Degenerate Democrat Fire Chief Beats Puppy to Death, Claims Self-Defense

Assistant Fire Chief Glynn Johnson is a filthy degenerate who beat a 6-month-old puppy to death for kicks. He then claimed “self-defense” even though a witness who was there and saw the attack says the puppy did nothing wrong. From KTLA:

Was the beating of a puppy self-defense, or animal cruelty?

Now it’s up to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office to try to uncover the truth.

“I just think he’s an evil person.

How can any human being just murder a puppy for no reason?” dogowner Shelley Toole says fighting through tears.

Her family can’t sleep.

They say Monday, their next-door neighbor, in some kind of violent rage, beat their puppy so badly the dog had to be put down.

Karley was a six-month old shepherd mix.

What may surprise many people is the fact that the neighbor is Los Angeles County Assistant Fire Chief Glynn Johnson.

An online biography lists a stellar 30-year career with the department. It says he’s an expert in counter-terrorism, among other areas.


The Tooles say Monday evening, Karley got out and went to neighbor Travis Staggs’ home. He lives on the other side of Chief Johnson’s house.

Staggs says he was walking Karley home when Johnson stepped in and said he would take the dog back home.

Staggs says he reluctantly handed over the puppy, and that’s when it happened in Johnson’s front yard.

Travis Staggs tells KTLA that Glynn Johnson simply started beating the dog, and that the dog had not attacked Johnson first.

According to this witness, Johnson hit the dog repeatedly with a closed fist, put his hands in the puppy’s mouth and tried to break its jaws, and eventually beat the dog over the head repeatedly with a large rock from the front yard.

Staggs says he tried to stop the attack but couldn’t. The Toole family later decided to have Karley put down because of the extent of her injuries.

“It scares me, knowing I live next-door to this man,” says Travis Staggs.

The Tooles say they will take civil action against the assistant fire chief regardless of the outcome of the criminal investigation.

The Tooles report that Johnson has a “history of violence” which of course the good old boy Democrats covered up while they were allowing him to help plan for dealing with terrorist attacks. As goes California so does the rest of America, lock up your puppies people, the Democrats are looking for ways to celebrate the one party government we’ll have come January.

And what’s with that Staggs character? He couldn’t stop Johnson? There was apparently a rock laying around so I’m thinking he could have stopped Johnson the hard way. He could have at least grabbed the puppy and ran. You suck Staggs.

Here’s hoping that Johnson is relieved of duty permanently, succumbs to an alcohol/drug binge induced depression and does the right thing with a bottle of sleeping pills. Have fun in Hell Glynn Johnson, if that is your real name since it is suspiciously similar to hardware manufacturing company. How odd. It’s almost like his name’s a poorly chosen alias…

KTLA has video if you have the stomach. The L.A. County Fire Dept. can be contacted at (323) 881-2411 or just in case you wanted to ask how a man rumored to have blinded a dog with a BB gun and had police called on him for beating his daughter well before this incident could have risen through the ranks of their organization.

Stay Classy Jersey Democrats, and Get Out of My State


The above is the councilman for Jersey City’s Ward C. His name is Steven Lipski and he’s even created a charter school in his area. He’s also a well known belligerent hippy who is abusive and unruly when in his cups.

For example, he was just arrested at a Grateful Dead tribute show after peeing on concertgoers from a balcony. You read that correctly, he pissed on people:

Lipski was arrested Friday night for urinating on a crowd of concertgoers from the balcony of a Washington nightclub. Lipski was attending the club to hear a Grateful Dead tribute band.

According to sources quoted by the New York Daily News, Lipski was “very drunk” but this wasn’t the first time Lipski had caused a ruckus at the venue: “We’ve dealt with this man before,” the source added. “He’s never peed on anybody, but he gets really belligerent and drunk.”

Lipski, who is serving his second term in office was charged with simple assault. As well as serving as a Jersey City Councilman, Lipski was previously a mayoral candidate as well.

Here in South Carolina, I was surprised to see that in my subdivision there were several families from the Motherland fleeing the out of control taxes, crime and degeneration of my home state. Of course most of them are still Democrats and are trying to turn my beautiful new home into cheaper version of that cesspool by the shore. Lipski is an example of what’s wrong with Jersey. A drunken belligerent hippy not only allowed a seat in local government but allowed to interact with children at the charter school he helped start and everyone thinks that’s just fine.

For having his junk out in public he should be put on a sex offender list. But even that won’t stop the Jersey Dems from claiming he’s a “wonderful person” who does good work. He’ll probably get re-elected.

No wonder everyone with a brain is fleeing that sinking ship called New Jersey. The problem is most of them are screwing up the rest of the country by electing Jersey style Democrats to office in my beloved Red States.

Go back where you came from, Vinnie!


Gateway Pundit has more.

Thanks for Making Us Look Good Chicago

On the cusp of the historic election of Barack Obama Black Americans had good reason to celebrate. A few hours later anyone of African descent was cringing at the spectacle of Obama’s home town constituents exposing the world to the very worst of our community:

At least five people were arrested across the city after Barack Obama’s rally in Grant Park, including a woman who slapped a Chicago police officer, saying police couldn’t arrest her anymore, prosecutors said today.

Most of the others celebrated the historic occasion with gunfire.

Celita Hart, 19, stood silently in court today when she appeared for a bond hearing.

Prosecutors said Hart, who is black, yelled ” ‘White [expletive], [expletive] McCain–you white police can’t do nothing anymore.'” With that, she reached through the window of a squad car and slapped a white male officer in the face, according to Assistant State’s Atty. Lorraine Scaduto.

The incident occurred after police responded to a crowd of people celebrating Obama’s win on the corner of 69th Street and Western Avenue. Hart, of the 7100 block of South Rockwell Street, was charged with aggravated battery of a police officer and was ordered her held in lieu of $10,000 bail.

Others who appeared before Circuit Judge Israel Desierto included Andre Murph, 37, of Aurora, who was arrested after police saw him shooting a handgun into the ground on the Southwest Side.

Scaduto said he told the officers he was “shooting to celebrate Obama as president.”

Narada Thomas, 23, of the 1200 North Central Avenue, allegedly gave a similar explanation after he was arrested with a handgun near his home. “He said he had the gun because he wanted to celebrate Obama becoming the first black president,” Scaduto said.

Kenneth Smith, 24, of the 6700 block of South Ada Street, was arrested after he allegedly fired a handgun outside his home. Smith, who is on parole for a previous weapons conviction, told authorities that “the police only arrested him because a black man won for president,” Scaduto said.

Thanks for making us look good. I’m sure Obama is proud of you today.

h/t Weasel Zippers