Gun Sales Rise on Fears of an Obama Presidency

Via Drudge:


The fears aren’t unfounded. Clinton’s gun ban crippled many gun stores and increased the prices of assault weapons already in circulation to such a degree that the average Joe couldn’t afford them anymore. Buying guns now is hedging bets that when the next draconian gun law passes (and it will with a Obama win) people will have already purchased the guns targeted, meaning they can’t be seized and they’ll be immune from the inevitable price jump.

But Obama isn’t Bill Clinton and these aren’t the 90s Democrats in office. Gun buyers are counting on two things that may well not happen. The first is that guns already purchased will be “grandfathered” in, meaning they’ll be exempt from new laws. But that relies on Democrats fearing a backlash from gun owners, led by the N.R.A. and Republicans. I don’t see that in the Democrats who are preparing for full filibuster proof control of the government.

The second is that the Democrats won’t consider house to house gun confiscation. Again I don’t buy that from today’s Democrats. The Clintons were centrist Democrats and their justice department militarized the A.T.F. and allowed them to kick in plenty of people’s doors, including those who turned out to be innocent. Today’s Democrats have rejected the centrism of the Clintons, and with that the hope of Democrats’ reasonableness. Purchase a gun they have their eye on now, and you’ll be getting a no knock warrant served on you in about a year and a half.

I’m purchasing more guns now rather than later too, but I’m factoring in what Democrats will be willing to do now that they have absolute power and a base that has shifted far enough to the left as to be indistinguishable from European socialists. On the other hand the Dems have to be aware that a large segment of their base owns guns, so they can’t make a full press to ban them out of hand. I’m using these general guidelines:

  • Assault Weapons will be banned and it is unlikely Dems will Grandfather previously owned weapons. Curio and Relic license holders may be safe with collector’s arms such as the SKS. I’m not saying that you should dump your precious Ak, but why shell out $500+ on a second one now that someone will be confiscating it?
  • Handguns will be restricted. Look for at least magazine capacity limits, more likely some sort of universal licensing scheme. As in my former abode of New York City handguns will likely end up a privilege of the wealthy only. I’d purchase a revolver if looking for a handgun, because it’s more politically correct and move to a “red state” where the local legislature may challenge restrictive federal regulations.
  • Ammunition costs will increase. They already have due to material costs but the Democrats have floated measures like bullet taxes which are again designed to price the poor and middle classes out of exercising their Second Amendment rights. Decide on a few calibers you’ll need in an emergency and lay in a large supply. I started my battery with a 20ga Mossberg 500 (with the dreaded pistol grip!) and my newest acquisition is a Stoeger 20ga Coach Gun. So I’m buying up all the 20ga I can, plus .410 and .45 colt for my other emergency arms. Doing it now will save you money in the long run.
  • The ATF will be checking on your arsenal. If you live in a state where person to person paperless sales are still legal I’d go that route and cache arms in case the ATF goes nuclear after TEOTWAWKI. Otherwise pattern your gun collection to look more “sporty.” Cowboy action shooting is a fast growing sport for example, so lay in some side by sides and single actions. The Democrats will redefine guns as sporting goods so make sure your arsenal can pass as a typical sporting collection.

Look, it’s possible that the Democrats in charge will run to the center or, even better, bow to the “Blue Dogs” and not move on guns at all. It’s also possible I’ll stumble on buried treasure while planting my tomatoes. Neither are things it’d be wise to count on.

Survivalism has become more mainstream and with it the desire of more Americans to own top of the line assault weapons, the theory being that they’ll need quasi-military firepower to survive the hordes of zombies/road warrior extras/Illuminati foot soldiers that populate their post-apocalyptic fantasies. The hard truth is that if you can’t make your way through the world, apocalypse or not, with a shotgun and a good knife you aren’t surviving TEOTWAWKI, period. The Democrats are going to limit your ability to purchase the military style gear many armchair survivalists think will protect them in the bad times, so it’s time to start planning for a world where your hunting and self-defense needs will be filled by old fashioned rifles and shotguns.

Cross-posted on the world’s most neglected survival blog

Missouri Judge Blocks Rules Limiting Sex Offenders on Halloween

Apparently the judge thinks the right of child rapists to enjoy the holiday with their families supersedes the right of children to not be viciously raped. Surprise! The ACLU is involved. From declining leftist rag The New York Times:

A federal judge in Missouri on Monday temporarily blocked parts of a new state law that requires sexual offenders to remain in their homes on Halloween evening and to avoid any contact with children related to the holiday.

The judge, Carol E. Jackson, of United States District Court in St. Louis, said the law was unclear, questioning language that prohibits “all Halloween-related contact with children” and allows sexual offenders to leave their homes from 5 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. only if they have “just cause.”

Two issues raised by the case were whether sexual offenders could celebrate the holiday with their own children or grandchildren, for example by hanging decorations or carving pumpkins, and on what grounds they could leave home during the curfew.

The attorney general’s office said it would appeal the order, but declined to comment further.

Chief Judge Jackson allowed two provisions in the law to stand, requiring sexual offenders to post a sign stating “no candy or treats at this residence” and to turn off any porch lights.

Illinois and Louisiana have also passed state laws restricting sexual offenders’ activities on Halloween, and some other states have similar agency regulations or municipal ordinances.

Missouri’s law was enacted as part of broader legislation cracking down on sexual offenders.

