

We’re fixing the place up this weekend so blogging will be light. We’re going to have some scheduled downtime starting around 10pm PST on Friday, July 11th (1pm on the Eastern) as our hosting company Dreamhost does whatever it is they do and we’ll be editing links this weekend. If you have any good links for us let us know.

We should only be down a couple of hours.

Georgia Honor Killer Says He Did Nothing Wrong, is Demanding Halal Meals in Prison!

The media and apologists for Islam are busy attempting to blame Chaudhry Rashid’s brutal murder of his 25-year-old daughter on his ethnicity and are excusing his barbarous act by finding any other culture’s history of similar practices no matter how distant. It is poor service to the memory of Sandeela Kanwal that rather than hold Rashid accountable, and challenge those who support him the media attempt to shield criticism of fundamentalist Islamism, which in Rashid’s native Pakistan is the main shaper of cultural norms.

From the Atlanta-Journal Constitution:

A Pakistani man accused of killing his daughter five days after she filed for divorce to end her arranged marriage wept in court Tuesday, telling a Clayton County magistrate he is innocent.

“I have done nothing wrong,” Chaudhry Rashid told Chief Magistrate Daphne Walker through interpreter Younis Farhat. Farhat said Rashid speaks primarily Urdu and Punjabi.

But police say Rashid, 54, used a bungee cord to strangle Sandeela Kanwal, 25, early Sunday morning in the family’s Utah Drive home in Jonesboro.

Rashid, who is being held without bond, told the judge he wanted to observe his Muslim beliefs in the Clayton jail. He wants to follow a diet that forbids the consumption of pork in any form and requires other meats are prepared according to Islamic rules.


In court, Rashid made guttural noises and cried. He rocked back and forth and appeared to be talking to himself before the hearing started. Through Farhat, Rashid told Walker he was mourning the loss of his daughter.

“My daughter just died and I am not in a state of mind to ask any questions,” he said.

The fiend is in mourning for the daughter he murdered by strangling with a bungee cord? This is outrageous and his insistence on religious accommodation when he’s facing a very long stay in jail tells me he’s not taking this seriously at all. Something tells me most religious groups don’t get a special diet in a Georgia lock-up and it’ll be an injustice for Sandeela if Rashid’s theatrics allow him to enjoy special rights he doesn’t deserve.

Let us make no mistake, Militant Islam is the driving force here. The same Militant Islam that drives brothers to kill sisters, the same Militant Islam that drives parents to kill their children, and ultimately the same Militant Islam that drove 17 well to do Arabs to kill themselves and 3000 of our countrymen.

To deny the Islamist element of this crime is to deny the motive of Rashid. I would put forward that the media would never be as careful to exempt a religious motivation if Rashid was a Satanist or a Wiccan or any other religion.  Islam should be as thoroughly examined as any religion in America.

h/ A.C.T.

Martin Ramirez Garcia Rapes 8-Year-old, Claims 5-year-old “Too Young”


There’s a line he just won’t cross:

REDDICK – Marion County sheriff’s deputies arrested an undocumented immigrant from Guanajuato, Mexico, on Sunday evening on charges of molesting an 8-year-old girl.

The victim’s grandmother entered a bedroom and found Martin Ramirez Garcia, 43, with the girl, sheriff’s Detective Mariam Diaz said.

“She didn’t see the actual touching, but she saw him on top of her,” Diaz said. “The grandmother beat him off of her.”

According to the arrest affidavit, the victim told an investigator that Ramirez Garcia touched her inappropriately over her clothing on several occasions and exposed himself to her. Diaz said the victim’s 5-year-old sister also saw Garcia touch the 8-year-old but was not a victim herself.

In a videotaped interview, Ramirez Garcia admitted touching the girl three times and exposing himself to her, according to the affidavit.

“When asked if he touched the 5-year-old, [Ramirez Garcia] said no,” Diaz said. “He said she was too young.”

I would, once again, point out the essay Importing Violence: The Danger of Immigration from Violent Cultures by Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin (whose book Vulture: Profiling Sadistic Serial Killers is selling like hot cakes by the way) gives good insight into why these sorts of sex crimes keep happening with the same players over and over again.

I would but surely that would make me a fascist.

British Islamization Round-up

I was on another site discussing the Muslim honor killing in Atlanta when I was berated by some posters who were of the opinion that Islam and Christianity were equally misogynistic. Their proof was a long list of Old Testament quotes concerning Jewish women which, had there never been a New Testament in which the Jewish Messiah initiates a new universal religion would I guess mean that Islam had a competitor in misogyny. That competitor would be Dark Ages Judaism however, not modern Christianity.

Not being a Christian I wasn’t interested in “defending the faith” and pointing out that the Old Testament only applied to Jews when it was written, a people who weren’t interested in forcing others to conform to their culture, while Islam is thought by Muslims to be Allah’s will for the world, including we unbelievers. But it did remind me that I hadn’t checked in with the frankly depressing situation in Britain for a while so here we go.

First via Mosquewatch we have a video of what Muslim children are learning in Saudi funded schools:


Man arrested for trying to stop “youths” from stoning his house, an activity they have done many nights for months. Ace of Spades points out that this case is similar to the case Gates of Vienna blogged where Greenlanders (a native people of Inuit extraction who are citizens of Denmark) were driven from their homes by physical assaults by Arab racists. In both cases the authorities’ passivity aided what some see as an attempt to “cleanse” areas of non-Muslims.

This one’s a little old but pretty important: Schoolboys punished for refusing to pray to Allah.

The Brussels Journal on Britain (and European) self-loathing.

Lionheart on Britain making Al-Qaeda Loyalist Abu Qatadar a defacto Royal.

Muslims in Britain are imprisoning disabled people so they won’t shame their families.

Christians who converted from Islam are being persecuted.

Cry for England.