More Proof Obama Supporters are a Creepy Personality Cult

Kind of a follow up to my last post. Behold education under the Obamunist regime:[youtube]TW9b0xr06qA[/youtube]

How much does Sing for Change resemble a North Korean pep rally? Via Hot Air, this much:


HA also has the goods on who produced this Soviet style propaganda piece. Surprise, NBC is involved (sort of).

Obama Supporters Explained by Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov

The irony begins around 5:09 when he tells people what happens to leftists under Obamunist, er I mean Communist, rule:

Not to sound Alex Jonesian, but hasn’t everything he talked about in this clip come to pass already? A tanked economy, academics pushing for a revolution and a demoralized populace? Sounds familiar to me.

What the MSM Thinks of You

Instapundit published an interesting email:

A READER AT A MAJOR NEWSROOM EMAILS: “Off the record, every suspicion you have about MSM being in the tank for O is true. We have a team of 4 people going thru dumpsters in Alaska and 4 in arizona. Not a single one looking into Acorn, Ayers or Freddiemae. Editor refuses to publish anything that would jeopardize election for O, and betting you dollars to donuts same is true at NYT, others. People cheer when CNN or NBC run another Palin-mocking but raising any reasonable inquiry into obama is derided or flat out ignored. The fix is in, and its working.” I asked permission to reprint without attribution and it was granted.

The Anchoress has an interesting follow up:

I have a couple friends who work in the MSM, too, and one of them tells me the newsroom is (exact words) “unbelievably cavalier” about any complaints viewers register about their reports, what they ignore, their bias or the way they edit Republicans vs. the way the treat Dems. “Cavalier” as in the fix is in and they don’t even have to pretend to care what half the country thinks or wants.

I suppose this is why print media and the press in general don’t care about their tumbling revenues; when The Pelosi gets the regulated internet and restricted Congress that she wants, and Obama gets his thugs and his Justice Department monitoring, intimidating and shutting down alternative media (and the dissenting voices we’ve been told are “patriotic” when a Republican is in the White House) the incestuous mainstream press will go back to being the only game in town. Pravda West.

(Shrug) everyone sees it coming; the voters don’t seem to want to stop it.

I don’t know about that. I have faith in the American people to see through the media class’ attempt to suddenly become the deciders. Polls aside I refuse to believe the media can choose a President here in America.

The fact that they believe they can should give us all pause however.

95 Democrats Vote Against Bailout! Dow, International Markets Plunge!

Even a great number of Democrats couldn’t support the bailout:

The bill aimed to open up clogged credit lines for financial markets that had come to a near collapse. Sellers continued to shed stocks as the market teetered down more than 500 points after the vote ended.

Representatives worked throughout the weekend to make a bill palatable. Republicans had insisted on a mortgage securities insurance paid by firms who had invested in bad housing loans. That was included in the bill voted on Monday.

But many lawmakers continued to oppose the plan for a variety of reasons, including the massive price tag that would expand the national debt, and GOP members said their constituents were calling 10-1 in opposition to the bill, which had been described as too much government intervention. Of 235 Democrats, 140 supported the legislation. Of 199 Republicans, 133 opposed it.

President Bush was to meet with his economic team, including Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, to determine the next steps, and White House officials said they will meet and then contact congressional leaders.

“The crisis we are facing remains,” said White House Deputy Spokesman Tony Fratto, who added, “We’re obviously disappointed.”

Fratto said that he thinks many Americans were mistaken by believing that the bill was a “bailout of Wall Street.” Instead, he said the bill was to prevent a large economic crisis.

95 Dems against the bailout, and it was a Democrat friendly bill. As of now the Dow is down almost 570 points and European markets are tumbling.

Gateway Pundit and Hot Air are all over this.