“We’re counting it as a victory that kids going trick-or-treating will be a degree safer,” said State Senator John Loudon, a Republican who sponsored the legislation, speaking of Monday’s ruling. “And then we’ll have to go back to the drawing board depending on court action.”

The ruling came after four anonymous convicted sexual offenders sued this month, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union of Eastern Missouri. They say the law is not only vague but also unfair and unconstitutional, an argument their lawyer vowed to keep pushing. “Once people have completed their sentences,” said the lawyer, Anthony E. Rothert, “you can’t go back and punish them for the same crime.”

Right. And you can’t make common sense laws that are designed to keep people who admit they’re unreformable from victimizing more children. Child rapists do not have a right to give candy to children. Being a part of a community celebrating holidays is a privilege, one that you should lose when you rape a child.

Violent Obama Supporters Attack Republican Campaign Office


Daniel Cason Meinecke, 29, and Cara Annis Hindman, 26 were arrested after a bizarre attack on several older GOP campaign workers in Galax Virginia which started when the pair demanded the Republicans give them Obama signs. When asked politely to leave the pair assaulted the workers, and pepper sprayed everyone in the office including an elderly woman:

Two people were arrested Monday afternoon after an altercation led to five Republican campaign workers being sprayed with Mace at their headquarters in Galax.

Galax Police Chief Rick Clark said officers were dispatched shortly before 1 p.m. to the Galax Republican headquarters on East Grayson Street when a caller reported someone had sprayed office workers with Mace.

Responding officers arrested Daniel Cason Meinecke, 29, and Cara Annis Hindman, 26, both of Galax.

Meinecke was charged with one count of misdemeanor assault, Hindman was charged with five counts of misdemeanor assault.

Galax Republican Chairman Mike Stevens said he was one of the volunteers sprayed. He said a man and woman came into the office and asked for campaign yard signs for the Democratic ticket of Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

After being told the Obama-Biden campaign office was up the street, Stevens said, the man said he was aware of that, but that he thought Democratic signs were being stolen and “stashed” at the Republican office.

Stevens told him that nobody there had stolen signs, not were they “stashing” any in the building.

A confrontation escalated and, Stevens said, the man began to use some four-letter words.

Stevens said there were older women in the office and he asked the couple to leave the building.

“With the ladies in the office, I said that was enough and asked them to leave,” he said. “I told them, if they had a problem with someone stealing their signs they needed to contact the police department.”

Stevens said the couple replied that they weren’t leaving, and that they didn’t have to.

“I kind of moved them towards the door and he lashed out at me,” Stevens said. “So I lashed out at him.”

No punches were thrown, but instead the two simply held each other at bay, according to Stevens.

Once outside, Stevens said, the woman sprayed Mace on him and another volunteer before turning back to the office and spraying inside the building.

“It was surreal in the fact that I’ve had people in the past couple months come in and ask for signs. But to have an altercation like that just seems strange.”

While Stevens was unsure if the couple came into the building planning to start an altercation, he said it seemed evident they were.

“There was no business that this gentleman had to do in the office. We didn’t do anything… We didn’t steal his signs. The people in the building were a 75- and 71-year-old man and their respective wives… they aren’t out there stealing signs.”

Stevens said he felt the man just came to the headquarters to agitate office volunteers and that he had no reason to enter the building.

“I can’t say they came there for that purpose. But it seemed that it was to come in and agitate. When he started cussing, that’s when I felt it was time for them to go out of the way and go on down the road.”

Hmmm. You think drugs were involved? This would be outrageous behavior from teens, but a 29-year-old man and his 26-year-old gutterslut? Clearly an attempt to intimidate voters and an indication that the two need to re-examine their lives.

Here’s a video report of the attack:


Arm yourselves. I expect the election night violence to massive.

h/t Gateway Pundit

Victimless Crime File: Dawn Van Cise Let Her Sons Deal Pot

And of course they’re on the way to the joint while their scumbag mother gets to hang around the house taking no responsibility for the problems of her children. From

WEST MELBOURNE, Fla. — A 41-year-old mother of two is accused of allowing her two teenaged sons to grow and sell marijuana from her home, investigators said.

Officiers executed a warrant at the house in conjunction with a drug task force partnership between the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office and West Melbourne Police.

“There had been several complaints about the house,” said BCSO Lt. Andrew Walters with the Special Investigations Unit.

awn Van Cise was charged with two counts of child neglect.

Walters said police found that both of Van Cise’s teenaged boys were already on misdemeanor probation for previous marijuana charges. Walters said both teens were in possession of pot and drug paraphernalia and the older boy, 17, was growing marijuana in his closet.

“She knew without a doubt that they were growing marijuana,” Walters said, praising the community’s response and the inter-department partnership.

“Drug offenders don’t have boundaries,” he said. “This partnership is vital.”

Yeah, pot smokers are wonderful parents. If only pot were legal Dawn and her two sons could have sat around for the rest of their lives wallowing in drug use and a creepy lack of boundaries. When will we sobriety fascists learn?

h/t Bad Breeders

McCain: Obama’s a Goddamn Communist

I’m paraphrasing, but even sweetened up for the stump this is what we all wanted from McCain for the last several weeks:


The only thing that could make this more awesome is if he said “We didn’t fight the commies for 50 years to let one take over now!” or something similar. Country First! Vote McCain/Palin