Barney Frank Calls for 25% Defense Cut, Higher Taxes

Welcome to the New America, where in the face of drastic increases in defense spending from Russia, China and Iran the new power’s that be will defang America and cripple our wealth generating economic model:

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said Democrats will push for a stimulus package after the November election, and called for a package reducing defense spending by 25 percent while saying Congress will “eventually” raise taxes.

Frank told the editorial board of the SouthCoast Standard-Times that he wanted to reduce defense spending by a quarter, meaning the United States would have to withdraw from Iraq sooner.

“The people of Iraq want us out, and we want to stay over their objection,” he said. “It’s extraordinary.”

Frank also said the post-election stimulus package will focus on spending for building projects, extending unemployment benefits, and further supporting states’ healthcare costs. “We’ll have to raise taxes ultimately,” Frank said. “Not now, but eventually.” Frank told the Standard-Times that if Democrats cannot secure the votes they need in November, they will try again in January, when they will likely have stronger majorities in the House and Senate.

Frank, the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, was an instrumental figure in engineering the bailout legislation to the U.S. financial industry, and indicated a new package may seek to ameliorate fears about investing. “The psychological problem is even worse than the real problem,” Frank said.

The Hill neglects to inform readers Frank was also instrumental in creating the crisis.

Arm yourselves, because when Russian and Iranian advisers lead Bolivarian troops across our borders, there won’t be much of a military to stop them.

Obama Supporter Carves “B” into 20-Year-old Woman’s Head Because She’s a McCain Supporter!

Drudge had this story developing for a while, and now the details are out and they typify the mindset of Obama supporters. From WTAE:

PITTSBURGH — A 20-year-old woman who was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield was also maimed by her attacker, police said.

Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard tells Channel 4 Action News that the victim was robbed at knifepoint on Wednesday night outside of a Citizens Bank near Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street just before 9 p.m.

Richard said the robber took $60 from the woman, then became angry when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the victim’s car. The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using the knife to scratch the letter “B” into her face, Richard said.

Richard said the woman refused medical treatment after the assault, which happened outside the view of the bank’s surveillance cameras.

The robber is described as a dark-skinned black man, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds with a medium build, short black hair and brown eyes. The man was wearing dark colored jeans, a black undershirt and black shoes.

I’m shocked that an Obama supporter would running around robbing young women at knife point. It isn’t as if liberal barometers Pandagon, DailyKos and Democratic Underground support criminality, violence and demonizing their ideological opponents to such an extent that barbarity of this nature becomes acceptable.

What are the chances of lefty blogs or the MSM picking up this story? I say slim because this is secretly what they all want for America. This is the true face of liberalism. They call us “The Crazies” but when was the last time you heard of a Republican carving a big fat “W” on the head of some hippy?

Arm yourselves. This violence is coming to your home sooner than you think.

The Post-Gazette is also covering this. Ace of Spades and Hot Air have the skepticism of people who haven’t been jumped in bad areas. Note to Ace, crime drama aside you’re lucky if a camera in a bank even works in most bad sections of a city, much less if cops can get a look at the film right after the crime. If they care at all, after I’ve been attacked on the street I got a cop who took a statement, nodded sagely and told me I could go look at mugshots “if I wanted” so you’ll forgive me if I’m not suspicious of the fact cops aren’t all over this.

Both have photos up however. I doubt the girl pounded herself in the face just to help McCain get elected, but then again I’ve been jumped before in bad neighborhoods so I know such things aren’t “too-perfectly-awful-to-be-true” but are in fact the price of allowing liberals to run places. Some of our Conservative brethren could use a field trip to Pittsburgh, or my hometown of East Orange, N.J. it seems.

Having been jumped, and shot at, specifically because I’m bi-racial (and thus not “Black enough”) I can tell you criminals are often motivated by leftist nonsense. If the victim, Ashley Todd, made it up she’s the most hardcore little bastard in the G.O.P. because she’s got a black eye that only comes from being hit hard in the face. I couldn’t do it to myself and I don’t think she could either.

Fox is reporting McCain called to check on Ashley. That’s class. We wish her the best.

Update: Police claim it’s a hoax. The police also claim Rodney King deserved the beating he got and that Malcolm X was shot by random assailants. If it was a hoax it distracted from several incidents of real violence against Republicans.

