Best Mother Ever Gets Daughter Pinched with 223 Pounds of Marijuana

Yes you read that correctly, 223 pounds of pot. This fine example of parenting was part of an article on the record drug seizures on the border:

The largest seizure netted 223.1 pounds at the Bridge of Americas at approximately 5:20 p.m. when a canine search of a 1999 Chevrolet Astro Van discovered 53 bundles in a hidden floor compartment. The driver, Martha Patricia Mora De Hernandez, 34, of Juarez, and her daughter Brianda Martinez, 18, of Juarez, were arrested.

What kind of mother doesn’t take her 18-year-old daughter along with her to smuggle drugs? It’s not like the kid has her whole life ahead of her or anything.

Egyptian Woman Wants All Israeli Women Raped

The woman is a lawyer who is saying that Muslims should use rape as a tactic to force Jewish families to cede land to Palestinians. Behold the face of evil:


Yeah you heard that correctly. Rape as a political tool. Ace points us to the excellent essay by Fjordman which shows Muslims in Sweden using rape as a way to “cleanse” areas of non-Muslims and gain power over the populace. It’s called a rape Jihad and you’ll be seeing more of it.

h/ Fausta

Victimless Crime Files: Pot Smoking Degenerate Sleeps While Dog She Starved Eats Her 2-Month-Old

According to authorities 17-year-old Linzy Earles “smoked a bowl of Marijuana” and slept through the sound of her 2-month-old son being eaten alive by a 10-12 week old black lab puppy that, according to reports, hadn’t been fed for an extended period of time:

TULSA, Okla. (AP) – The family of a 2-month-old boy couldn’t remember when anyone last fed a Labrador puppy that was euthanized after it killed and partially devoured the infant, authorities said.

Tulsa County prosecutors have charged Linzy Earles with second-degree manslaughter in juvenile court for the July 28 death of Zane Earles. The count involves culpable negligence – an omission to do something that a reasonably careful person would do or failure to use ordinary care and caution.

Linzy Earles is accused of leaving Zane alone in a baby swing located on the other side of the house from which the teen was sleeping. The dog was allowed to run around the residence unsupervised during that period.

Zane’s father and grandfather left the house about 8 a.m., according to a police report. When the grandmother, Holly Earles, got up about 10 a.m., she found the boy and began screaming. Linzy Earles then got out of bed, police said.

A police report filed in the case included grisly details of the incident and interviews with family members that suggested the puppy was hungry when it mauled the baby.

“Everyone thought that someone else had taken care of the puppy’s feeding,” according to a report.

After being asked why she left her infant in the living room and went across the house to sleep, Linzy Earles said she had been up until 4 a.m. with the baby, a police officer reported.

“She appeared more concerned about herself and her sleep than about the baby’s safety,” the report read.

Zane had multiple bite and claw marks. A diaper was connected to the boy by tissue and blood, according to a detective’s report. Missing parts of his little body included the lower abdomen, front upper left thigh and lower left buttock, a report states.

The Labrador was taken to the Tulsa Animal Shelter, where it was euthanized at the request of police so that evidence could be recovered. No cooked meat, vegetables, grains or starches that would indicate the presence of commercial dog food were present, a police laboratory report states.

Linzy Earles has a history of drug use, no surprise. So any legalization advocates want to take this one up? How would legalizing pot have stopped this from happening? Or would legal marijuana guarantee that we see more incidents like this in the future?

True Crime Report has video.