Who is Really Responsible for the Current Financial Crisis?

Leftist hacks are taking the usual track, but they ignore the fact that Bush tried to rein in Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae years ago and were blocked by Democrats. Via Hot Air:


Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, along with Lehman and AIG, are now the subject of federal probes for fraud:

WASHINGTON (AP) – The FBI is investigating four major U.S. financial institutions whose collapse helped trigger a $700 billion bailout plan by the Bush administration.

Two law enforcement officials said Tuesday the FBI is looking at potential fraud by mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., and insurer American International Group Inc.

The inquiries, still in preliminary stages, will focus on the financial institutions and the individuals that ran them, a senior law enforcement official said..

Officials said the new inquiries brings the number of corporate lenders under investigation over the last year to 26.

Spokesmen for AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac did not immediately return calls for comment Tuesday evening. A Lehman spokesman did not have an immediate comment.

The law enforcement officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigations are ongoing and are in the very early stages.

Just last week, FBI Director Robert Mueller put the number of large financial firms under investigation at 24. He did not name any of the companies under investigation but said the FBI also is looking at whether any of them have misrepresented their assets.

Hmmm. Who was in charge of Fannie? Wasn’t it Clinton appointee Franklin Raines, who’s now an Obama advisor?

And why did the Democrats allow this to keep going on?

It’s almost as if they wanted this to happen.

In This Case Parenting Classes May be in Order


Michelle Cossey took permissive parenting to a whole new level when she purchased at least three firearms for her 14-year-old son who was planning a Columbine style attack on his school. It is thought that she knew what he was planning.

Cossey claimed his son “felt bullied” so she was trying to help him. She’s just helped the kid into Juvie and herself into jail:

NORRISTOWN, Pa. (AP) – A prosecutor says the mother of a bullied boy who planned an attack on a suburban Philadelphia high school has agreed to admit she helped build his cache of weapons.

Michele Cossey, of Plymouth Township, is charged with buying her son, Dillon, several weapons, including a handgun, rifle and laser scope.

Prosecutor Christopher Parisi tells The Associated Press that Cossey plans to plead guilty to related charges at a hearing Tuesday afternoon.

Parisi says the mother, in her own way, was trying to help her 14-year-old son fend off bullies.

Defense attorney Tim Woodward did not immediately return a message left by The Associated Press.

Dillon Cossey is serving time in a juvenile facility. A friend tipped off police last year, pre-empting the attack.

Not to date myself but when I was a kid “fending off bullies” meant putting the steel toe to some jerk, maybe a little pepper spray if said bully was unusually large and that was considered “hardcore.” It never involved busting a cap in someone, and certainly not a whole classroom full of kids. What ever happened to putting your kid in self defense classes?

After getting out of prison I think someone needs to sign Michelle up for parenting classes.

Explosives Stolen in Nevada County California

Story is about a week old but I haven’t seen any updates:

NEVADA COUNTY, Calif. — Sheriff’s officials said Wednesday that they received a report about explosives stolen from a container, also known as a magazine, near Interstate 80 in Truckee.

The explosives may have been stolen within the last 10 days, Sgt. Jeff Pettitt said.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said it’s offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in the case.

Anyone with information may call the Nevada County Sheriff’s Office crime tip hotline at 530-470-2400.

h/t N.T.A.

U.N. Chief Calls for “Global Leadership”

Alex Jones must be in convulsions about now, but in this case he should be:

UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday stressed the need for “global leadership” as he pressed world leaders not to pursue narrow national interests in the face of hard economic times.

“I see a danger of nations looking more inward, rather than toward a shared future,” he said at the opening of the UN General Assembly’s annual debate.

He spoke of a “challenge of global leadership” to tackle the world’s worsening financial, energy and food crises.

“We see new centers of power and leadership — in Asia, Latin America and across the newly developed world,” Ban told more than 120 heads of state or government, including Presidents George W. Bush of the United States and Nicolas Sarkozy of France.

“In this new world, our challenges are increasingly those of collaboration rather than confrontation,” he added.

“Nations can no longer protect their interests, or advance the well-being of their people, without the partnership of the rest.”

On the world’s current financial crisis, the UN secretary general stressed the need to “restore order to the international financial markets”.

“We need a new understanding on business ethics and governance, with more compassion and less uncritical faith in the ‘magic’ of markets,” the UN boss said.

