Andrea Curry-Demus Murdered a Young Mother and Stole Her Baby. It Wasn’t the First Time She Tried.

Yet she was out on the streets unsupervised despite having attempted to kill a mother and cut out her baby in 1990. Just three days after that assault she snatched a three-week-old baby from a hospital.

Curry did her time and got married. Somewhere along the way she met 18-year-old Kia Johnson. Johnson had no idea what kind of person Curry-Demus was because unlike sex offenders people who attempt to kill people and steal their babies aren’t on a list. But they should be, because Kia Johnson was murdered, her baby cut out and now in the hospital because of the trauma. The prognosis for the child isn’t good. Andrea-Curry-Demus had struck again:

PITTSBURGH — A woman suspected of cutting open a pregnant woman’s uterus and stealing the baby has been charged with homicide, unlawful restraint and kidnapping, police said Sunday.

Andrea Curry-Demus, 38, of Wilkinsburg, is charged in the death of Kia Johnson, 18, of McKeesport. Curry-Demus is accused of taking the baby boy to a Pittsburgh hospital and claiming it was her own.

Johnson’s body was found Friday in Curry-Demus’s apartment. The body was positively identified through dental records, Allegheny County Medical Examiner Karl Williams said Sunday.

Police said Sunday that the two likely met during visitation at the Allegheny County Jail. Police believe they were there at the same time to visit different inmates.

Curry-Demus showed up at the hospital Thursday with a newborn that still had the umbilical cord attached, police said. Tests later proved that she was not the mother.

Police said Curry-Demus then said she bought the baby for $1,000 from the baby’s mother.

The baby was “apparently doing well,” Williams said Saturday. The hospital would not release any information about the boy’s condition.

Curry-Demas was paroled in 1998 after serving less than 10 years for her previous crimes. Her husband is in prison for raping a child, which makes her obsession with stealing children even more sinister.

Kia Johnson lost her life to a person who should have still been in jail, a person who was no doubt known to be a public menace, a person who steals children and married a child rapist. Light sentences for violent criminals do not serve the public. Just ask Kia Johnson’s baby, if the child survives.

Mark Steyn on Multiculturalism

This video is the best explanation of multiculturalism’s pernicious influence on society I’ve seen. Courtesy of Dvorak’s recent post attacking Canada’s attacks on free speech. Surprise! Other Dvorak faithful think Steyn’s a douche bag for listing objective facts.

Anyway, enjoy:


Cannabis Crazed Muslim Sentenced to Life for Murder of Good Samaritan


This story was tailor made for Red Alerts. A Kenyan (?) immigrant named Rafiq Hassain Kashmiri murdered a man and sexually assaulted an old lady while in the midst of a violent manic episode brought on by heavy chronic pot smoking!

From Croydon Today:

Rafiq Kashmiri, 50, was jailed for life yesterday for the frenzied attack on Jon Cooper-Taylor.

The killer launched the attack after Mr Cooper-Taylor, 60, rushed to help an 83-year-old woman.

The self-employed IT consultant, a 6ft 1ins tall “gentle giant”, found the distraught pensioner attempting to remove the crazed Kenyan from her home.

The kind-hearted woman had befriended Kashmiri after he came to her aid when she fell on a bus.

But he turned up unexpectedly at her home on June 23, 2006 and when he refused to leave the elderly woman became unsettled by his “strange behaviour”.

When worried Mr Cooper-Taylor heard the sound of crockery smashing he rushed to help and attempted to reason with Kashmiri.

But the maniac pulled out a pair of scissors and a knife and repeatedly stabbed and slashed the divorcee.

The father-of-one died in hospital from loss of blood, caused by the vast number of wounds to his head, neck, arms and body.

Kashmiri admitted manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

After the attack he had asked paramedics: “How is that old man? Is he dead? I hope so, I hope I killed him.”

He also admitted wounding and indecently assaulting the 83-year-old woman, whose identity is protected.

Psychiatrists discovered he was suffering from a manic episode bipolar disorder caused by a long history of cannabis dependency and abuse which caused “uncontrollable violence”.

Obviously the papers aren’t officially announcing the maniac’s religion but if Rafiq Hussain Kashmiri, supposedly from Kenya, isn’t a Muslim I’ll eat my hat. I heard that technically Muslims can smoke pot because the restrictions on mind altering substances in the Koran are extremely specific and concerned mostly with alcohol and drugs found in the middle east in the 7th century. Anyone know more about this?

English Rose is on this one.

h/t Religion of Peace

AP Announces Democrats No Longer Considered White

Robert Byrd was shocked I hear.

