Cambridge Professor Caught with Photos of Infants Being Raped- Keeps Job, Does No Time


What the hell is going on in England?

Cambridge University is allowing an academic to keep his job despite a conviction for possessing sickening pornographic images of children.

The decision to welcome back Dr Nicholas Hammond has outraged children’s charities.

Hammond, 45, was last year suspended on full pay as director of studies in modern languages after being caught with more than 1,100 vile images on his computers.

They included 30 in the most serious ‘level five’ category of pornography and other images involving babies as young as two days.

But he was controversially spared jail last month and has been told he can return to work in April.

Hammond is a fellow and former student at Gonville and Caius.

But wait. It gets worse:

Hammond was arrested in June last year after police raided his home following a tip-off.

At Cambridge Crown Court in July this year he admitted making, possessing and distributing indecent images. Hammond, who is gay, told the court he had not intended to view the level-five images – only those of teenage boys.

Last month he was given a suspended 12-month sentence and a two-year supervision order. He was also placed on the Sex Offender Register and fined £1,000.

Judge Gareth Hawkes-worth, who graduated from Cambridge, told Hammond
he was a sorely damaged individual who could be rehabilitated.

During this period you were suffering from moderate depression and you were seeking refuge from life in a halcyon part of your youth, relived by looking at low-level images of boys, often in swimming clothes,’ he said.

‘But viewing this material can become addictive and if you had not been interrupted there would have been a serious risk that your voyeurism may have turned into action.’

What!?! A) Hammond isn’t gay, he’s a pedophile. There’s a big difference. B) Depression causes people to surf child porn? That’s an outrageous excuse for the degeneracy of an individual. C) Porn causes both addiction and molestation? I thought the Europeans had advanced beyond pseudo-science.

Some of Hammond’s colleagues aren’t thrilled to have to rub rarefied elbows with infant rape fetishists as you can imagine. They’re pushing for him to get thrown out. Don’t hold your breath however, in England watching babies being raped takes a back seat to commenting on our elections.

You think American academics are any different?

Hamas Celebrates Obama Victory with Massive Rocket Attack


After issuing a warning to Barack Obama to “learn from Bush’s mistakes” Islamo-fascist terror organization Hamas celebrated America’s historic moment by launching a large salvo of rockets into Israel. Al-Reuters gives the Hamas party line:

GAZA (Reuters) – Hamas fired dozens of rockets at Israel on Wednesday after Israeli forces killed six Palestinian militants in an eruption of violence that disrupted a four-month-old truce along the Gaza Strip’s frontier.

The rocket attacks, which included salvoes that landed in the coastal Israeli city of Ashkelon, caused no casualties. Israeli forces later killed a seventh Palestinian gunman who the military said had taken part in cross-border rocket fire.

Sources in Hamas, an Islamist group that runs Gaza, said calm could return if Israel held its fire. Israel’s defense minister also signaled it did not want the truce to collapse.

A breakdown of the Egyptian-brokered Gaza ceasefire would pose yet another challenge to U.S. efforts, opposed by Hamas, to achieve a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians.

Buried in the report is the reason Israeli launched operations in Gaza:

On Tuesday, Israeli airstrikes killed five militants and Israeli soldiers shot dead a gunman during an incursion into the Gaza Strip. Israeli forces quit the coastal enclave in 2005 and Hamas took control after routing Fatah forces two years later.

The Israeli military said the aircraft went into action after militants attacked soldiers who entered Gaza to destroy a tunnel that Hamas had planned to use to kidnap Israeli soldiers.

Hours later, an Israeli missile killed a field commander from the Palestinian faction Islamic Jihad in north Gaza. Two other gunmen were wounded. The Israeli military said the strike targeted a rocket squad that had fired across the border.

Via Gateway Pundit. Fausta has more on the world’s reaction to Obama’s win, which seems to be a uniform “Hey, now you’re like us! Raise your taxes and let’s start killing some Jews!” from most the usual suspects.

Update: Iran is also celebrating. Z.A.C. has details.

Obamunist Gunman Shut Downs Traffic in Santa Barbara


Here’s a peak at the one of the officers in Obama’s new civilian national security force in action:

A masked gunman who was waving an American flag on a 101 Freeway overpass in Santa Barbara was in police custody after an hours-long standoff that shut down the freeway in both directions and caused a rush-hour traffic snarl this morning, officials said.

Edward Van Tassel, a 28-year-old Army veteran who served in Iraq, first surrendered his handgun to police, officials said. As part of the negotiation, Van Tassel asked authorities for a Barack Obama sign, which he posted on a chain-link fence on the overpass along with the flag he was holding, said Sgt. Lorenzo Duarte of the Santa Barbara Police Department.

You’ll notice his flag is upside down, the universal symbol of “patriots” who want to overthrow the government. By the end of tonight we’ll know if he’s gotten his wish, and America changes from a Constitutional Republic into a European style Socialist state. Complete with a Nazi like paramilitary. Eddie already has his.

h/t N.T.A.