Thanks for Making Black Folk Look So Damn Good LaToya Bell

On Labor Day a group of up to 20 “men” and boys gang raped an 11-year-old girl with the assistance of a 16-year-old girl and another adult woman who was there at the time. What About Our Daughters has been covering the case and has just posted about one of the degenerate pervert’s sentencing hearings. Some of the younger rapists have gotten off basically scot-free with a few years in Juvenile Detention and the Supreme Court has ensured that the adults need not worry about the punishment they truly deserve.

Within this horror story we have a quote from 22-year-old LaToya Bell, a friend of the gang-rapists and a woman who has some nuanced beliefs about gender equality and the validity of American social mores:

A number of women in the girl’s neighborhood said the males involved were good people who made bad decisions.

“Five years? Ten years? That’s ridiculous,” said LaToya Bell, 22, sitting on a porch with four others who nodded in agreement. “They (are) getting time for nothing. That girl, she knew what she was doing.”

“That girl” is an 11-year-old child who was gang raped. Even if she “knew what she was doing” what LaToya, with the full support of her four gutterslut friends, is saying is that rape, child molestation and sexual sadism with children is acceptable.

Forget for a second the self-loathing, violent homo-eroticism that is at the core of any man who participates in a gang-rape, the misogyny driven by jealousy of women stealing the attention of other men from the rapist that is the fuel for his libido, and the rank perverse evil of sexually violating pre-pubescent children. Let’s assume that LaToya fathoms none of this and just believes this girl “wanted” to have sex with a large group of men. What kind of sexual deviant is she that she thinks it’d be O.K. as long as the girl’s willing?

What sort of disgusting trollop not only blames the victim of of a gang rape for her brutalization, but thinks it’s perfectly normal for a) a group of up to 20 men to all have sex with one woman and b) adult men and teenagers to be attracted to and have sex with 11-year-olds? Besides trollops who are hell bent on ensuring that Black Americans look like barbarians I mean.

As a Bi-racial man I’ll just share a rueful head shake with Barack Obama the next time I run into him in Whole Foods and sigh heavily while saying “That’s why I moved out of East Orange.” He’ll agree while we amble through the bakery sampling the rosemary baguettes then he’ll say something like “but I’m still proud of where I came from,” perhaps a little too loudly if only to placate the shrewishly glaring Michelle.

Yeah, me too.

The commenters at What About Our Daughters aren’t as forgiving of Bell as the B-man and I are. And surprise! Francis Holland doesn’t give a crap about this girl being abused because he’s got more important things to blog about. Then again it fell to Ron Paul supporting N.A.U. truthers to rally for Jamiel’s Law because as Holland wrote to me in the comment thread on this post, caring about Black folk getting raped and killed won’t get Obama elected, reaching out to the people who do the killing will. Stay classy, Francis.

Also staying classy, the increasingly nutrooty blogger Charles Johnson whose readers at LGF are busily condemning anyone who thinks Dixiecrat parasite Jessie Helms was an evil bigot whose main “accomplishment,” besides benefiting from Reagan’s party discipline policy, was to break that same policy by attempting to rob fellow Republican Martin Luther King of his well earned holiday. The irony is that a woman named Natalie was just banned form LGF for “supporting fascists” because she simply agreed with someone Johnson doesn’t. Yet I don’t see the mass banning of lizards who loved Helms yet. Hypocrisy at it’s finest!

The Good Thief: Car Thief Alerts Police to Bombs Stored in NYC Van

The best man is marred by faults,
The worst is not without worth.


A Brooklyn car thief risked arrest to report a potential terrorist incident in a display of patriotism worthy of the July 4th holiday. From the N.Y. Post:

He’s a criminal, but he “did the right thing” when it mattered – alerting cops to what he feared was a terror plot the day before the Fourth of July.

At about 5 p.m. yesterday, an unidentified thief with a police record broke into a red van that had been parked at 53rd Street and Second Avenue in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park for about a month, a source told The Post.

He was stunned when he looked inside – it was filled with gas cans and Styrofoam cups containing a mysterious white substance with protruding wires and switches.

The street is lined with brownstones, and there’s a ballet studio and a small Muslim school. So he drove the van 15 blocks to 37th Street and parked it at a desolate waterfront location behind the Costco store and next to some little-used piers.

Then he got out and called a cop he knows from his run-ins with the law.

“He did the right thing,” a high-ranking officer said. “And he possibly saved a lot of people’s lives.”

Another source said cops are unlikely to file charges for the break-in.