And thus the White Liberal dream of being considered honorary minorities is realized:


The text above reads:

Barack Obama supporter John Douglas poses in the living room of his Villa Rica, Ga., home, Thursday, July 17, 2008. While overall interest in the presidential campaign has swelled since last fall, backers of Barack Obama are more fired up and express more loyalty to their candidate than McCain’s do, a poll by The Associated Press and Yahoo News showed Friday.

In addition, individual groups backing Obama — African-Americans, Democrats and liberals — are more enthusiastic than whites, Republicans and conservatives, who are more aligned with McCain, the GOP senator from Arizona.
(AP Photo)

I know it was just counter-pointing lists but this sort of Freudian typo reveals the truth about White Liberals and the New Left. Self-loathing, prideless and offensively eager to co-opt other people’s ethnic identity and thus their “struggle” which they need to claim victim status, no group is easer for reporters to pander to than the classless hipsters of the Left.

You and I both know there is more than one White Liberal who thinks of him or her self as a righteous White person standing side by side with the minorities who need their leadership (they couldn’t possibly lead themselves) and dreams of the day of turning lose they’re new black friends at their high school reunion, to scare the people who gave them wedgies.

It was White Liberals who called me a race traitor, made obscene anti-Asian jokes about Michelle Malkin and are responsible for the deaths of countless Black Americans at the hands of racist Latinos. But since they’re no really White, I guess that’s alright.

h/t Gateway Pundit

NPR Claims Lazy Morbidly Obese Cretin Starving Because of “Bad Economy”


The above two desperately poor people are Gloria Nunez and her daughter Angelica Hernandez, who is only 19. NPR says the economy is so bad these two people are having to cut meat out of their diet and skip meals.

No really, that’s what they’re claiming:

A generation ago, the livelihood of Gloria Nunez’s family was built on cars.

Her father worked at General Motors for 45 years before retiring. Her mother taught driver’s education. Nunez and her six siblings grew up middle class.

Things have changed considerably for this Ohio family.

Nunez’s van broke down last fall. Now, her 19-year-old daughter has no reliable transportation out of their subsidized housing complex in Fostoria, 40 miles south of Toledo, to look for a job.

Nunez and most of her siblings and their spouses are unemployed and rely on government assistance and food stamps. Some have part-time jobs, but working is made more difficult with no car or public transportation.

So her father worked and she doesn’t, and never has but it’s the economy that’s hurting her. Her father managed to work but none of her siblings have jobs, her daughter who has a different last name than her (and grew up seeing her mother never work) has no job. But it’s the gas prices going up in the last year and a half that’s hurting them. Right.

Nunez, 40, has never worked and has no high school degree. She says a car accident 17 years ago left her depressed and disabled, incapable of getting a job. Instead, she and her daughter, Angelica Hernandez, survive on a $637 Social Security check and $102 in food stamps.

Hernandez received her high school diploma and has had several jobs in recent years. But now, because fewer restaurants and stores are hiring, she says she finds it hard to find a job. Even if she could, she says it’s particularly hard to imagine how she’ll keep it. She says she needs someone to give her a lift just to get to an interview. And with gas prices so high, she’s not sure she could afford to pay someone to drive her to work every day.

People tell Nunez her daughter could get more money in public assistance if she had a child.

“A lot of people have told me, ‘Why don’t your daughter have a kid?'”

They both reject that as a plan.

“I’m trying to get a job,” Hernandez says. “I just can’t get a job.”

Hernandez says she’s trying to get training to be a nurse’s assistant, but without her own set of wheels or enough money to pay others for gas, it hasn’t been easy.

Huh. Hernandez had a job but doesn’t work there anymore. What’s that mean? Hmmm.

Putting all that aside, let’s say you just take their word for it that they can’t work. So, if I may be indelicate for a second, how do they manage to remain so, shall we say, rubinesque?

Couldn’t they use to eat less? And frankly I’ve been poor and I did not, at 19, look like that. These people probably go over 350 each, closer to 400 I’d say. To maintain that weight and not lose any walking everywhere, which is what they claim they do, they’d have to eat five or six times a day. They have no car but they buy groceries, they’re active enough to lose weight but they’re morbidly obese and we’re supposed to feel sorry for them?

Nice try NPR but if you want sympathy from me you’re going to need to trot out somebody who actually skips meals. And if this is the best sob story you have, a couple of obese people having to eat less than the 40,000 calories a day they’re used to, then maybe the economy isn’t really all that bad, huh?

h/t Gateway Pundit