Thomas Cosby Runs Over Young Woman Because She’s Black


According to reports the above degenerate, 56-year-old Thomas Cosby, ran down Nekedia Cato as she rode her bike in an attempt to kill her because his long time girlfriend just dumped him for a Black man. That was his cue to act the way all baby boomers act, like a hateful petulant child:

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — A woman riding her bike in Daytona Beach Monday night was hit by car driven by a man targeting African Americans, police said.

Police believe Nekedia Cato, a 25-year-old African American woman, was hit by Thomas Cosby, of Port Orange.

Police said Cosby, 56, slammed into Cato, took out a nearby porch, hit a tree and then rolled three times.

“He just hit me because I was black,” Cato said.

Cato was riding her bike home from the store on South Atlantic Avenue.

“I actually saw him coming toward me. I tried to move my bike as fast as I [could], but it wasn’t quick enough. He came straight for me,” Cato said.

Police reported that after Cosby crashed, he got out of his car, screaming racist remarks. Cosby repeatedly used the N-word and shouted he wanted to kill black people, authorities said.

“He was screaming out he had to kill all black people because one slept with his wife,” Cato said.

Disgusting. Nekedia is in the hospital and is in our thoughts. Let’s hope Cosby stays in jail a good long time.

Breitbart has a video report:


Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Has Been Assaults 17-Year-Old Girl


If only Marijuana was legalized emotionally stunted drug users like Andy Dick wouldn’t traumatize teens by trying to pull their clothes off while molesting them. Or at least that’s the theory.

From Fox:

Comedian Andy Dick was arrested Wednesday morning in Murrieta, Calif., on suspicion of drug possession and sexual battery, TMZ reports.

An employee in Dick’s manager’s office told that Dick’s manager would respond later when he had more information.

Cops arrested Dick, 42, just before 2 a.m. in the parking lot near a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant, according to TMZ.

Cops told TMZ they responded to a report of a person urinating in the parking lot outside of Buffalo Wild Wings, causing a disturbance.

Once there, they stopped a van and found Dick in the passenger seat. He was arrested for allegedly groping a 17-year-old girl’s breasts and pulling her top down.

When he was searched, cops say they found marijuana and Xanax.

So can anyone explain to me how legalization would have stopped this sexual battery?

Daniel Allen Everett Thinks He’s The World’s Greatest Dad, Police Disagree


Obligatory. No blogger is allowed, by law, to not mention this monumentally ironic story:

NOVI, Mich. — A 33-year-old Michigan man is accused of wearing a “World’s Greatest Dad” shirt to a meeting for sex with what he thought was a 14-year-old girl.

Daniel Allen Everett of Clarkston was arraigned Tuesday in Novi on charges of child sexual abuse and using the Internet to attempt child sexual abuse.

A jail official says it isn’t known whether Everett has a lawyer.

A spokesman for Attorney General Mike Cox could not confirm whether Everett has children. But Cox says in a statement that the arrest is a reminder that “a parent can pose a threat to our children.”

Magistrate Andra Dudley set Everett’s bond at $50,000.

Finally someone who makes Alec Baldwin look like he’s almost a decent human being. Almost.

H.I.V. Positive Pedophile Infected Victims in Canada

I’ve long maintained that our neighbors to the north were a devolving population of amoral, perpetual children, the product of a semi-socialist system that infantilizes adults by providing them with a permanent parent and gives license to moral bankruptcy by instilling a sense of entitlement in people well beyond what adults should have. The coverage of this disgusting case is stark evidence of this – read on and tell me what’s wrong with this article:

A Winnipeg man who hid the fact he was HIV-positive from his young sex partners has been convicted of six counts of aggravated sexual assault.

Justice Joan McKelvey convicted Clato Mabior, 31, yesterday of two additional counts of sexual touching and sexual interference. McKelvey acquitted Mabior of three additional counts of aggravated sexual assault involving three different victims.

At trial, the victims — one as young as 12 years of age — testified Mabior plied them with booze and drugs and engaged in repeated acts of unprotected sex without ever disclosing he was HIV-positive.

“He knowingly withheld that information from his sexual partners on the basis that in all likelihood they would not have engaged in sexual contact with him,” said McKelvey in a written decision released yesterday.

McKelvey called Mabior a sexual predator who preyed upon young, vulnerable victims.

“Young sex partners”? Really? These were children he was raping, and the idea that they were in some sort of control of the situation, that they could have refused him without being forcibly raped, is a naive view of the sadism at the heart of “relationships” where 31-year-old men give drugs and liquor to 12-year-olds then have sex with them.

The article goes on to dwell on the defense’s absurd contention that this pervert’s viral load was too low to infect the children he had sex with, but there’s no talk of the fact he shouldn’t have been having sex with children in the first place.

Any Canadian readers want to email me and explain what the hell is going on up there? By the gods man, six counts of aggravated sexual assault for having sex with multiple children, one as young as 12? It’s like they want sex offenders to flock to Canada.

Mother Forces Teen Daughter to Abort Baby … At Home!

From Bad Breeders comes the case of Leticia Perez (who is referred to as Letica Zamora in this article) who upon learning her 16-year-old daughter was pregnant demanded she have an abortion. Perez Zamora didn’t want to take the girl to a clinic because she didn’t want the girl to be anesthetized.

She instead purchased some pills from a woman she knew from the neighborhood and forced her daughter to take them. Lovecraftian degeneracy ensued:

GALENA PARK, Texas — Police made a disturbing discovery in the yard of a Galena Park home Thursday night.

A 16-year-old girl who lives there said her mother forced her to abort a fetus and then buried it in the yard.

Cadaver dogs and an anthropology team were called to the scene and found a mass of what appeared to be biological material in the ground.

Police said they were taking that material to the Harris County Medical Examiner for testing. Those results were not expected to be released until Saturday.

Meanwhile, the girl’s mother, Leticia Perez, has admitted to police that she buried the fetus.

She has not been charged with a crime, but police said she could potentially be charged with abuse of a corpse.

Initially, investigators told 11 News that Perez had been taken into custody. After talking with the district attorney’s office, however, Galena Park Police Chief Robert Pruett clarified that despite her admission, Perez was not in custody.

Carla Perez told 11 News that her mother found out she was five months pregnant about three weeks ago and demanded that she have an abortion.

She said her mother did not want to take her to a clinic because she did not want her to have anesthesia.

“So we ended up going to a lady and she ended up buying some pills,” Perez said.

Perez said her mother forced her to take the pills that caused her to have contractions the following day.

“It went on for, like, four or five hours and then I ended up having the baby,” Perez said.

When she says she ended up having the baby that may be literally true, as the teen is unsure if the baby was born dead or alive. This was not so much a home abortion as a nightmarish infanticide:

She said she gave birth inside their home and her mother immediately took the fetus away.

Perez said she wasn’t sure if the fetus was dead or alive at birth.

“Whenever the baby came out, my mom, she just grabbed it,” Perez said. “I just went straight to my room and I was crying.”

Her mother came in and showed her the fetus, then buried the it in their yard, according to Perez.

There’s video of the teen telling her story, complete with several inappropriate smiles when asked about the baby. Perez/Zamora screwed this kid up something fierce and I just hope now she’s in a loving home that can undo the damage of living with a ghoul who thought nothing of burying her own grandchild in the backyard she looked at every day.