Craven Florida Commissioner Gets Police Protection After Finding “Voodoo Doll”


Or a Poppet as those in the trade would say.

Zenaida Denizac is the City Commissioner for the 1st District in the city of Deltona. She received a “Voodoo doll” in the mail and began embarrassing Republicans by turning what may be a prank but is at worst petty sorcery into a police matter.


DELTONA, Fla. — A menacing voodoo doll with an official’s face attached and pins stuck in its body has prompted extra sheriff’s protection for city commissioners, Local 6 has learned.

A photo of Denizac’s face was taped to the doll’s head and several pins were stuck in its body.

Since the discovery, the sheriff’s office has increased its presence outside of Denizac’s home and those of other commissioners over the weekend.

Volusia County deputies said they are trying to ensure the safety of Deltona city commissioners.

A commissioner learned of the added security when he found a deputy looking in his recycle bin, Local 6 reported.

“I feel totally violated. Somebody came into my property,” Denizac said during an earlier interview. “For me it’s very difficult.”

Bah! If I called the police every time some Bruja splashed a little rooster’s blood on my front door, or some obese crossed eyed Wiccan threatened to “turn back my negativity” on me they’d never have the time to investigate real crimes.

Butch up, head to the local botanica and let the police get back to handling real crimes. The whole point of resorting to black magick is so you don’t have to physically assault anyone. Chances are that the “witch” who sent that dime store premade poppet to you can’t conjure themselves out of their parents’ basement much less hurt you, so buck up and stop making the party look bad.

Latino Pogrom Against Blacks Pushes L.A. Hate Crime to 5 Year High

Just another report the M.S.M, and NAS, ignore while they go after easier targets. From The L.A. Times:

Hate crimes in Los Angeles rose to their highest level in five years last year, led by attacks between Latinos and blacks, county officials reported today. The annual report by the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission showed hate crimes rose by 28% overall for a total of 763, with assault and vandalism leading the way.

The largest number involved Latino suspects against black victims; the second largest involved black suspects against Latino victims.

Just doing the jobs Americans won’t I guess, you know like starting a race war.

The Times piece also had a couple of other interesting tidbits for liberals to chew on:

Despite the intense national debate over illegal immigration, hate crimes against immigrants decreased slightly. Incidents against Muslims, which increased after the 2001 terrorist attacks, also decreased slightly. The largest number of religion-based hate crimes were directed against Jews.

Huh. Jews are the victims of more hate crimes here than Muslims and Blacks are more likely to be killed by Latinos in racial violence than by White assailants. That’s not what I keep hearing from the reality based community.

Was Angie Zapata a Victim of Machismo Culture?

The 18-year-old male-to-female transgendered teen was found beaten to death in her apartment. No matter what your personal feelings are about the transgendered youth issue the brutal and shocking death of a teenager in Colorado should cause every American to demand justice.

In my admittedly limited experience with the transgendered, I have always found that male-to-female transgenders tend to adopt exaggerated mannerisms that they perceive as “female” but are most often copied from transvestites. They are likewise often attracted to others who exhibit exaggerated mannerisms like men who are overly “macho.”

As Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, author of the excellent book on profiling, Vulture: Profiling Sadistic Serial Killers, observes in her essay Importing Violence many Latin American cultures support a sexually violent Machismo culture among men that encourages and rewards sexualized violence. Colorado has a very large Latin American immigrant population.

My theory of the crime: Angie Zapata gets involved with a”macho” man who gets scared that she’ll eventually out him to his scumbag friends. He kills her and hopes someone will assume it was a random hate crime.

Just recently we saw a case where a group of Muslims “punished” a suspected homosexual by gang raping him, and in this case I believe we will see that the perpetrator is someone equally “macho.” As long as we cling to the multiculturalist belief that all cultures are equal and thus all morality is relative, we will never be able to confront the attitudes that lead to this sort of disgusting crime and we will continue to fail Americans like Angie Zapata.

ATF Offers $5000 Reward for Info on Wal-Mart Bomb

The recent discovery of an explosive device in a North Carolina Wal-Mart is still under investigation. The ATF is looking for help from the public in finding the culprit:

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is offering a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for placing an illegal explosive device at the front entrance of the Wal-Mart Store in Boone, N.C., during the early morning hours on July 20, 2008.

The investigation is being conducted jointly by ATF, the Boone Police Department and the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (NCSBI).

Anyone with information about this crime is encouraged to contact these agencies at the following numbers: Boone Police Department at (828) 268-6959 NCSBI at (800) 334-3000 ATF bomb hotline at 1-(888) ATF-BOMB, (that is 1-888-283-2662)

If you know anything, please call.

Seattle Man Harassed Autistic Child!

I once read a sanctimonious and immature op-ed piece which claimed Seattle was:

a pearl of brilliant Blue in an oyster bed of Red ignobility and ignorance. While others in the country slump along, their shoulders burdened by what they’ve electorally wrought, we Seattleites have held our heads high with the knowledge that we stand for all that is sensible and good.

It made me chuckle then and even more so after this story of liberal’s inflated sense of self entitlement. From The Seattle Times:

A South Seattle man accused of threatening to burn the home of an autistic child has been charged with malicious harassment, the state’s hate-crime law. Mark Joe Levison, 48, is being held without bail in the King County Jail. Court records show he failed to appear in court for previous charges.

The night of July 8, Acquinnette Engen said she was sitting on the porch of her home in the 5500 block of South Leo Street after putting her three children to bed. She said Levison began yelling at her from his yard across the street and imitating her 13-year-old autistic son.

Engen’s family had just moved in two weeks earlier, she said. Engen said Levison had previously screamed at the autistic boy when he was climbing a tree.

“I’m not dealing with you,” Engen said she told Levison that night.

“Keep your … son in the house or the backyard like a dog. If you don’t I’ll burn the [child’s bedroom] down,” Engen recalled Levison saying.

Engen’s account was similar to that in charging papers.

“It scared me to death,” Engen said Wednesday. “I was terrified.”

She called police.

Responding officers said Levison smelled like alcohol, charging papers said. Levison told the officers, “I pay $1,000 a month rent and shouldn’t have to see that idiot spinning around and staring at my yard,” charging papers said. Levison was charged July 11.

Levison has a severe drinking problem and like any good liberal the mother of the child wants Levison to “get help’ rather than go to jail, even though”helping” alcoholics never works. They have to help themselves.

But I’m sure the good citizens of Seattle will hold Levison’s hand for him while he uses the other to murder someone.

Exit Question: Why didn’t the Autistic child’s father beat the crap out of Levison when he first started hassling his family? Is kicking a drunk’s ass who’s insulting your wife too “Red State” for him?

h/t Crime Scene KC