New Orleans Shocked to Discover Ku Klux Klan Members are Filthy Degenerates

A shocker I know. And it came as quite a surprise to law enforcement in St. Tammany parish when a woman from Oklahoma who sought to join a Bogalusa based Klan cell got dragged to a deserted island for several days of “initiation rituals” which freaked her out so much she demanded to go home. Instead lead degenerate Raymond Foster shot the unidentified woman with a .40 caliber pistol then he and his fellow cult members burned her stuff and tried to cover up their crime.

From (who have pictures of the Klanners):

A Tulsa, Okla., woman who traveled to Louisiana to join the Ku Klux Klan was shot to death by the leader of the group’s Bogalusa chapter Sunday after she tried to back out of initiation rites at a remote, sandbar camp in northeastern St. Tammany Parish, authorities said Tuesday.

An investigation Monday resulted in the arrests of eight members of the Klan branch, which had flown under the radar of officials in St. Tammany and Washington parishes, investigators said. The suspects, all from the Bogalusa area, include Raymond “Chuck” Foster, who has been booked with murder in the shooting of the unidentified woman.

“It’s a situation that almost defies logic, ” St. Tammany Sheriff Jack Strain said Tuesday. “When you think you’ve seen it all, something like this occurs.”

The woman apparently learned about Foster’s group, the Sons of Dixie, through the Internet and applied so she could recruit others in Oklahoma, Strain said. Investigators have recovered the woman’s application to join the Klan and noted that she had requested that the organization waive its typical membership fee.

The woman came to Louisiana by bus on Friday to begin her initiation into the group, Strain said. After several rites, including a head-shaving, she was taken to a camp on a sandbar, accessible only by boat, in the Pearl River Canal near Sun.

The initiation continued at the campsite, with rituals that consisted mainly of lighting torches and “running around in the woods, ” Strain said.

Sure that’s what they were doing. Running around the woods so freaked out this woman that she demanded to leave which so offended the rest of them that they killed her. Makes perfect sense, once you replace the words “running around in the woods” with “meth fueled blood orgy” that is. The story gets worse though:

Foster immediately moved to cover up the crime, Strain said. He quickly flipped the woman’s body over and tried to dig out the bullet with a knife before ordering his followers to destroy evidence, Strain said.

“That shows you the callousness of this individual, ” the sheriff said.

During the night, Klan members set fire to the woman’s belongings as well as the campsite and dumped her body near Lock No. 3 Road, about a half-mile from the shooting site, Strain said.

But it was the group’s effort to cover up the shooting that eventually put investigators on their trail.

Foster’s son, Shane Foster, and Frank Stafford showed up at the Circle K store on Louisiana 21 in Bogalusa early Monday morning and asked the clerk how they could remove bloodstains from their clothes, said Lt. Tom Anderson of the Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office. The clerk, who recognized the men, later called the Sheriff’s Office, and the men were soon found, Anderson said.

Alerted to the situation, St. Tammany Parish deputies then converged on the campsite while the remaining six Klan members fled. Deputies found the woman’s body and caught five of the suspects in the woods, Strain said. Foster turned himself in after being contacted by police, Strain said.

At the campsite, investigators found weapons, several flags, five white Klan uniforms and one black imperial wizard uniform. The uniforms are festooned with patches, including one that reads, “Kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out, ” and a pin shaped liked a noose.

“I can’t imagine anyone feeling endangered or at risk from these kooks, ” Strain said. “This Sheriff’s Office will not allow it. We’re not going to tolerate this in St. Tammany.”

Yeah well you dropped the ball on that one Sheriff. While the “Sons of Dixie” were flying under the radar of local law enforcement, other local racist kooks were complaining that the Klan in Louisiana, led by seditious traitor David Duke, were busy forming an alliance with Arab Muslims based around their hatred for Jews and “Bush’s wars.” This is a wide spread phenomenon I’ve blogged about before.

