Russian Warships Arriving in Venezuela Within “Hours” According to Chavez

Fortuitously they are arriving just as the opposition is picking up seats in the elections. An odd coincidence that these scheduled “exercises” coincide with elections Chavez was nervous about.

From the A.P.:

CARACAS, Venezuela – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Sunday that Russian warships will soon reach his country’s Caribbean coast for joint naval exercises.

Chavez said the Russian ships “will enter Venezuelan waters within a matter of hours.” He didn’t say exactly when the ships are to arrive.

It’s the first such deployment by the Russian navy in the Caribbean since the Cold War. Russia is sending the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great, the destroyer Admiral Chabanenko, and logistical vessels including a tugboat and a supply ship.

The Russian navy said the two warships will visit the Venezuelan port of La Guaira starting Tuesday, according to the Russian news agency Interfax. It said the ships are scheduled to hold joint exercises with Venezuela’s navy starting Dec. 1.

Chavez is also expecting a visit by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev starting Wednesday as part of a Latin American tour.

Chavez has been boosting ties with Russia while tensions with the U.S. have grown, and he has bought more than $4 billion in Russian weapons.

Firearms Blog just showcased the waiting to be approved for export RPG-30 the Russians just developed which is designed to defeat modern (read American) tanks. Chavez may be using what’s left of his petrol-dollars to grab some of these up, and just because the Russians claim the weapon isn’t yet being exported doesn’t mean one of those warships won’t be carrying a few dozen that may be given to Chavez. Chavez may in turn send them to F.A.R.C. who may pass them along to their cartel connections. This endangers us all.

Gateway Pundit has more on the elections, in which the opposition has made some significant gains. The cities seem to be a stronghold of anti-Chavez forces, while the rural areas are loyal to Chavez. This sort of polarization, along with Russian interference, doesn’t not bode well of Latin American stability.

Sword Wielding Maniac Gunned Down While Attacking Hollywood Scientology Center!

And the end result of the anti-Scientology hysteria stoked by groups like Operation Clambake and Anonymous explodes into the violence they all hoped for:

A security guard at the Church of Scientology’s Celebrity Centre in Hollywood on Sunday shot and killed a man wielding two samurai swords, police said.

Police detained the guard for questioning but said that a surveillance tape at the facility backed his claim that he fired his semiautomatic handgun to protect himself and two colleagues.

“The evidence is very clear the security officers were defending their safety,” said Deputy Chief Terry S. Hara of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Police did not release the name of the guard or the man killed in the shooting, which occurred about noon. An investigator said the man had a history with the church but was not a member now. The tape showed the man arriving at the Celebrity Centre’s Bronson Avenue parking lot in a red convertible, getting out of the vehicle and approaching a trio of security guards and waving a sword in each hand, Hara said.

He said the man, who was described as being in his 40s, was “close enough to hurt them” when the guard fired. The man was taken to County-USC Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Det. Wendi Berndt said the man was involved with the church “a long time ago.”

“There was a previous relationship, but it is unclear to what degree,” she said.

Clearly the relationship is that he’s the ex-member of a feel good “religion” who figured out he was being duped and wasting his money. Much as I felt when I found out Wicca was a Hippy Sex Cult. The difference is I learned my lesson and moved on, this guy charged people with two swords.

Is Scientology a scam? Sounds like it to me. But so is the Libertarian Party who collects millions of dollars every four years to run candidate they know will not win the Presidency (if they were serious they’d build up a strong local representation to show the nation Libertarianism works) and so is rap music which is produced and sold by White people who pay millions of dollars to to live in neighborhoods that exclude Blacks. Should the Libertarian headquarters and Time Warner be stormed by swordsmen?

If Scientology is a scam it’s one that plays upon you’re own weakness of character. Instead of blaming the Scientologists for that why not pick yourself up and start working on the things that make you an easy mark? The world is full of disappointment, adults learn how to accept them without violent temper tantrums. Or we used to.

Strippers don’t really like you, people on forums aren’t really your friends, teachers are usually dumber than you. That’s life, learn to live it. If you think Scientology is a scam then say it loud and proud, but are they the root of all evil? Is Scientology so wicked you need to base you’re entire life around “fighting” it? That dead guy thought so, what about you?

Update: Breitbart has video:

New Jersey Parents Find Important Issue to be Outraged About

After dealing with an out of control governor, expanding gang violence and Black Americans being targeted by Latino gangs in a racist pogrom, rising anti-Semitism and taxation driven depopulation the always classy Jersey Democrats have decided to tackle real problems:

That’s right. Part time workers who stripped half a decade ago threaten Jersey’s children.

Sorry I lived in Jersey, the town my college was in was half the size of a normal college town yet had five strip bars. I also worked in YMCA’s and with children and if you think the occasional ex-stripper/Girls Gone Wild/Naked cam chick doesn’t work with your kids (and do a good job) you’re living in a fantasy world.

It’s next to impossible to find people who can pass the background checks to work with kids who actually want to work with kids, and a good teacher’s aide is worth their weight in gold. But all that aside, nothing this woman did was illegal. But in typical classless New Jersey fashion the people there want to drive her back to the adult industry she wants to separate herself from. If she ends up losing this job, what exactly will she end up doing anyway?

Stay classy Jersey. I’m glad to see there’s so little wrong with the old stomping grounds parents have time to slap a scarlet A on some women who’s taking care of the kids they drop of at the “Y” because they couldn’t be bothered picking them up after school

Shocker! Known Pedophile Converts to Islam

Since Mohammed liked them young it only makes sense that alleged child rapist Michael Jackson would convert to the one religion on earth where raping children is justified.

From The Sun:

MICHAEL JACKSON has become a Muslim — and changed his name to MIKAEEL.

The skint superstar, 50, donned Islamic garb to pledge allegiance to the Koran in a ceremony at a pal’s mansion in Los Angeles, The Sun can reveal.

Jacko sat on the floor wearing a tiny hat after an Imam was summoned to officiate — days before the singer is due to appear at London’s High Court where he is being sued by an Arab sheik.

A source told last night how Jacko, brought up as a Jehovah’s Witness, decided to convert as he used a studio at the home of his chum to record a new album.

The star — whose hits include The Way You Make Me Feel — was spotted looking “a bit down” by a producer and a songwriter who had both embraced Islam.

And yes, degenerate Cat Stevens showed up to help him celebrate.

h/t Weasel Zippers

Iran Has Enough Enriched Uranium for an Atomic Bomb!


See? Negotiating works! They only have one bomb instead of the two or three they might have had if the Europeans hadn’t wagged their fingers vigorously at them.

From The Financial Times:

Iran is forging ahead with its nuclear programme, the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog reported on Wednesday, deepening the dilemma facing US president-elect Barack Obama over his campaign promise to engage with Tehran.

The latest report by the International Atomic Energy Agency reveals that Iran is rapidly increasing its stockpile of enriched uranium, which could be rendered into weapons-grade material should Tehran decide to develop a nuclear device.

The agency says that, as of this month, Tehran had amassed 630kg of low enriched uranium hexafluoride, up from 480kg in late August. Analysts say Iran is enriching uranium at such a pace that, by early next year, it could reach break-out capacity – one step away from producing enough fissile material for a crude nuclear bomb.

“They are moving forward, they are not making diplomatic overtures, they are accumulating low enriched uranium,” said Cliff Kupchan, an analyst at the Eurasia Group, a risk consultancy in Washington. “These guys are committed to their nuclear programme: if we didn’t know that, they just told us again.”

If you want to visit Israel I’d do it now. I don’t think Obama’s going to be helping out Israel when Iran’s ready to strike.