Probation For Man Who Helped Murder Toddler in CT

The story is of course from New Haven, Connecticut, which is a liberal wasteland and practically the worst city in the state. Having been there many times I can’t say I’m surprised:

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — A judge on Friday spared a man from prison time for his role in the dehydration death of a toddler who was deprived of food and liquids for at least a week.

Despite criticism from the victim’s mother, who cried throughout the sentencing hearing, New Haven Superior Court Judge Richard Damiani sentenced Robert Patterson to five years’ probation in the death of 23-month-old Amari Jackson.

Charges of manslaughter, cruelty and and risk of injury to a minor are pending against Robert Patterson’s sister Sharon Patterson, who police say was primarily responsible for the little boy’s death in February.

Hamden police say Sharon Patterson deprived the boy of liquids for at least seven days because he wet a bed. They say she also left cups laced with hot sauce around her apartment to teach him a lesson about drinking from other people’s glasses.

Prosecutor Michael Pepper said that although Robert Patterson witnessed the abuse, his role was, at worst, “arguably passive.”

Sharon Patterson was taking care of the boy for an ailing friend, Sara Hicks.

“I understand that Amari was not left in the direct care of Robert Patterson, but does that give him a right to watch my son be tortured, do nothing about it and get away scot-free?” Hicks wrote in a victim’s statement read in court Friday.

Robert Patterson had reached a plea deal with authorities in September, pleaded guilty to risk of injury to a minor. The charge could have brought up to 10 years in prison, but the plea deal included the recommended probationary sentence that the judge imposed Friday.

You have a lot to think about, Mr. Patterson,” Damiani said.

Like how lucky he was to watch a child be tortured to death in a cesspool like New Haven, where standing by idly while someone murders a defenseless child is considered passive, even though he actively decided to not give the kid some fluids. He deserves to die for what he did, along with his degenerate sister.

I wonder what the sentence would have been had Amari been White?

Supposed Financial Genius Obama Takes Advice From is Losing Money Hand Over Fist

from Fox Business:

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) saw its profit decline 77% in the third quarter amid investment losses and declining revenue in some businesses.

Net income fell to $1.06 billion, or $682 per Class A equivalent share, from $4.55 billion, or $2,942 a share, in the same period last year.

Operating earnings per share fell to $1,335 from $1,655 a share in the three-month period a year ago, while revenue declined 6.7% to $27.93 billion.

While Berkshire saw a gain of $1.99 billion on investments and derivatives in the year-ago quarter, it took a $1.01 billion loss in the period this year amid the continuing credit crunch and overall financial crisis.

Also, the insurance business saw some losses. GEICO’s earnings before taxes and minority interests fell 27% — to $246 million from $335 million in the same period last year. The same type of earnings at Berkshire Hathaway Reinsurance Group swung to a loss of $166 million in the quarter from a $183 million profit in the same period last year.

The derivative market Buffet’s company is making money on is no more stable than the credit markets, and according to some people is ready to implode soon. Buffet is much lauded as some sort of financial genius because he made money on markets that we see now were heavily manipulated. I’m not enthused by the prospect of that kind of genius having a say in where we go from here.

President Elect Barack Obama Bashes Nancy Reagan for Alternative Religious Beliefs

In typical classless Chicago fashion Barack Obama took a pot shot at Nancy Reagan for holding seances, something that is her right under the first amendment, during an address to the media. For a man who spent years going to a church full of degenerates whose sole goal was to make the rest of us Black folk look bad it’s hypocritical indeed to take a swipe at another person’s religious views.

Especially when that person is the wife of the man who appointed the first Black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, when that man fought for civil rights and served America with distinction.

Here’s the video:


Alarming News is livid. Hot Air has analysis and even Ben Smith of Politico has made note of Obama’s snide Christianism and lack of knowledge of history. It was Mary Todd Lincoln who held séances in the White House, Nancy Reagan consulted an astrologer.