Degenerate Gets Probation for Viciously Raping 3-Year-Old Girl

Disgusting. The rationale is that the criminal is 16-years-old and thus technically a child himself, but this soulless pervert will rape again, with the aid of the judge who thinks child rapists just need a little therapy:

CLAY CENTER, Kan. — A 16-year-old boy has been sentenced to three years probation for raping a 3-year-old girl.

District Judge Bill Malcolm sentenced the Clifton teen to probation for his conviction on raping the 3-year-old. He was also convicted of attempting a sexual act. Malcolm also ordered the boy into counseling. The sentencing was last week.

County Attorney Rick James said he asked for the teen to be sentenced to one year in juvenile detention. James said three years of probation is more probation than what a juvenile typically gets. But he said rape is one of two crimes in Kansas considered so severe that the judge can sentence any amount of time.

Adults, or in this case quasi-adults, cause extreme physical damage to children this young during a rape, in fact I’ve covered a case where a man paralyzed a baby via rape. Probation does not fit the crime in this case. Castration might, but if the judge thinks this degenerate is “mentally ill” he should be committed to an asylum where he can’t rape another child.

h/t Crime Scene KC

Barack Obama Caught on Tape Supporting Marxist Wealth Redistribution in America!

In this 2001 interview on a Chicago public radio station Obama not only nonchalantly voices his support for Marxist class warfare policies, but declares the Civil Rights movement a partial failure because it didn’t initiate a race war by attempting to push for the confiscation of White owned property and wealth to be given to Black Americans. As a Bi-racial American and product of the success of the civil rights movement I find this disgusting, offensive and un-American.

Listen to your Messiah’s matter of fact discussion of the best ways to take your property and give it to others:


Civil war is coming thanks to the left and their slavish devotion to this neo-Marxist, because most Americans will not give up their hard earned wealth to the “redistributive justice” Obama supports.

Gateway Pundit has more.

Reverse Vampyr has excellent analysis.

Cryptic Subterranean is also on this important story.

Update: Noted moron Claire McCaskill claims this comment was about “middle class tax cuts” or something. Anyone know if she has had a brain injury?

Putin Setting Up Next Cuban Missile Crisis

This is why McCain needs to be the next President:

“The Russian and Cuban military will exchange experience in organising tactical air defence and in training officers,” Interfax quoted Russian Land Forces spokesman Igor Konashenkov as saying.

The two sides will “discuss the prospect of training Cuban servicemen at the tactical air defence academies and training centres in Russia, using upgraded Russian-made military hardware,” Interfax quoted him as saying.

The delegation, led by the chief of Russia’s tactical air defence headquarters, Lieutenant General Alexander Maslov, will also look at “ways to strengthen relations between the Russian armed forces and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba,” Konashenkov was quoted as saying.

The delegation will be in Cuba from Monday until November 3, Konashenkov was quoted as saying. Reuters could not immediately reach Konashenkov for comment.

In 1962, Cuba became the focus of the deepest crisis of the Cold War after the Soviet Union installed missiles there, prompting a standoff with Washington. The island’s government remains hostile to the United States.

In the past few months, Moscow has stepped up contacts with both Cuba and Venezuela, another South American critic of the United States.

Will Obama be able to stand firm against Castro and Putin the way JFK did? Doubtful. Vote McCain/Palin.