Illegals, Explosive Devices Found at Phoenix Recycling Plant

From National Terror Alert:

Several Phoenix businesses were evacuated on Wednesday after an unexploded bomb was discovered a near a recycling plant. Police were responding to a report of a possible hostage situation at the time of the discovery.

Upon arrival at the plant, many of the workers began to scatter, prompting a chase through the business’ back lot by Sheriff deputies.

During the chase, a 4-foot device that appeared to be a bomb, was seen leaning against a fence.

The Arizona Republic Web site reports deputies arrested a dozen people.

11 of the workers are suspected of being in the country illegally.

Ready for that fence yet?

Surprise! Pat Buchanan Promotes Hitler Whitewash on White Supremacist Radio Show

And thus the Paleo-conservative complaints about “Neo-con dual loyalties” are finally put in their proper context. From The New Republic:

You read that right. On June 29th, MSNBC personality and three-time presidential candidate Pat Buchanan appeared on a neo-Nazi radio program to promote his new revisionist history of the Second World War, Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World. James Edwards is the host of the program “Political Cesspool,” the stated mission of which is to “represent a philosophy that is pro-White.” Edwards and his colleauges seek “to revive the White birthrate above replacement level fertility and beyond to grow the percentage of Whites in the world relative to other races” and believe that “Secession is a right of all people and individuals. It was successful in 1776 and this show honors those who tried to make it successful in 1865.”

Read the rest. James Kirchick of The New Republic makes the case that this incident is so egregious that Buchanan’s employ by MSNBC is unseemly at best. I happen to think Pat’s views on Jews and America fit right in at MSNBC.

Gateway Pundit blogged this and has been following the Buchanan implosion for months. As usual Gateway is on the forefront of the news.

Political Cesspool bills itself as the premiere “Conservative Populist” radio program. Conservative populism is apparently a euphemism for neo-Confederacy and Nazi sympathizing. Populism appeals to the basest tribal feelings of Americans and Buchanan is now a prime example of that.

Victimless Crime File: Violent Pot Smoker Delivers Tainted Cookies to Police Station While Reeking of Marijuana


If what this little bastard was doing wasn’t so dangerous, his ineptitude and stupidity would be hilarious. From MyFox Dallas:

Police on Tuesday arrested a teen they said delivered LSD-laced cookies to at least two police departments.

They said Christian Phillips of Watauga, Texas, made his first delivery on Monday — stopping by the Blue Mound Police Department to drop off a batch. The 18-year-old said he also planned to deliver cookies to Lake Worth Police Department, police said.

Blue Mound officers said they noticed the cookies smelled of marijuana, so they called Lake Worth to alert them of the pending delivery.

However, Phillips did not show up to his second stop until 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday. When he did, Lake Worth officers detained him. They said the cookies also smelled of marijuana and that preliminary tests confirmed they contained the powerful hallucinogenic drug LSD.

Police also said that a Tarrant County Sheriff’s dog indicated a positive result for marijuana on the cookies, and Phillips’ money and car.

Fort Worth police might also have received a batch of the tainted treats. According to the department, it received a Monday night delivery of cookies and other goodies.

At least three officers, including a sergeant and detective, consumed some of the items, police said.

I guess Christian thought it would be quite amusing if an officer under the influence of a hallucinogen was to go on patrol armed. I guess said cop killing some innocent bystander would be quite a funny joke, if you got high enough to see the humor.

Another report says Phillips claimed the cookies might smell like pot because his friends were smoking up while he was baking them.

Oh, and Phillips was on probation … for assaulting a police officer.

Update: Fox is reporting that the cookies weren’t tainted, but tested positive for Marijuana because the the people making the cookies were covered in pot residue. The LSD test part is now being said to be a false positive.

Is it possible, Rick and Del, that had this person who was on probation for assaulting a police officer stayed clean this entire mess wouldn’t have happened? Is it also possible that delivering cookies to police while reeking of pot is a bad idea?

Was Al-Qaeda Behind the American Embassy Attack in Turkey?

There are unconfirmed reports that the  armed assault on an American embassy in Turkey is the work of Al-Qaeda. As Ed Morrissey points out in his post, this doesn’t look like an AQ operation in size or scope, but with Al-Qaeda getting worn down by the Iraq war, their capabilities at this point may not be what they once were.

N.T.A. has a report up taken from translations of Turkish sources. The Telegraph report implies that these were Islamists:

Witnesses said the battle began around 11am and raged for at least eight minutes as the assailants, who had driven to the consulate, apparently tried to gain access.

Television images showed bodies lying on the pavement, with trails of blood and weapons scattered around them. Police said they had recovered shotguns, rifles and handguns.

The police post was outside the consulate’s main public entrance, from where steep steps lead up to the fortified building.

A witness, Yavuz Erkut Yuksel said the attackers emerged from a white vehicle and surprised the officer at the guard post. “One of them approached a policeman while hiding his gun and shot him in the head,” he said.

Another witness described the attackers as “terrorists, with beards and long hair.”

“There were four people. Three of them got out of the car and fired at the police. I saw them dead afterwards lying on the ground and many more dead among the police,” said Enis Yilmaz, who was at the consulate for a visa.

Turkey has been targeted by a variety of groups in recent years, including Kurdish separatists and Islamist militants.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack. However, suspicion immediately fell on Islamist militants who have launched a number of raids and bomb attacks in the city in recent years.

The US consulate building was moved and fortified after home-grown Islamists linked to al-Qa’eda bombed two synagogues, the British Consulate and a British bank in Istanbul in 2003, killing 58 people.

Because Al-Qaeda has been active in Turkey before, it’s easy to suspect them, but freelance Jihadism isn’t out of the question either as hardline Islamism becomes the mainstream in Muslim countries.

Canadians Seeking Man Who Assaulted U.S. Border Patrol Agent

The man was one of three who attacked a Border Patrol agent in Vermont right on the Canadian border. A couple involved in the assault was apprehended but a man, who may have suffered a gunshot wound when the Border Patrol agent fired on him, got away. This might have been the first time a Border Patrol agent fired a shot on the Canadian border:

DERBY LINE, VT. — RCMP in Montreal are looking for a man who fled across the border Monday morning after an altercation with a U.S. Border Patrol agent. The man might have suffered gunshot wounds.

The agency says an officer on routine patrol early Monday spotted the three people — two male and one female — walking in Derby Line, Vt., at about 2:15 a.m.

Border Patrol spokesman Mark Henry says the agent, who was not identified, spoke with the three people briefly before they began assaulting him. He says they knocked him down, there was a struggle and one person started punching him. Mr. Henry says the agent became concerned for his life, pulled his gun and fired two shots.

A male and female suspect were taken into custody. The third person fled into Canada. Neither person in custody was wounded. Agents don’t know whether the suspect who fled into Canada was shot.

Mr. Henry would not release the names of the people in custody, and he said he didn’t know their nationalities.

Why they haven’t released the names of the couple involved is anyone’s guess.