It turns out that the suspected bomb maker is a Chinese national named Yung Tang who’s already in federal custody for attempting to blow up a man he had a dispute with. Tang’s attorney claims he has nothing to do with the van, which was found near his residence and contained devices similar in design to the ones he previously used.

I’m not one to romanticize thieves or minimize the damage to people’s lives, especially poor people, that stealing a car can cause but when the chips were down this guy put the safety of others first, driving the bomb laden van away from the populated area and calling the cops. Today at least he’s a hero.

Pot Smoking Degenerates Kidnap and Torture Small Dog

Emmanuel Lopez is a 19-year-old pot smoking cretin who stole a puppy from a Petland while his two friends who worked there distracted the manager. Lopez didn’t really want the puppy though as he returned it 3 days later. What he wanted to do was torment the helpless animal for his own amusement:

Lopez pleaded guilty in May to stealing the puppy on March 21 from a Petland store in Naperville. The dog was returned to the store three days later and has since been adopted. Prosecutors brought up the alleged abuse Wednesday as an aggravating factor in the theft.

“The bottom rung of humanity abuses animals for their amusement,” Kinsella told Lopez. “Anybody who abused animals for their own amusement has a problem.”

Assistant State’s Atty. Mary Cronin said Lopez was asked to participate in the theft by two store employees.

“One of the employees distracted the manager and the other made sure the coast was clear,” Cronin said.

Lopez stuffed the 2-pound puppy under his sweatshirt and walked out of the store, she said.

Naperville Police Detective Richard Arsenault testified Wednesday that after stealing the dog, Lopez and some friends drove around the area, “blowing marijuana smoke in the dog’s face until it passed out.”

Lopez told Kinsella that “the dog didn’t pass out right away; he passed out later.”

“Is there a difference?” Kinsella asked.

When you’re dealing with pot heads the minutiae make all the difference. Like many marijuana users Lopez thinks he can fool the world into thinking the dog passed out for some other reason besides he and a couple of morons driving around blowing smoke in its face. Also like most chronic drug users he’s a career criminal, having two prior theft convictions already at the ripe old age of 19.

So legalization advocates, what’s the deal? Tell me how legalization would have stopped this crime from happening, or is it possible that pot smoking caused this crime?

h/t Crime Scene KC

Brooke Bennett Was a Victim of Vermont’s Sanctimonious Liberalism

When the body of little Brooke Bennett was found and her uncle arrested I had a feeling this case would take an even more horrible turn. It did and after reading the affidavit of F.B.I Special Agent Daniel Racheck the self-congratulatory press conference Vermont officials held a few hours ago seems more than a little unseemly.

Bennet is believed to have been murdered by her uncle, convicted pedophile Michael Jaques, who worked in concert with her former step-father Raymond Gagnon and another man to run a complicated con game on little girls in which they convinced them that a fictional sex school known as “Breckenridge” would be training them for sex. Jaques was abusing one victim who is now 14 since she was 9 years old, and on at least one occasion “shared” her with Gagnon. That victim had been brainwashed so thoroughly she helped Jaques kidnap Brooke. Jaques has a history of kidnapping and rape and is being reported to have been a “supervised” sex offender.

At a press conference Vermont officials, among others, spoke about what a great job the authorities did. A great job after a 12-year-old girl was kidnapped, raped and murdered by a sex offender they were theoretically keeping track of. They were smugly self satisfied with finally picking up a rape cult which had been active under their noses for at least five years.

Vermont has become notorious for being lenient on sexual predators. The infamous Judge Cashman case illustrated Vermont’s “hug-a-thug” mentality when it comes to those who prey upon children. Vermont has, in fact, begun to see an explosion in the sex offender population, due largely to how inviting the state has become for people planning on continuing a career of rape and molestation.

The arrest of Brooke’s uncle and ex-step-father is not a victory for Vermont but an indictment of the system and culture of a state whose children are literally being sacrificed on the altar of political ideology. People must have known something was wrong with Jaques, Gagnon and Gagnon’s landlord who has admitted to destroying what he believed was child porn at Gagnon’s request when the investigation started. This report shows that a couple basically caught Jaques and his long time victim red-handed having sex but until this investigation had not come forward.

Vermont residents need to decide what sort of place they want to live in and vote accordingly. If this case doesn’t bother them then they should continue voting for the people they have in office now. But if I were a Vermonter I’d be demanding law and order and I’d be voting for the candidates that would work to achieve it. Brooke Bennett deserved better than what Vermont and all the people who live there gave her, and her memory deserves more than business as usual on the Vermont political scene.

Update: Jaques was an unsupervised sex offender given “treatment compliant” status. Assuredly he was considered “cured” of his interest in sadistic molestation.