

I wonder what was so important in her van that she was willing to fight to the death to protect it?

What Could Possibly Go Wrong with Amateur Genetic Engineering?


From Fox:

SAN FRANCISCO —  The Apple computer was invented in a garage. Same with the Google search engine. Now, tinkerers are working at home with the basic building blocks of life itself.

Using homemade lab equipment and the wealth of scientific knowledge available online, these hobbyists are trying to create new life forms through genetic engineering — a field long dominated by Ph.D.s toiling in university and corporate laboratories.

In her San Francisco dining room lab, for example, 31-year-old computer programmer Meredith L. Patterson is trying to develop genetically altered yogurt bacteria that will glow green to signal the presence of melamine, the chemical that turned Chinese-made baby formula and pet food deadly.

“People can really work on projects for the good of humanity while learning about something they want to learn about in the process,” she said.

So far, no major gene-splicing discoveries have come out anybody’s kitchen or garage.

But critics of the movement worry that these amateurs could one day unleash an environmental or medical disaster. Defenders say the future Bill Gates of biotech could be developing a cure for cancer in the garage.

Many of these amateurs may have studied biology in college but have no advanced degrees and are not earning a living in the biotechnology field. Some proudly call themselves “biohackers” — innovators who push technological boundaries and put the spread of knowledge before profits.

In Cambridge, Mass., a group called DIYbio is setting up a community lab where the public could use chemicals and lab equipment, including a used freezer, scored for free off Craigslist, that drops to 80 degrees below zero, the temperature needed to keep many kinds of bacteria alive.

Co-founder Mackenzie Cowell, a 24-year-old who majored in biology in college, said amateurs will probably pursue serious work such as new vaccines and super-efficient biofuels, but they might also try, for example, to use squid genes to create tattoos that glow.

Cowell said such unfettered creativity could produce important discoveries.

Yes, of course. Because science is about “unfettered creativity” not knowledge. Don’t get me wrong have great respect for the old fashioned dilettante but the thought of public labs where random hippies are splicing together whatever nightmarish monstrosity they’ve dreamed up in their hash comas make Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein look like an episode of Dora the Explorer.

Read the rest and then start thinking about how you’re going to keep a horde of zombies infected with Clem Johnson’s homemade brain parasites out of your living room bunker.

The Lady Red Murders: 15-Year-Old Bronx Girl Went on Murder Spree

15-Year-Old Sharell Butler was known on the streets as Lady Red. Before being charged with two gruesome murders Sharell, a member of the Bloods, already had been arrested for assault twice. Now she is being charged in the brutal murders of two men targeted by her and her gang affiliates for robbery and to settle old scores. At the tender age of 15 Sharell Butler is now being charged as an adult in murders considered shocking and brutal even by New York City standards.

From The New York Times:

Sharell Butler, 15, seemed so slight that those who knew her wondered how she could have done what she stands accused of doing: killing two men in the span of 48 hours.

“I don’t think she would have had the strength,” said Angel Rodriguez, 34, who owns a tire shop on Poplar Street in the Bronx, on the same block where Ms. Butler lives.

But the criminal complaints against her, made public on Saturday night after her arraignment in Bronx Supreme Court, belie her delicate appearance, offering a dry, dispassionate and succinct account of the murders she is accused of committing.

With the help of a man, Ms. Butler “caused the death of John Hopkins-Drago by repeatedly stabbing him with a knife,” one complaint says. The other states that she “did cause the death of Christopher Umpierre by shooting him.”

Ms. Butler has been charged with murder, manslaughter, assault and weapon possession in the death of Mr. Hopkins-Drago, 22, of 548 Edison Avenue. His mutilated body was found in a plastic bag on Dec. 21 outside 2161 Barnes Avenue, less than two miles from her home and, according to the complaint, about four blocks from the apartment where he was killed, on Pelham Parkway South. He had been stabbed more than 30 times in what the authorities have called a gang attack.

She also faces second-degree murder and robbery charges in the death of Mr. Umpierre, 24. The police said he was killed during a botched holdup in an apartment at 2829 Dewey Avenue, in the Bronx, on Dec. 19.

Ms. Butler pleaded not guilty to all charges at her arraignment on Saturday and was ordered held without bail. She had been arrested that day and was carrying a handgun when she was caught, according to the criminal complaint.

Apparently she got pinched, according to reports, when 23-year-old pot smoker James Medina ratted her and probable boyfriend 19-year-old Robert Pastore after cops received a Crimebusters tip and arrested him.The Daily News is reporting that John Hopkins-Drago may have been killed because he talked to cops about a robbery he witnessed Pastore pull. Drago was apparently a homeless drug addict. He was stabbed 40-50 times by butler and crew.

James Medina is charged with hindering prosecution for his act of cleaning up one of the crime scenes and marijuana possession. Four other suspects are in custody, but how did a 15-year-old girl get caught up in all this and? Was it just her family failing or does New York bear part of the blame? Where were her teachers? Where was social services? Where were all the community organizations that milk the taxpayers for money to improve teens’ lives when this young girl was running the streets with this violent gang?

I left New York because the area is crumbling under the weight of social decay. Children like Sharell Butler are a symptom of that. She may well have never committed a crime at all had she been raised elsewhere, but the City claimed her as she claimed the lives of two men while New Yorkers looked the other way.

The Gothamist has family reactions. Via Breitbart here’s a video report:


Meagan McCormick Pulls the Worst Scam Ever


Meagan McCormic was arrested after police learned that she filed a false report with police claiming her child had been abducted. It turns out McCormick never had a child to begin with:

Meagan McCormic told police that a baby sitter never returned her 6-month old son Riley Buchness, but police said Friday that McCormic was lying and used the fake existence of the baby to lure an ex-boyfriend from Boston to Miami to meet his supposed son. A judge set bond at $500 for McCormic Friday afternoon on a misdemeanor charge of filing a false police report. She remains behind bars at the Miami-Dade County Jail.

Miami Police Det. Freddy Ponce said McCormic made up the story about her missing 6-month old son Riley, to cover up the fact that she had a miscarriage in March. She reportedly didn’t want her ex-boyfriend, John Buchness, to know the truth.

Detectives say she went through great lengths to make her story believable, buying baby clothes and sending herself text messages from a second phone, pretending to be the kidnapping nanny.

“Through many hours of investigation and interviews with the mother, the fact is that the baby never existed,” said Detective Ponce. “I think the lies have been mounting up on her since day one, since she fabricated this information.”

Detective Ponce explained that when Buchness came to town from Boston for the holidays to visit McCormic and his son, she made up the story about the baby disappearing with a nanny. Trouble is, police say, there was no baby and there was no nanny.

What a moron. Have fun in jail Meagan.

h/t Trench

Update. Here’s video of the story: