Bosnian Muslims Attack Gays

Aren’t you proud we helped set up the Muslims with their own state in Europe? From the Beeb:

At least eight people have been injured in clashes during the opening ceremony of Bosnia’s first gay festival in the capital Sarajevo, police have said.

They said dozens of men attacked participants of the festival in front of the city’s Academy of Fine Arts.

A foreigner and journalists were reportedly among the injured.

Homosexuality is very much a taboo issue in Bosnia and organisers of the Queer Festival have received death threats, correspondents say.

Anti-gay protesters attacked the festival participants as they were leaving the opening ceremony in central Sarajevo on Wednesday evening.

Many demonstrators chanted “Kill the Gays!” and “Allahu Akbar!” (God is Great).

h/t Queer Conservative

Last Member of Degenerate Backwoods Clan Pleads Out on Torture Case

It was a story that seemed more likely to have been written by Rob Zombie than to turn out to be true, a young woman kidnapped, raped and tortured for days by six hillbillies she knew in passing. One of her assailants was the mother of two of the other criminals. She helped her son and daughter rape and torture a woman.

I had blogged about the case as part of a larger piece about the High Cost of Liberalism (which we are about to learn more about with the bailout) but Black and Missing but Not Forgotten has excellent coverage of the case. Many people believed the six monsters who raped and tortured Megan Williams for a week should have been charged with hate crimes, but only one was. Some believe that this was because Williams may have been romantically involved with one of the fiends prior to the assault, but most likely because there was so much more going on than just bigotry:

Defense attorney Joe Spradling, who represented two of the suspects in the past, said he believes there is some racial component to the allegations, “but the biggest factor is drugs.”

The six are charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, malicious wounding and battery. If convicted of kidnapping, a suspect could face a sentence of up to life in prison. The penalty for first-degree sexual assault is 15 to 35 years.

Abraham said he is seeking the maximum sentence on the kidnapping charges. In addition to the Brewsters, the suspects are Danny J. Combs, 20, of Harts, West Virginia; and George A. Messer, 27, Karen Burton, 46, and her daughter, Alisha Burton, 23, all of Chapmanville, West Virginia.

“They all have previous records and have been arrested numerous times,” Sheriff W.E. Hunter said Tuesday. “They are familiar to law enforcement.”

Frankie Brewster was charged with first-degree murder in 1994, but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter in the death of an 84-year-old woman. She was released in 2000 after serving five years in prison, according to court records cited by the AP.

None of these people should have been out on the streets in the first place, and certainly none deserve plea deals. All are dangers to society who will kill or attempt to kill again if they ever see the light of day. But again authorities are cutting deals and allowing these people to be given the opportunity to inflict more pain and suffering on society. Disgusting.

Here’s a video report from the AP:


Pagans Shocked to Discover Wicca a Manson-esque Hippy Sex Cult

Well, maybe not every “branch” of Wicca but for the most part the bush leagues of occultism are attractive mostly to the damaged and degenerate nowadays. I often blame the entrance of radical “feminists” like Starhawk for turning Wicca into little more than a progressive dominated live action role playing game where people who claim they’re Witches balk at actually practicing Witchcraft, which is more than some teen girls sitting in a park crying together while holding hands, but the truth is Wicca was always a bit of a fraud anyway. Every ten years or so a group of Pagans discover this, publicize their findings and are promptly excommunicated from the Wiccan community.

Wicca today little resembles the the Witchcraft boom which began in the 50s and lasted into the early 80s. Then authors like Leo Martello and Paul Huson offered alternatives to the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca which was largely a hodgepodge of turn of the century occultism built upon ideas Gardner stole from C.G. Leland’s Aradia and Crowley’s understanding of “magick.” Now Wiccans are little more than a pep squad for leftism, using the cover of their supposed religion to push forward DNC talking points. Wicca is less a religion and more an immature extension of college Women Studies programs and it shows in the average Wiccan’s lack of knowledge of both Witchcraft and the world at large.

And thus when confronted with reality, and having no experience in dealing with larger truths the Wiccan attacks the messenger. Non-Wiiccans will be unfamiliar with them but somewhere off on the fringe of early Witchcraft, sneered at by even Gerald Gardner, were Gavin and Yvonne Frost who started the School of Wicca and are the authors of the largely useless The Witch’s Bible.

The Witch’s Bible contains a ritual wherein children are molested.

SMP at The Ultimate Evil and Dodiafae at Pagans Againse Child Abuse both took note of this and wondered why the Frosts are still often honored guests at many pagan gatherings. They were promptly denounced even after rallying much support to their side.

