Ted Hayes for Congress

As I’m watching the roll call at the spectacle of the DNC what I notice is many White liberals patting themselves on the back at how “progressive” they were in supporting Barack Obama for President. Being Bi-racial like Obama one would think I could at least feel a sense of pride in his accomplishments even if I disagreed with his politics. But I don’t.

There is no issue on which I’m in agreement with Obama. I can disagree with many people and still admire them, but Obama is a person that is willing sacrificed the Black community for Marxist doctrine as his stance on illegal immigration makes very clear. This is the line at which I can no longer muster any respect for him.

Unfettered illegal immigration negatively effects Black Americans more than any other group and any politician who would represent all Americans should factor that into their immigration policy. I am all for providing shelter to those Latin Americans fleeing Communism and the poverty, war and bloodshed that comes with it, but we must have an orderly process that weeds out gang members, Marxists and others who come here specifically to cause trouble and target Black Americans for racist hate crimes.

Few are the Black leaders who have stood up for law and order and spoken out against the White liberal endorsed genocide of Black Americans by Latino gang-bangers. One such leader is Ted Hayes, who is running for Congress in California’s 35th District. Ted Hayes has worked tirelessly for civil rights, has been a strong advocate for common sense programs that help the homeless and has been on the forefront of the battle to secure our borders and the future of African-Americans.

He seeks to unseat Maxine Waters, a corrupt Democrat who has long supported Castro and socialist revolution here in America. She is part of the political machine that allows the murder and rape of American communities and it is high time she is replaced by someone who actually will fight to make America a better and stronger nation.

I endorse Ted Hayes for Congress and the change he will bring to Washington.

I.C.E. Raid Actually Lowers Unemployment in Laurel, Mississippi

It also netted dozens of fraudulent I.D’s, many of which were cobbled together through identity theft:


I guess there are plenty of Americans that are willing to do those jobs Americans just won’t do. Unsaid in the report but patently obvious is the fact that illegal immigration is marginalizing Black Americans in ways it doesn’t for White Americans, no doubt the reason many liberals think criticism of open borders policy is racist. Ted Hayes and his Crispus Attucks Brigade have been on the forefront of the battle to make people realize this simple truth.

There’s an article in the Hattiesburg American that quotes several residents who were locked out of jobs by the plant’s preference to hire slave wage earning illegals:

Shantay Holles, 26, of Heidelberg said she used to work at Howard Industries as an electric tester but was fired last year. She said she is applying today because she heard on the news about the ICE raid.

“That’s all they would hire – Mexican, Mexican, Mexican!” Holles said.

Samantha Stevens, 18, a 2008 graduate of Heidelberg High School, said she couldn’t find a job and she is glad the ICE stepped in.

“We were here first. It’s not fair for them to have a job,” Stevens said.

Will Obama be standing up for Black folks once he accepts the nomination and will have the power to make this a real issue? Don’t count it says a new Republican PAC ad.

h/t Immigration Watchdog who have been strangely silent on their hero Alex Jones and his attempt to incite a riot to murder Michelle Malkin.

Muslim Kosovo Cuts off Water to Serbian Enclaves

Ethnic Serbs have been without water for 20 days or so. Interestingly their Russian “allies” haven’t invaded yet:

Restrictions of the regional waterworks that is under control by Kosovo Albanian separatists has left the Kosovo Serb enclaves in Gracanica, Susica and Novi Badovac where some households have been without drinking water for 20 days.

Serbian Ministry for Kosovo-Metohija says that it is following the situation and that is has managed to increase deliveries of water for technical use but not for drinking.

Documents are being gathered that will provide financing so that the water problem can be permanently solved.

Bull. This is the way Christians get treated in Muslim majority countries, it is a way to get them to leave. Where are the U.S. and the U.N.? Surely we can deliver drinking water to these people, and pressure the Kosovo water ministry to stop these shenanigans. But will we?

Cartel Hitmen Greenlighted to Hit U.S. Targets

Uh-oh. So far the worst of the Cartel drug war has been contained in Mexico, with what is relatively minor spillover into the border states. Now the there’s credible intelligence that the drug lords will be sending assassins into the U.S. to hit 10-15 victims according to El Paso police:

EL PASO, Texas — Security is being heightened along the southern U.S. border because of a threat that warring Mexican cartels may send hit men into the United States, authorities said Monday.

Law enforcement officials would not discuss specific security measures being taken at the ports of entry, along the border or in the city of El Paso, Texas.

“We received credible information that drug cartels in Mexico have given permission to hit targets on the U.S. side of the border,” El Paso police spokesman Officer Chris Mears said.

Authorities learned of the threat last week.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Chief Officer Rick Lopez said: “CBP is on heightened alert ever since we became aware of the threats in Mexico.”

U.S. Border Patrol spokesman Doug Mosier said officials “are reinforcing the importance of vigilance.”

Drug cartel violence has claimed thousands of lives in Mexico this year. Nearly 800 people have been killed in Ciudad Juarez, a hardscrabble city of about 1.3 million people across the Rio Grande from El Paso.

The cartels, battling one another and the Mexican government for supremacy and control of lucrative drug and human smuggling routes, have become brazen in their attacks in recent months.

In Juarez this month, masked gunmen stormed a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center and killed eight people. Days later, Red Cross workers stopped treating gunshot victims for several hours after receiving death threats over Red Cross radios. The Red Cross had already stopped responding to emergency calls after 10 p.m. because of security concerns.

Law enforcement officials this year in New Mexico and Texas said they had received a purported cartel hit list identifying 15 to 20 potential targets in those states. Mears said the latest threat contained no specific targets.

The Cartels have proven to have the ability to corrupt entire military units and supply their private armies with military grade training and weaponry. If they have decided that they can safely operate on American soil with impunity then border town streets will run red with blood.

1 Dead, Dozens Sick in Possible E.Coli Outbreak

from Fox:

TULSA, Okla. —  State health officials say one person is dead and dozens of others are sick with an illness that may be related to E. coli bacteria.

State Health Department spokeswoman Leslea Bennett-Webb says at least 10 people were taken to a Tulsa hospital after eating at a restaurant in Locust Grove.

A spokeswoman at St. Francis Hospital confirms one person has died. That person’s name hasn’t been released.

Bennett-Webb says 12 to 20 other people in Beggs, Pryor and Bixby were treated at various other hospitals. She says there have been discussions the illnesses are related to E. coli but it hasn’t been confirmed.

She says the illnesses are a very severe and bloody form of diarrhea.

h/t N.T.A.