The Klan is a cult, pure and simple. I’ve little sympathy for a person who tries to join a dangerous anti-American cult and ends up getting killed by her fellow traitors. The death of this woman though should illustrate to the world just how depraved Klansmen are, and why I keep several guns in my house.

Update: Shadowscope has the Klanners MySpaces and the identity of the victim.

52% of Military.Com Poll Respondents Will Leave Military Rather than Serve under Obama!

A Poll on asked the respondents to pick one of the following statements in response to the question “When I think of President Obama as my Commander-in-Chief:

I’m filled with pride. I look forward to serving under him.
I’m worried and doubt I’ll re-up when my time comes.
I’m ready to salute and follow his orders.

As of this writing 52% of respondents picked the middle option. I wonder why?

Illegal Alien Gets 33 Years for Rape/Murder of Gloria Applegate


Gloria Applegate had fallen on hard times. While we know little about her we do know she was a mother and was beloved by her family who knew she was troubled. She was arrested several times for solicitation, from which we can infer that she had developed a drug habit and was in the same place many recreational drug users eventually find themselves, struggling with addiction and hitting rock bottom.

But Gloria Applegate had a family that loved her, so she had a chance. She had a chance to pick up the pieces and regain control of her life. She had the motivation to do so. Applegate could have escaped her demons. But there was one demon who would not let her escape, Daniel Estrada-Lopez:

An illegal immigrant convicted in the shooting death of a Hamilton woman has been sentenced to 33 years to life in prison.

Butler County Common Pleas Judge Patricia Oney handed down the sentence Monday afternoon, Nov. 10. Daniel Estrada-Lopez was convicted of aggravated murder with a gun specification for killing Gloria Applegate in an alley behind East Avenue on June. 1.

Applegate, 32, was the mother of teenage two sons. She was known to Hamilton police as a prostitute who had four convictions for solicitation.

Defense attorney David Brewer did not dispute that his client was guilty of murder, but said whatever happened in the alley before the shot was fired was consensual.

The prosecution pointed to the fact that Applegate was found nude in the alley and had saliva on her breast. They said the position of the gunshot wound was evidence Estrada-Lopez was on top of Applegate attempting to rape her when he got angry and fired the shot.

Before sentencing, Estrada-Lopez addressed the court through an interpreter offering an apology and claiming not to remember shooting Applegate.

“I just want to say I am sorry to the judge and to the victim’s family,” Estrada-Lopez said. “I was drunk, I don’t know how it happened.”

Defense attorney David Brewer told the judge the less severe sentence of 23 years to life would be most appropriate for his client, noting he has a minor criminal background in the United States and until the incident was a working to help support his girlfriend’s family.

Alice Applegate, Gloria’s aunt, did not accept Estrada-Lopez’s apology, noting he showed no remorse during the trial or even a reaction to seeing crime scene photos of her niece’s body.

“If he had not been caught, I don’t know that Gloria would have been his last victim,” Applegate said.

The rape and murder of prostitutes, or women equated to prostitutes, is part of the culture of misogyny Dr. Deborah Shurman-Kaufln, author of Vultures: Profiling Sadistic Serial Killers warned us is being imported from Latin America in her excellent essay Importing Violence: The Danger of Immigration from Violent Cultures. Sexual violence against women is out of control in many areas just across our border, and we are developing the same problems.

Gloria Applegate was raped and murdered by a man who thought that because she was a prostitute she was fair game. This attitude festers because we have changed from an assimilationist model of immigration to the more politically correct “multicultural” model. More women will die until we demand people coming to our country shed the third world barbarism of their homes and adopt American values, including the essential dignity of all people and the right of women, even prostitutes, to say no without fearing for their lives.

Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Bush Hater Uses 16-Year-old Relative to Make Child Porn

But it’s O.K., he claims it was really her idea:

TAMPA — A Valrico man who took nude photographs of a relative, has been charged with inducing a minor to engage in sexually explicit behavior, authorities said.