They were not the first people to denounce the pedophilic Frosts and their cult. Magickal Childe owner Herman Slater once printed a newsletter where readers were told to buy the Frosts’ book, read it, then burn it. He denounced them as charlatans and scum. The Frosts promptly cursed him for it, though Herman seemed none the worse for wear when relating the story to Hans Holtzer. What should surprise most people is that then, as now, many of the “leaders” of the pagan community came to the aid of the two degenerates who have for thirty years refused to remove a passage from their book wherein practitioners of Frost-style Wicca are told to use dildos to deflower their own daughters, where children are gang raped and sex between adults and children is encouraged.

To be sure the Frosts may not represent most Wiccans, but the defense of them by those upon whom Wiccans place the mantle of leadership does expose modern Wicca for what it is and how far it strayed from its roots in the occult movement.

I admit to being something of an anachronism in my armchair occultism. I am a researcher into the odd, a lover of the esoteric and no doubt deeply influenced by many viewings of The Devil Rides Out in my childhood. I have never adopted the faddish notion among new agers that morality is subjective, nor do I think all religions and perspectives are equally valid. This puts me on the outs with 99% of Wiccans.

That’s because the free wheeling attitude toward anything and everything in Wicca is based on modern Wicca’s devolution from reconstructionist religion to hippy sex cult. Wicca is no longer about finding truth, but about ensuring abortion on demand, undermining Judeo-Christian morality and destroying Western Civilization from within. It’s a radical book club, a religion that doesn’t do the one the one thing all others do and that’s provide moral guidance and clarity for adherents.

Many Wiccans and pagans, some famous like Issac Bonewits and Oberon Zell, defend the Frosts perhaps because to criticize them means taking a moral stand that is unpopular among the fringe that Wicca is now most often addressing. There are responsibilities to being an adult, grown ups should be expected to not indulge in their every sexual whim. In a religion where older men and women frequently are in contact with teens and young adults this should resonate with them, and for many it does. But for too many it doesn’t.

Until cretin like the Frosts are able to be criticized for promoting child exploitation, without the critics being subjected to Squeaky Fromm like rantings by Wiccans who think bad mouthing the frosts is a “betraya,l” Wicca will remain a pretension not a religion. Wicca will stay the Manson flavored cult of people who have no sexual boundaries and can’t be trusted with children in the minds of the public, and that’s how it should be. Wiccans judged the Catholic Church and the FLDS harshly when their abuses, covered up for years in many cases, came to light and they should be ready to be judged just as harshly when more and more non-pagans get wind of this outrage.

Somali Pirates Hijack Ship Carrying 33 Russian Tanks

The ship was also carrying large quantities of weapons and ammunition:

MOSCOW — A Russian warship on Friday rushed to intercept a Ukrainian vessel carrying 33 battle tanks and ammunition that was seized by pirates off the Horn of Africa — a bold hijacking that heightened fears about the surging piracy and high-seas terrorism.

U.S. naval ships were in the area and “monitoring the situation,” and a U.S. Defense Department official said Washington was concerned about the attack.

“I think we’re looking at the full range of options here,” Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said.

It was unclear whether the pirates who seized the Faina Thursday knew ahead of time it was carrying 33 Russian-designed T-72 tanks, plus ammunition and spare parts, bound for Kenya. Analysts said it would be extremely difficult to sell such weaponry as Russian tanks.

Kenyan maritime welfare activist Andrew Mwangura told The Associated Press that the hijacking of such cargo was unprecedented.

“This is a jackpot in the piracy world,” he told AP.

The hijacking, with worldwide pirate attacks surging this year, could help rally stronger international support behind France, which has pushed aggressively for decisive action against Somali pirates.

Russian navy spokesman Capt. Igor Dygalo told the AP that the missile frigate Neustrashimy left the Baltic Sea port of Baltiisk a day before the hijacking to cooperate with other unspecified countries in anti-piracy efforts.

But he said the ship was then ordered directly to the Somalia coast after Thursday’s attack.

A lot of armchair warriors are saying the pirates will have no use for the tanks and will be unable to sell them. Not true, a rich warlord can hire mechanics to keep the T-72 up and running because it’s a design from the 70s and easy to learn to maintain compared to modern tank design. There’s a maximum height requirement so finding drivers will be harder than mechanics. But in Africa child soldiers are easy to come by.

An ambitious warlord may have just scored himself the ability to topple weak governments and fend of a weak willed west. The question is how much force the Russians will commit to Somalia if things go bad, and how long the Somali pirates can hold out.