Sheep Raping Degenerate Won’t Be Registered Sex Offender?


A Calhoun County man convicted of having sex with a sheep will not have to register as a sex offender once he is released from prison, the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled.

In a decision released Tuesday, the three-member panel declared that Jeffrey Scott Haynes, 45, of Battle Creek, a petty criminal with a long history of forgery, home invasion and bad checks, will not have to register his name on the public statewide list of sexual offenders.

Haynes was caught trespassing on a ranch in Bedford Township in January 2005 by the ranch owner, who discovered that her sheep had been injured. DNA taken from the sheep matched Haynes.

Haynes pleaded no contest – the equivalent of a guilty plea — to sodomy in Calhoun County Circuit Court before Judge Conrad Sindt, who ordered that once Haynes completed his 30-month to 20-year sentence, he register as a sex offender.

Haynes appealed that order. Tuesday, the appellate court – made up of judges Jane Markey, William Whitbeck and Elizabeth Gleicher – ruled that under Michigan law, “victims” of sexual assault do not include animals – only humans – and that as a result, the sexual offender registry statute does not apply in Hayne’s case, or in other cases of bestiality.

Ewww. Sorry but if a man would rape a sheep, violently enough to injure it then I think he’s as dangerous to humans as any other degenerate rapist. He’s no different than Tom Madison or Michael James Gregg, a ticking time bomb who needs to be monitored before he rapes someone.

h/t Crime Scene KC

John Murtha Being Sued by Haditha Marines

All but one of the marines was cleared of all charges, and the last is awaiting a trial that will likely end with him being declared innocent. Murtha spent months telling people they murdered innocent civilians in cold blood even though he knew they likely didn’t. Note to teen raping pervert Tom Madison, this is an legitimate lawsuit:

PITTSBURGH (AP) – A Marine Corps lance corporal from Pennsylvania has sued U.S. Rep. John Murtha, saying the Democrat lawmaker slandered him by saying he and other marines killed 24 Iraqis in Haditha in “cold blood.”

Justin Sharratt has filed the suit in federal court in Pittsburgh. In the lawsuit, Sharratt claims the comments Murtha made in 2006 about the Haditha killings also violated the Marine’s constitutional rights to due process and presumption of innocence.

Sharratt, who is from Canonsburg, was exonerated after a full investigation and hearing after being charged with three counts of premeditated murder in Military Court in the November 2005 killings. Only one of the seven others charged is awaiting trial; another Marine was acquitted and charges were dropped against the others.

Gateway Pundit has background on the case and links to this video of the man seeking to unseat the disgusting Democrat this November:


Support William Russell in his attempt to unseat the dishonorable Murtha for the sake of all our fighting men and women.

Police in Palm Bay Florida To Stop Responding to Burglary and Theft Calls

Here’s how a budget crisis can effect normal folks without much exposure to financial markets:

PALM BAY, Fla. — A budget crunch in Palm Bay could mean city residents who forget to secure car doors or close garages will get only a case number and nothing in terms of a visit by patrol officers if something is stolen.

The possible policy revision is part of a wider cost-cutting look at the Palm Bay Police Department’s $20 million annual budget, Local 6 News partner Florida Today reported.

“We’re looking very seriously at the types of calls we would go to,” Palm Bay Police Chief Bill Berger said. “Still, about 85 to 90 percent of the people who’ve had their cars broken into left the car doors open. But, obviously, if it’s an actual break-in, we’ll respond.”

The potential move is seen as an unusual step.

Other surrounding agencies — such as Melbourne Police Department — continue to respond to similar vehicle break-in calls.

Berger, however, pointed out that his agency has been hit hard by higher fuel costs and a cut in revenue. Earlier this year, Berger implemented a number of cost-saving efforts, including a no-idling policy for patrol cars.

I guess the lesson here is to start investing in locks.

As tax revenue goes down more and more police departments will need to take similar steps to curb costs. Are you prepared?

h/t Drudge

A Little Despair for Breakfast

From Enrico Orlandini’s Worldwide Deflation:

Just about every significant economic/financial problem in the world can be traced back to the US Federal Reserve bank and a small group of individuals like Greenspan, Paulson, and Greenberg who ran the country into the ground. Every economy in the world has experienced booms and busts, but somewhere along the line someone came up with the bright idea of eliminating the busts. Throughout the 90’s the world experienced a series of economic crisis in Asia, Mexico, Russia, and even in the US markets that would have been enough to cleanse the system and restore equilibrium. On each and every occasion the Fed met the problem head on with the printing press, so a full blown reaction was avoided thereby creating what I call a “distortion” in the financial system that would eventually have to be sanitized. What any normal country would have done after a capital injection is withdraw that capital once things got better, but the US never did that. They just kept right on printing much like a drug addict keeps increasing the dosage because the old amount has less and less affect. Unfortunately, like a drug addict the economy eventually dies from an overdose, and that’s where we are today.

Read the rest to see why America’s financial problem will not end at America’s borders.

h/t SurvivalBlog