Robert D. Paige, 36, admitted taking sexually graphic pictures of the 16-year-old but denied he planned to post them on the Internet to make money, according to a federal complaint.

The girl told authorities about the photos after she was taken into custody under the Florida Baker Act. She had told law enforcement officials that she wanted to run away from home and hurt herself. At a crisis center in late September, she told detectives that Paige had taken nude pictures of her to sell on a Web site to pay off her $2,000 cell phone bill.

Authorities said Paige conducted three photo shoots between August and September.

Paige told detectives that he and another adult talked about making money through a porn site and that the girl must have overheard the conversations. According to the complaint, Paige said the girl approached him the next day and offered to take nude pictures to help pay her cell phone bill. Paige said he never forced her.

“Paige commented that he should not have done what he did,” an investigator wrote in the complaint. “When asked if the pictures he took of the victim were nude, he said, ‘Yes.’ ”

Paige told investigators that he only took the photos for practice, no one saw them and he never downloaded the images to his computer.

An FBI analysis of the computer found 236 images of the girl, the complaint said.

Awful. So how do i know he’s a pot smoking Bush hater? Why, I checked his MySpace of course:


“But wait” some of you are saying “how do you know pot is responsible for this?” while preparing to lecture me that plenty of people who don’t smoke pot also abuse their children. OK, but have any of you stopped to wonder what kind of people are still smoking pot after high school anyway?

Isn’t it possible (and in fact probable) that Robert Paige’s immature stonerism is a symptom of his general poor character? If pot was legal there might be less people sitting in jail for possession charges, but does that mean those people wouldn’t wind up in jail eventually anyway?

My point is just as alcohol doesn’t cause drunk driving or wife beating the heavy drinking those drunk driving wife beaters partake in is an indication of them being a certain kind of person, one who doesn’t care about others safety or respect others rights. Isn’t pot smoking similar in that respect? When you find adults who smoke pot isn’t there usually something else wrong with them that makes them decide to get high rather than read a book, take a walk, or otherwise be productive?

Shadowscope has more on this filthy degenerate.

Illegal Alien Gang Banger Kills Child, Wounds Two Others on Public Bus

Apparently he was a member of MS-13 doing what they do best, terrorizing communities and creating anarchy:

Montgomery County police said yesterday that they had arrested a 20-year-old Takoma Park man, who is allegedly affiliated with a Latino gang, in the fatal shooting of a 14-year-old honor student on a crowded bus in Silver Spring on Nov. 1.

Police said the alleged shooter, Hector M. Hernandez, was arrested Friday afternoon at a fast food restaurant in Langley Park, in neighboring Prince George’s County. Lt. Paul Starks, a Montgomery police spokesman, said Hernandez is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador.

Hernandez was being held at the Montgomery County Detention Center on a first-degree murder charge.

Starks said the investigation could prompt as many as four additional arrests. “There were other people there at the time of the event,” he said. “Whether they will be prosecuted or not remains to be seen.”

Police said that Hernandez was affiliated with Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, an international gang with a strong presence in the Washington area. Some members are immigrants from El Salvador and other countries in Central America.

The killing is the first in the Maryland suburbs that police have publicly linked to an affiliate of MS-13 in more than a year, although police say gang members have been suspected in other slayings.

The shooting was particularly brazen, indicating to me that police “suspicions” of MS-13 being involved in several other homicides is sugar coating to say the least. The shooter’s crew was completely comfortable initiating conflict with children on a public bus, then opening fire on that bus in broad daylight. Hernandez’s lawless act was a re-enactment of El Salvadorian anarchy, imported here by a transnational paramilitary that is slowly taking control of vast swathes of our country.

MS-13 is a threat to American national security and must be dealt with as the terrorists they are. We must secure our borders and eliminate the transplanted Latin American gangs before they destabilize America the way they are destabilizing Mexico.

h/t T.D.K.O.M.