Another Possible Terrorist Attack You’ve Never Heard Of

Buried because of the spectacle of Denver this story kind of slipped by me and I think a lot of other people. From

EAR CENTRALIA, Wash. – Police are calling a homemade explosive device built out of a five-gallon propane tank in rural Lewis County a possible act of domestic terrorism.

The Lewis County Sheriff’s Office says an employee for Transalta Power Plant found the propane tank with green and yellow wires coming out of it along a set of access tracks leading to the plant five miles northeast of Centralia.

The employee picked it up, put it on his flat bed truck and drove it back to his supervisor who then called 911.

There’s a video report on the site so check it out. What’s interesting is that this incident is considered possible terrorism but the Dirie case, as well a the Long Island Predator Drone case are not. If the bomb had of blown, so close to where coal is stored, we could have had a disaster on our hands.

h/t N.T.A.

Victimless Crime Files: Stoned Driver Kills Woman in Highway Collision

Timothy Wood got high and started driving down a lonely Alaskan highway. But that’s O.K. right? It’s not like drinking and driving:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A driver who was under the influence of marijuana was sentenced to three years in prison for criminally negligent homicide in the death of a 53-year-old woman killed on the Seward Highway.

Timothy Wood, 33, was behind the wheel when his Chevy Blazer crossed the center line and slammed into a car driven by Diane Bahnson of Girdwood in 2005.

Wood’s blood tested positive for marijuana.

Troopers said Wood was driving erratically before the accident.

Wood was originally charged with second-degree murder, but technical problems with the blood test evidence made it hard to take the case to trial, according to prosecutors. In a plea agreement, the charge was reduced to criminally-negligent homicide.

Bahnson’s parents and husband came to Wood’s sentencing hearing. They urged Superior Court Judge Philip Volland to give the stiffest sentence possible under the agreement.

“I believe Mr. Wood has gotten away with murder,” Bahnson’s husband, Reid, told the judge. “He destroyed not only one life, but many.”

Wood apologized to the family. He said not a day goes by that he does not think about what he has done.

I bet. Any pot heads want to claim this had nothing to do with marijuana?

Is There a Cover-Up in Saleman Abdirahman Dirie’s Death?

Some reporters seem to think so. Judi McLeod from the Canadian Free Press wrote this piece about the convention in Denver which states that only one lonely local talk radio host has been keeping the story on the front burner:

Nobody’s talking about the Canadian immigrant found dead in a Denver hotel room with a pound of cyanide just blocks away from the site two weeks ago today.
Just ask 630 KHOW Denver talk show host Peter Boyles, who’s been the only one trying to keep the story on the front burner.

“It’s been pushed away. The story went to ground,” Boyles, an award-winning Best Investigative Radio Talk Show Host said on his morning show last Tuesday.
A local police lieutenant had told him that Saleman Abdirahman Dirie, found dead last Monday in Room 408 at the Burnsley Hotel had been “up to no good”.

With the strange silence surrounding the Burnsley Hotel event, Boyles had to rely on reading interviews of Dirie’s sister in the Ottawa Citizen to his listeners.
But like Denver’s homeless, the circumstances of Dirie’s death, have been swept under the rug, making way for Thursday’s crowning.

The FBI’s claim that Dirie had no link to terrorism, taught Boyles a lesson in what he calls “federal speak”.

“In federal speak, that means they have no record of him. He’s a ghost.”

Like I said before, the authorities are trying keep bad reports out of the news rather than serve the public.

Mother Claims Wine Helps 11-Month-Olds Sleep

It’s hard to argue with her. But then again who needs to argue when you’ve got the law on your side:

Of course there are people defending this woman on the basis that, if you’re my age, it was fairly common for a sick child to get a little whiskey poured in their tea or for parents to rub whiskey on teething babies gums. But if you can’t see the difference between rubbing a little whiskey on a child’s gums and filling up a bottle with wine then hopefully you don’t have children. Case in point, on Vince (Atty in Louisville) posted this comment in support of the mother on Strollerderby:

What harm or risk to the child? None.

This response to wine, use like the whiskey honey

and lemom so many kentucky grandmothers have long used,

is just psychotic. Whatever happened to law enforcement

common sense.

The Catholic Church gives wine to children.

Do the Louisville wine cops object to that?

State law even provides permission for that.

Louisville’s family courts are full

of anti-family activists, masquerading as “do-gooders”.

Another stupid abuse of a family in Kentucky.
August 22, 2008 10:29 PM

Right. It’s “anti-family activists” who want people to not fill bottles with wine and give it to their kids. It’s also anti-hugging activists who want tougher penalties for child molesters.