Ohio Democrat Poll Worker Attacks Man Who Catches Her Stealing Votes for Obama

And the man who blew the whistle on her ended up being suspended even though he was the victim of a violent assault. From Ohio.com:

Both Summit County poll workers involved in a physical altercation at a local nursing home over a ballot dispute have been placed on unpaid leave by the elections board.

But Republican poll worker George Manos, who filed a police report on the incident, claims he is the victim and shouldn’t be punished. He said he thinks it is retaliation for him speaking up.

”I guess what I should have done is not report it,” Manos, 75, said in a phone interview Tuesday.

The board and Cuyahoga Falls police are investigating the incident, which occurred about noon Friday at the Gardens of Western Reserve nursing home. Manos told police that Democratic poll worker Edith Walker jumped on his back and struck him in the head three or four times after he confronted her for allegedly mismarking a female resident’s ballot — showing her voting for Sen. Barack Obama, instead of Sen. John McCain.

The ballot scuffle has since gained national attention, including being discussed on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show and listed on the Drudge Report.

The board immediately placed Walker, 73, on leave without pay. Marijean Donofrio, the board’s Democratic director, decided to do the same for Manos on Tuesday morning, pending a decision by the board at a meeting next Tuesday. She said she consulted with John Manley with the Summit County Prosecutor’s Office,
who thought it was prudent for both employees to be on leave.

”It’s not a scare tactic,” Donofrio said. ”If one is not permitted to work, the other should be treated the same.”

How asinine. Why should a man who tried to defend a nursing home resident’s right to cast a vote the way she wants and then was assaulted for it be “treated the same” as a violent cretin who changed some poor womans vote to support her candidate?

Manos said the dispute happened when it was Walker’s turn to help a female resident with her ballot. He said Walker asked the woman who she wanted to vote for and the woman said McCain.

Manos said he got suspicious when Walker marked on the upper part of the ballot — where Obama’s name is listed — rather than on the bottom where McCain’s name appears. When Walker was finished with the woman’s ballot, he said he told her he wanted to see the ballot but she refused.

Manos said he grabbed the ballot and took it over to two other poll workers for them to inspect. He said the ballot was marked for Obama.

Manos said Walker jumped on his back, wrapping her legs around his legs. He said she put her left arm around his neck, while using her other hand to hit him on the head. He said the other poll workers pulled Walker off him.

Manos said Walker ran over, grabbed the ballot and ran back to her table. When Manos and the other poll workers looked at the ballot, he said both Obama and McCain were marked.

The voter was given a new ballot and able to indicate her presidential pick.

Manos, a former stockbroker who served in the military, said his neck has been sore since the incident and he might go to the doctor to be examined. He said he thinks Walker intentionally mismarked the ballot and tried to cover it up.

”It was obvious,” he said. ”She knew what she was doing.”

Yeah and so does the person who suspended Manos. The Democrats are stealing this election and we can’t sit by and let it happen. If Obama wins, we riot.

h/t Pagan Power

Cop Learns Tasers Don’t Work on Feral Hogs the Hard Way

Luckily no one was hurt but feral hogs are large somewhat aggressive creatures that are armored and have razor sharp tusks. That’s a bit different than the pot smoking wife beater it was designed to subdue. From Fox:

BROOKSVILLE, Fla. — While normally effective on people, a Hernando, Fla., deputy learned the hard way that Taser stun guns do not work very well on wild boars.

Deputy Joseph Tibor responded to complaints of an “extremely large pig” tearing up a resident’s yard in a Brooksville neighborhood Tuesday morning, the sheriff’s office reported. He quickly found a 450-pound boar rooting up shrubbery and threatening a water fountain.

The animal then flashed his tusks toward onlookers. Tibor tried to stop it with his Taser, but the 50,000 volts had no effect on the animal.

The boar was eventually corralled into a neighbor’s trailer.

Sorry kids but there is only one way to deal with feral pigs, which are the most destructive invasive species in America, and that’s with a well placed rifle shot. It is rare but wild boar do attack people and can kill people. They more commonly predate small pets and the young of native species.

Encouraging hunting is the only way to take keep wild pigs from causing trouble.

Man Dressed as Clown Stalking Children in Chicago

There have been four incidents recently of a man “dressed as a clown” attempting to lure children into his vehicle in Chicago. The man has used both a white van with broken rear windows and a brown pick-up truck in the suspected attempted kidnappings and people are being asked to report any suspicious activity to the police. From Fox News:

Parents on Chicago’s South Side are on edge after reports that a man dressed as a clown has tried to lure several children into his van.

The creepy clown, who has been spotted four times in the past week on the city’s West and South sides, wears a wig and full face paint and carries balloons when he approaches children, MyFOXChicago.com reported.

In each case, he tries to coax kids into his vehicle, described in most cases as a white, four-door van with broken rear windows and in another instance as a brown pickup truck.

Area schools are on alert and some have sent home letters to parents telling them to warn their children not to talk to strangers.

MyFoxChicago has video.