Ban, who has chosen implementation of key poverty reduction goals as a major theme of this year’s debate, said he saw “a danger of retreating from the progress we have made, particularly in the realm of development and more equitably sharing the fruits of global growth.”

“Global growth has raised billions of people out of poverty. However, if you are among the world’s poor, you have never felt poverty so sharply.”

It’s time for Americans to look start putting country first, and “sharing the fruits” of our efforts is going to be impossible for us for quite a while without hurting our own people.

America has been the breadbasket of the world for decades, handing out food aid and money as if we had an unlimited supply. Well we don’t. Next year more than a third of our corn crop will likely be used for Ethanol driving up the prices of food while actually lowering fuel economy. The asinine bailout the government is cobbling together will raise taxes not only on “the wealthy” but on small businesses and people who consider themselves middle class. This will affect job growth. It will affect how much you spend per day and it will impoverish thousands. And it is largely at the behest of “global leadership” that we are crippling ourselves in the first place.

What we don’t need now is anymore global leadership.

What Ban Ki-moon means by “global leadership” is that the other countries who have benefited from American ingenuity for years will bleed us dry when we need help with demands for more aid. It’s time to put the U.N. aside and put country first.

Good News! Teen Raping Pervert Tom Madison Not Suing Red Alerts for “Slander”

About a week ago Tom Madison, a filthy degenerate who got a light sentence for raping a teenager yet still has the temerity to claim being on a sex offender registry is unfair, had emailed me threatening to sue me for libel and slander. After blogging about the threat I responded to this fiend in a measured and temperate email:

You’re retarded. Look up what libel means moron, then look up the rules governing public figures. You’re a public figure and ridiculing you for your nonsensical views is protected by the First Amendment.

But feel free to have your lawyer contact me, I have enough money to keep you in court for years. I’ll bury you in briefs and bankrupt you in court and you’ll be in a nursing home before the cases are over. And the entire time I’ll put your face on my every blog I have access to. You will rue the day you threatened me with your juvenile legal threats Madison, and I’ll be posting this email as part of a piece about you and your disgusting abuse of a teen girl.

And detail what part of an analysis of you acting like a dick to rape survivors on video constitutes slander. By the gods man did you go to college?

Rob Taylor

It should be noted, for future reference to my more litigious readers, that with minor detail changes this is pretty much my response to any threat of a lawsuit. After not hearing from Tom I inquired, quite nicely as you can imagine, why I had yet to be contacted by his lawyer. Here’s his response:

Mr. Taylor,

When I initially emailed you, I thought I was dealing with a general blog owner(?!?) who had received some whacked out, one-sided blog from some anonymous extremist against the kind people who I represent (former sex offenders who are endlessly persecuted for crimes committed years and decades ago). But your last email to me (before tonight) told me all I want to know about you. You are an arrogant, one-sided bigot who seems to only believe that former sex offenders deserve a life sentence — irregardless of the kind of sex offense that was committed, irregardless of the specific circumstances, irregardless of how long ago it occurred. I would think of you as more at home with the Nazis than with what used to be a liberty minded American that valued our Constitution.

I will not seek a legal action against you. You would be a complete waste of my time. I will continue working with the mass media, the courts and with getting other former sex offenders together to build a national team where even more things can get done.

So blog away Mr. Robert Taylor (if that is your real name).

Oh, and please do not waste your time in an e-mail reply as it will be automatically rejected. I have much more important business to take care of than corresponding with people like you.

Enjoy your evening.

Tom Madison

By people like me he means of course men who don’t sexually abuse teenage girls. While it is some small satisfaction to have this blowhard admit, in his own way, that calling a person who sexually abuses teens a pervert isn’t libel or slander I don’t feel that Madison is rueing the day yet.

But that’s easily remedied. Anyone who has been been contacted by Madison knows he’s very fond of throwing around his pro-pedophile organization’s 501(c) status around. To keep 501(c) status a group must not engage in political activity and may not commit substantial resources to lobbying. That’s why groups like MoveOn.org and the NRA are 501(c)(4) organizations, which do not have the same status as other 501(c) groups.

SoClear media is clearly a lobbying group trying to change existing public policy so they are misrepresenting their status to the IRS as a “educational” organization. I urge everyone who agrees with me to contact the Internal Revenue Service and report Madison’s group for suspected tax fraud. Together we can shut down this vile font of perversion.