Happy Halloween


It’s Halloween, or Samhain if you prefer, and as is traditional I’ll be incommunicado while celebrating the The Grand Sabbat in style. Because the legendary Hellfire Blogs Halloween celebrations are all day (and all night) affairs it’ll be light blogging here until November 2nd at least.

Prepare for your festivities tonight the way I do, with a light dose of Diamond banging:


Enjoy yourselves.

Election Night Violence Preview Courtesy Philadelphia Sports Fans

These people are rioting because their team won, imagine what they would do if their Messiah won. Or worse lost. Via Michelle Malkin:


Noted liar Erica Jong is in Europe weaving breathless stories about escaping the “Bush police state” (the one where you’re allowed complete freedom of speech) and the coming civil war here. She’s a tool but I have a feeling that the eight years of lefty agitprop will be exploding election night no matter who the winner. Be prepared.

There are people with vested interests in election night violence and they’ll go to any lengths to get kick things off.

Gulf Cartel Preparing for “Confrontation” with U.S. Law Enforcement in South Texas

From The Chron:

McALLEN — Frustrated by a crackdown on South Texas drug smuggling routes, the Mexican Gulf Cartel is stockpiling high-powered weapons and recruiting local gang members on both sides of the border to prepare for possible confrontations with U.S. law enforcement, according to an FBI intelligence report.

The regional leader of the cartel’s enforcer group, the Zetas, Jaime “El Hummer” Gonzalez Duran ordered dozens of reinforcements to Reynosa, Mexico, across the river from McAllen, the report said.

“These replacements are believed to be armed with assault rifles, bulletproof vests and grenades and are occupying safe houses throughout the McAllen area,” the report obtained by The McAllen Monitor said.

The Monitor reported in today’s editions that the local FBI office refused to comment on the report.

Erik Vasys, an FBI spokesman in San Antonio, refused to discuss the details of the report but told The Associated Press “we acknowledge the Zetas are a significant problem in Mexico and they have the potential to pose a significant problem to law enforcement on this side of the border.”

Less than two weeks ago, the Border Patrol, the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Hidalgo County sheriff announced that they would not be intimidated by cartel violence. At the time, they would only say that they felt the smugglers had become increasingly confrontational and the agencies planned to increase their coordination.

Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino said at the time that his deputies patrolling near the Rio Grande would be issued high-powered rifles and authorized to return fire.

The Gulf Cartel is thought to be planning to retaliate against American officials who have successfully cracked down on drug running and stood firm in the face of threats of violence. If the Cartels launch a major offensive in the states, it will be in essence a declaration of war on America by a non-state actor, just as the 9/11 attacks were. We are more limited in our options however, as Mexico isn’t harboring the cartels, but actively fighting them.

A cartel hit on our police will also prove once and for all that the cartels are powerful enough to not be afraid to engage a first world power militarily, meaning the political situation in the world has changed drastically. When the world’s only superpower cannot intimidate drug gangs into not staging military style assaults on our officials, citizens in those areas can no longer rely on the government to protect them.

h/t N.T.A.

This is What Liberals Think of Americans

A get out the vote commercial featuring racists, homophobic pig farmers and drug addicts. The point being leftists need to vote to cancel out the votes of typical Americans. At the very end there’s a “thoughtful” voter representing the voice of reason who seems to imply WW II wasn’t worth fighting:


This video was posted on a DailyKos open thread. Via Daily Antikos. It’s purportedly the work of Daily Show writer Scott Jacobsen and Aqua Teen hunger Force writer Scott Willis. It’s nice to know how they envision most of us isn’t it?

Huffington Post Blogger Stabs Lover 222 Times, Commits Suicide

How shocking. Huffington Post bloggers are known to be reasonable people aren’t they? From the Palm Beach Post:

BOYNTON BEACH — Carol Anne Burger killed her former lover by stabbing her 222 times with a Phillips-head screwdriver and then took pains to hide her crime, police said Wednesday.

Jessica Kalish, who shared a house with Burger despite breaking up with her more than a year ago, was found last Thursday stuffed in the backseat of her gun-metal BMW sedan, abandoned behind a medical office at 2300 S. Congress Avenue. Her blood was splashed around the rear end and undercarriage of the car, as if her killer had tried to load her into the trunk. The driver-side window was shattered.

Examining the body, detectives absorbed what had been done to her. Stab wounds were clustered around the back of her head and stitched across her back and arms and face. Most were between an inch and an inch-and-a-half deep. A blow to Kalish’s neck probably killed her, investigators determined.

At a news conference Wednesday, police laid out what they’d learned during a week of investigation. They said the evidence pointed to one conclusion: Burger killed Kalish, a 56-year-old software executive whom friends described as worldly and intelligent, and then tried to throw investigators off her trail.

What pulled the trigger in Burger?

Her friends, the ones who can bring themselves to believe what police said about her, turn the question over in amazement.

If this could happen to someone like her, they said, what does it mean for the rest of us?

Burger, a 57-year-old writer, did yoga, had a fondness for Shark Week on the Discovery Channel and preferred to watch musicals in theaters with Dolby Sound. She recently stopped drinking coffee. She thought Jackson Browne’s For a Dancer was good to listen to when you were sad, and she refused to take anti-depressants despite her relationship problems with Kalish.

Their situation really was a bad one, friends said, but for financial reasons Burger and Kalish had continued to share the house they’d bought together in 2000.

Burger, who on Oct. 7 was tapped to cover the election for the Web site, The Huffington Post, still sometimes felt sad and isolated. Kalish, whom Burger had married in Massachusetts in 2005, had met another woman.

At 3300 Churchill Drive, Burger had her half of the house, a room and office where she would write and read and surf the Internet, and Kalish had hers, where she would spend hours absorbed in cyber dates with her new companion, friends said.

The two’s relationship was a textbook example of leftist immaturity. The report states that the two had recently argued when Burger discovered that Kalish, who had broken up with her, no longer kept an insurance policy with Burger as the beneficiary. No rational person expects someone they’ve broken up with to keep an insurance policy with them as a beneficiary on it, but Burger’s friends thought nothing of the complaints. Nor did they think it odd that women of, shall we say distinguished years, should be acting like just out co-eds dwelling in the same houses as their ex while going on cyberdates with others.

Which isn’t to say that Kalish isn’t an innocent victim of a depraved and evil individual whose selfish neediness was so extreme that she’d rather murder someone she supposedly loved then kill herself than grow up, move on and work on the things about her that drive people away. My point is that Burger was a murderous time bomb that snowed so many liberals into thinking she was some sort of intellectual and that she was a good spokeswoman for them. It should tell you all you need to know about liberals in general, and Huffington Post in particular, that a woman who stabbed her ex-lover 222 times is considered intellectually superior to you and I.

It isn’t a surprise really. Child abusing communist Alec Baldwin is a Huffington Post favorite as is wife beating degenerate Jim Lampley, a man who hid behind security during the Bowe-Golata riot while his 16-year-old daughter was alone amongst the combatants. There is video of that incident if you’re interested in witnessing the single most disgusting act of cowardice in television history. The judgment of Huffington Post editors and faithful should be called into question by all this at the very least. Why is it that the left is full of people so enamored with murderers, so willing to allow common criminals to be their champions?

Huffpo still has a tribute up to the murderess. They link to the Palm Beach Post article but don’t mention it. It’s almost like the murder of Jessica Kalish doesn’t matter.