Shawn Damon Barth Kept 13-Year-Old Girl as Sex Slave

Police in southern California believe Barth may have traveled all over the state with the girl who was raped every day for the duration of her torment. From Ventura County Star:

Authorities today released new details about the arrest of a man suspected of keeping a 13-year-old girl as a sex slave near Moorpark.

Shawn Damon Barth, 46, was arrested Monday morning when Ventura County sheriff’s deputies, who were watching him, stopped his pickup truck in the Ventura area, said Detective Eric Buschow.

Authorities suspect Barth raped the girl daily for the past three months in a motor home parked in an orchard near the 4000 block of Hitch Boulevard west of Moorpark, Buschow said at a press conference at the Sheriff Department’s Thousand Oaks station.

The suspect was scheduled to be arraigned in Ventura County court this afternoon on charges of child rape, oral copulation on a child and continuous sexual abuse. He was being held in Ventura County Jail today in lieu of $1 million bail.

Barth allegedly kept the girl isolated in the motor home, parked more than a mile from the road, except when he allowed her to go to school, authorities said.

Read the rest. Authorities don’t know why the girl, who was never reported missing by her mother, was with Barth who was in fact accused of abusing her before. Barth is the mother’s ex-boyfriend but as of now she and another woman are being treated as witnesses not suspects.

There’s a video report with more information:

Barth is an filthy degenerate who deserves to die.

Victimless Crime File: Illuminati Apparently Lowering Standards in Recruitment Push


Anthony Smith of Knoxville is one of the foot soldiers of the New World Order, carrying out secret missions at the behest of his shadowy reptilian masters. His masters are learning the hard way that it’s hard to find good help these days:

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – It wasn’t the preferred way to enter the Knoxville Museum of Art, but Richard Anthony Smith told police he was on a mission. The 25-year-old Knoxville man called 911 from his cell phone before dawn Wednesday saying he was trapped in an air conditioning duct leading from the museum roof, Knoxville police spokesman Darrell DeBusk said.

Police and firefighters reached the roof, found a rope and cable and followed them to a vent shaft. Peering inside, they spotted Smith about 45 feet down.

“Mission failed,” he told them.

Hoisted up and read his rights, Smith told police he was a “special agent from the United States Illuminati, badge number 0931” and had rappelled onto the museum from a helicopter, a police report said.

He said he was following orders to “defuse and confiscate” a Soviet-made nuclear warhead, specifically a “MERV6SS-22AN” warhead, according to the report. The bomb supposedly was hidden in a blue, plastic cow sculpture in the museum basement, he said.

However, Smith told officers his “agency” called while he was in air-vent limbo to say it made a mistake and the bomb might be in a Memphis museum instead.

Police charged Smith with aggravated robbery. He was being held on $2,000 bond at the Knox County Jail. Authorities said he did not have a lawyer.

“Fortunately he was able to reach his cell phone,” DeBusk said, “or he may not have been found for quite some time.

In other words if this moron hadn’t been just sane enough to call for help he would have died in that air vent. I guess all that trutherism and N.W.O. nonsense isn’t just a harmless eccentricity that allows you to milk suckers of their hard earned money after all. Alex Jones, I’m looking at you.

Anyone here think a little pot was involved?

Democratic Congressman’s Son Busted Smuggling Illegal Aliens!

More Hope! and Change! from the party who thinks nothing of importing millions of slaves, er, I mean undocumented workers, to take jobs from American workers. From

The son of U.S. Rep. Allen Boyd, a Panhandle Democrat, is facing federal charges of smuggling illegal immigrants after being stopped by Border Patrol agents in Arizona.

John F. Boyd, 30, admitted picking up the passengers in the desert, authorities said. He was stopped Sunday at a border checkpoint near Willcox and a search dog indicated people might be hiding in the bed of the white Ford pickup he was driving.

Agents found two people under a piece of plywood, according to a federal complaint, and two more adults lying on the floorboard behind the front seat. A 6-year-old girl was in the passenger seat.

Methamphetamine and a loaded Beretta pistol were found, according to the complaint. It did not indicate who the items belonged to and no drug or weapons charges have been filed against Boyd. He has a preliminary hearing this morning in Tucson.

“This is an ongoing investigation,” said Sandy Raynor, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona.

Boyd acknowledged he knew the group had entered the United States illegally, the complaint stated.

The Dem-Cong again are proven to put America dead last in their long list of priorities. Boyd’s son is an armed meth-head who smuggles illegals into the country but the congressman proudly states that as leader of the “Blue Dog Coalition” he and his fellow Blue Dogs are “…working to bring a common sense, conservative, and compassionate approach to many of the tough issues that are facing our country, including balancing the budget, paying down the national debt, and ensuring Social Security and Medicare are there for current and future beneficiaries.”

Maybe Rep. Boyd should be using a common sense, conservative and compassionate approach to keeping his son from endangering 6-year-old girls by driving them around with meth and a loaded gun.

American Thinker has more.

European Union to Allow Sharia Divorce

On the heels of the announcement that England is allowing autonomous Sharia courts to decide domestic violence and other criminal cases comes news that the E.U. will allow Muslims to divorce using Sharia law. Gates of Vienna says Denmark is one of the few countries who opt out of E.U. rulings but the Danes are concerned with what the ruling means:

Because of Danish opt-out provisions, the EU regulation will not have a direct impact on Denmark. But Danish People’s Party EU spokesman Morten Messerschmidt is still greatly concerned about the proposal:

“It’s a completely lamebrain idea, the possibility that the Commission will use inhumane sharia laws in the EU,” he says to MetroXpress.

Sharia divorce is notoriously unfair to women, requiring nothing more than the man to say he wants a divorce three times. Women are not allowed to initiate divorce in most Sharia courts and have no custody rights to their children.

American feminists will comment later, I’m sure.