Fur is Green!

(Photo Credit Kevin van Rensselear)

Don’t let the animal murdering hypocrites from PETA fool you, fur trapping is as “green” a business as you can be in. It’s a renewable resource that clothes (and often feeds!) millions of people without pumping chemicals into the environment or destroying natural habitats. Trapping is in fact the closest thing we industrialized countries have to the traditional hunting and gathering society that radical environmentalists think we should all revert to.

But trappers have not mastered the sound bite or learned how to manipulate the media so most people are left with the impression that all fur comes from fur farms where animals are tortured to death by psychopathic goons. The truth is that there are thousands of independent trappers in Canada and the United States who eke out a meager living selling furs because they want to live the kind of life PETA members give lip service to. These free spirited men and women who seek a deeper connection with cruel and beautiful nature are also an important part of our nation’s wildlife management programs and integral to our continued conservation efforts.

The Fur Council of Canada has been running a brilliant campaign to enlighten the public to the truth about fur trapping. Trappers’ rights groups here in the United States would do well to emulate the F.C.C.’s media strategy. With an increasingly emboldened far left having more say in American politics, and radical environmental agendas being promoted as science, our traditional sports and industries will be under increasing pressure and public discussion of the rich history and vital ecological importance of fur trapping will be key to trapping’s continued survival.

For more information on trapping visit The National Trappers Association or pick up a copy of Fur-Fish & Game which is is worth its weight in gold for the serious trapper.

h/t E.O.S. for the Brooke Adams picture.

Victimless Crime File: Crazed Hippy Poisons Brain Injury Support Group with Pot Laced Cake


Virgil Hales is a marijuana legalization activist who was said by friends to believe pot was a “cure all” whatever that means. He ran for office and most recently garnered 316 votes out of 17,000 cast. Hales was also active in a brain injury support group and there is some talk of him having suffered a brain injury himself.

One day it seems Hales wanted to prove to his friends that pot was a miracle drug so he made a pot laced cake to give to his friends. Unaware of his little experiment they partook of the cake in which the chronic pot smoker might have used too much cannabis for people unused to getting high:

One woman who ate two pieces of the cake says she collapsed and was taken to the hospital. Roxanne Loget tells Action News, she felt she was going to die. “There was a point when I really did believe I was dying. I actually began to get back to normal, and I started to think about this, that I was tripping on cannabis.”

As a town council candidate, the legalization of marijuana was Hales’ primary platform, and according to support group members, it was about all he talked about at their meetings.

District Attorney Mike Ramsey says Hales “was not a well person.” While group members feel badly for Hales, they feel violated and want him to pay for his crime.

Before the comments even start I grew up in the 70s and 80s and I have seen people who have smoked too much pot “trip” and have bad reactions so no crap about it being harmless.

Hales was declared incompetent to stand trial and sent to a hospital.

There is a Virgil Hales listed in as a Green party Parliamentarian in the crank “mini-state” project in California. There are references to Hales on several legalization websites, maybe if he spent as much time on his mental health as he did on crazed hippydom he’d be a free man now.

The question for legalization advocates is won’t there be more crimes like this after legalization?

KHSlTV has video.

Worst Home Invasion Ever!


When South Carolina bad boys Steven Mullimax and Devein Eudy, both 19, decided to make some quick cash by committing a home invasion they thought they needed a partner. So they set out for a night of crime with 15-year-old girl in tow. She is seven months pregnant.

It should come as no surprise that things did not go well for these criminal masterminds:

GAFFNEY, S.C. — A 15-year-old girl who is seven months pregnant is one of three people charged in connection with a home invasion robbery.

Deputies said the girl and two teenage boys forced their way into home of Curtis Durant Holmes on Blue Branch Road in Gaffney at about 11:30 p.m. Monday.

Investigators said that Holmes hit one of the boys with a hammer. The threesome were arrested after they went to Mary Black Hospital so that the injured teen could be treated.

Ouch. Hopefully these two morons have learned a lesson, or at least learned not to break into houses in a “red state” where we take the right to bear hammers seriously. As for the underage Bonnie to these two sub-par Clydes, she was released into her guardian’s custody who we assumed made an appointment to beat the living crap out of her the day after she gives birth.

h/t So Jaded at Dreamin’ Demon who also manged to find Devein Eudy’s MySpace. Read his blurb, it explains everything.

Couple Admits to Sending Explosive Devices and Death Threats in South Carolina

Christopher Gilberto and his wife Cruz de Jesus Gilberto were convicted of sending bombs through the mail, threatening to blow up the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, identity theft and even sending threats to the F.B.I. field office. Why the couple initiated this reign of terror remains undisclosed.

What we do know is that Christopher Gilberto first sent an bomb to a Ruby Tuesday which had stopped using his services as a window washer.

They went on to mail threats which contained other people’s names in the return address field in what law enforcement describes as an attempt to harass people. Otherwise the authorities have offered no theories as to why they continued making threats or mailing bombs.

When arrested they claimed they were framed of course. The couple faces 17 years and awaits sentencing.

h/t N.T.A.

Pedophile Uses World of Warcraft to “Steal” 15-Year-old Girl


Story is from Australia, where attempting to lure an underage girl into your “lair” (i.e. mother’s basement) is called Child Stealing. Here we just call it being a pervert. But really who’d have thought that an online fantasy world where strangers would interact with teens would attract pedophiles?

A MAN who convinced a 15-year-old girl he met on the Internet to fly to Melbourne and meet him has been convicted of child stealing.

Anthony Taylor, 31, of Horsham, sent sexual messages to the Tasmanian girl while they engaged in the multi-player online game World of Warcraft.

As the relationship grew the pair also spoke on the telephone.

When the girl’s father found out about the relationship he confronted Taylor on the game telling him he would kill him if he touched the girl.

Go dad. But a little thing like getting caught sending obscene messages to a teen isn’t going to stop Anthony “Orclord” Taylor. He sent the girl a plane ticket and cab fare to come live with him. Clearly it wasn’t the girl waiting for him at the airport. When the cops picked him up he said he thought the girl’s age would be “a bit of a problem.”

Surprise! He’s done this before:

The court was told Taylor has previously been found guilty of having a relationship with a girl under 16 whose child he fathered.

He is currently in a relationship with a 27-year-old woman from the US whom he met online.

In sentencing Taylor Judge Susan Pullen said it was “troubling” Taylor had again become involved with a girl under 16.

“The facts in this case are disturbing,” Judge Pullen said.

“It (the previous conviction) should have brought home to you that you should not be having any relationship with any child under 16 in a sexual way.”

That 26-year-old must be quite a catch, or the luckiest girl in the world. Maybe he didn’t learn his lesson because of the light sentences perverts get when caught in Australia. He was given a seven month “non-custodial” sentence. Which I believe means he won’t be in jail.

h/t Ripten