Update: Ashley Todd joined the college Republicans in June and worked as a contract worker for them, not McCain. Sounds like a Moby to me.

Update: She’s a Paulnut! This explains everything:

In March, Ms. Todd was asked to leave a grass-roots group of Ron Paul supporters in Brazos County, Texas, group leader Dustan Costine said. He said Ms. Todd posed as a supporter of former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and called the local Republican committee seeking information about its campaign strategies.

“She would call the opposing campaign and pretend she was on their campaign to get information,” Mr. Costine said last night. “We had to remove her because of the tactics she displayed. After that we had nothing to do with her.”

About a month earlier, he said, Ms. Todd sent an e-mail to the Ron Paul group saying her tires were slashed and that campaign paraphernalia had been stolen from her car because she supported Mr. Paul.

Jenn Q Public has more.

Florida Republican HQ Manager’s House Fired On by Obama Supporters!

Via Breitbart :

Link: Mccain shot up

The reporters claim it was pellets that went through the man’s window, but those are pretty big holes in a window to have been made with the average airgun. I’m thinking some minimizing of the incident is going on. From Local 6:

Coverely said he has taken about 300 calls concerning stolen or vandalized McCain signs in the area.

“It says this campaign is getting vicious,” Coverely said.

Coverely said it appears Democrats are becoming more aggressive in the county.

“I wouldn’t say slipping, but I would say the Democrats have become far more aggressive in Seminole County because it is such a heavy Republican area,” Coverely said.

Now Democrats are getting vicious? I guess Florida doesn’t have access to DailyKos.

Looks like America’s getting closer to a civil war every day.

h/t Gateway Pundit

21st Century Socialism Makes it Hard to Read at Night

Socialism deprives people of their freedom to choose their own path, their liberty, and  their independence. In Venezuela, socialism also has deprived people of the ability to purchase basic staples like sugar and meat, led to government mandate rationing, and now it is leaving people without power:

SAN FELIX, Venezuela (Reuters) – Despite having some of the world’s largest energy reserves, Venezuela is increasingly struggling to maintain basic electrical service, a growing challenge for leftist President Hugo Chavez.

The OPEC nation has suffered three nationwide blackouts this year, and chronic power shortages have sparked protests from the western Andean highlands to San Felix, a city of mostly poor industrial workers in the sweltering south.

Shoddy electrical service is now one of Venezuelans’ top concerns, according to a recent poll, and may be a factor in elections next month for governors and mayors in which Chavez allies are expected to lose key posts, in part on complaints of poor services.

The problem suggests that Chavez, with his ambitious international alliances and promises to end capitalism, risks alienating supporters by failing to focus on basic issues like electricity, trash collection and law enforcement.

“With so much energy in Venezuela, how can we be without power?” asked Fernando Aponte, 49, whose slum neighborhood of Las Delicias in San Felix spent 15 days without electricity — leading him to block a nearby avenue with burning tires in protest.

Just next door, Carmen Fernandez, 82, who is blind and has a pacemaker, says she has trouble sleeping through sultry nights without even a fan to cool her.

Hot Air examines the problem with Chavez’s 21st Century socialism:

Venezuela is a net energy exporter — or at least it was before Chavez nationalized its oil and electrical production and spent most of his attention on FARC and opposing the US on the international stage. The electrical grid has fallen into disrepair and Chavez’ oil-burning electrical plants don’t generate enough to keep it stable. Venezuelans now have to contend with third-world electrical production as well as Chavez’ aspirations to be a cut-rate Fidel Castro.

In fact, Chavez has taken a page from Castro in response to the electrical crisis. Instead of spending the billions of dollars necessary to upgrade the grid and generate enough electricity for the entire nation, Chavez has built tiny microstations to provide service to small sectors of homes and businesses. Castro did the same thing in Cuba, and Hugo has proved just as effective. They generate too little electricity for too many consumers, which means they only ease the severity of the shortfall without doing anything to solve the underlying problem.

Chavez has something Castro does not — a fortune in oil revenues. What happened to all the money? Where has he put Venezuela’s money? It certainly hasn’t gone to infrastructure. It’s likely to be going straight into Chavez’ pocket, or perhaps to his friends in FARC, or to curry favor with Iran and Russia.

The lesson Venezuela is learning is one that hopefully America won’t have to. Country First! Vote McCain/Palin