Surprise! Documentary Makers Prove Obama Supporters are Chumps

Or in the words of the late great Brian Pillman, you’re all marks.

The website How Obama Got Elected interviewed Obama voters on election day and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt these people were herded like sheep by the Left and their allies in the MSM:


I’m going out to buy some ammo before this cult starts sacrificing people. Glen Beck was already threatened with death by an Obamunist, so I’m sure a general pogrom against Republicans is coming in the next two years.

h/t Gateway Pundit.

Moron Loses $400,000 in Nigerian Email Scam

I have no sympathy for people who get taken in by scams like this. The victim here was old enough to know better and let her greed and stupidity drive her, and her family, into poverty. If I were her husband I’d divorce her and sue her for what little money she has left. Watch this video and I dare you not to laugh:


What a moron. Via Breitbart

Violent Sex Offender Attacks Local News Crew

Filthy Degenerates like Tom Madison,who readers may remember as the litigious child rape “advocate” who runs a tax scam called SoClear media, are fond of claiming that most people who end up on sex offender registries aren’t dangerous. This of course is a lie. Ironically as I was thinking about posting something about the issue, mainly as an excuse to call Tom Madison a filthy degenerate again, a reader sent me a link to this story, via Breitbart:


Yeah, it’s so unfair that people like this are “persecuted” by society. This video is more proof that sex offenders are animals. They aren’t sick, they don’t need counseling or understanding, they are just cretin who do these things because they think they can get away with it.

Blogs like Absolute Zero United archive the organized attempts by pedophiles to garner sympathy for their “plight” and minimize the rape and torture of children. Absolute Zero shows people like Tom Madison try to put a human face on the ultimate in inhumanity for their own selfish and nefarious purposes. But the above is the true face of these people, violent predators who refuse to control their base impulses and it is imperative we never be fooled into thinking they are anything but dangerous.

California Arson Jihad?

As the toll of the three wildfires in California continues to mount it is being reported that arson is suspected as the cause of the conflagration. More than 800 homes have been destroyed and 28,000 people have fled in the face of the hellish inferno, which sounds like the plan Al-Qaeda was floating on Islamist message boards late in October:

From The Daily Express:

ISLAMIC extremists are threatening an environmental disaster by sparking a series of catastrophic wild fires.

Western intelligence agencies fear that Al Qaeda terrorists are planning a “global fireball” in a new departure in its war on the West.

Deliberately lighting forest blazes in Europe, the US and Australia would not only stretch emergency services but leave insurance companies facing multi-billion pound damage bills as the credit crunch bites.

The fires would also create a pollution disaster, with billions tons of climate change gases escaping into the atmosphere.

The so-called “forest jihad” is being championed by Islamic scholars and Osama Bin Laden’s terror strategists who believe setting fire to dry woodlands will produce maximum damage for minimum risk.

Western security services have picked up internet chatter which spells out in graphic terms the terrorists’ thinking.

One message warns: “Imagine if, after all the losses caused by such an event, a jihadist organisation were to claim responsibility for the forest fires. You can hardly begin to imagine the level of fear that would take hold of people in the United States, in Europe, in Russia and in Australia.”


In one warning picked up by monitoring services, exponents of the forest jihad declared: “Scholars have justified chopping down and burning the infidels’ forests when they do the same to our lands.”

California has had several suspicious fires in the last few years, and in a state struggling with a broken economy these fires are particularly devastating.

Adam Housely is all over this story. Breitbart and Fox have more.