Born Bad: Jay Morales Attempts Murder at Ripe Old Age of Five

That’s right Five. And the intended target was his grandmother who told him he couldn’t go out and play. He set a fire then called 911 saying his grandma had died. Luckily she hadn’t:

NEW YORK — A 5-year-old boy is in critical condition with severe burns after he allegedly started a fire in his grandmother’s Brooklyn apartment to punish her.

Jay Morales was angry about being reprimanded and planned to burn his grandmother’s apartment down in revenge, police told the New York Post and MyFOX New York.

The blaze at Nancy Herrera’s apartment in the three-story building on Knickerbocker Avenue broke out about 3 p.m. Monday, the Fire Department of New York said.

Police said the boy called 911 on Sunday night claiming his grandmother had died, according to the Post. But firefighters arrived to find her unharmed. Herrera tried to save her grandson, but he was engulfed in flames, so she escaped.

The next day, Jay allegedly told friends he planned to burn the house down after Herrera wouldn’t let him go out and play.

Frankly this story seems a little odd, but if it turns out to be true what the hell is going on with that kid?

But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! Except Sabrina Mills’ Son

After a long night of getting high and playing video games how can we fascists expect Sabrina Mills to then watch her two-year-old son? Can’t we just be cool?


A Dallas woman was arrested Monday, June 30, after her two-year-old son was found wandering alone in an east Keizer neighborhood.

Keizer Police said the young boy, whose name is being withheld by the Keizertimes, was found walking alone in the 1900 block of Brandon Avenue NE. Keizer Police Capt. John Teague said officers theorize the boy escaped where he and his mother were staying through a window, but said they weren’t sure exactly how the child got out.

In any case, Teague said the boy appeared to be in fine medical condition, and officers don’t know how long the boy had been outside.

“We have no idea whether he’d been out since the night before, for a couple of hours or only a couple of minutes,” Teague said.

Police did not know where to find the boy’s parents. A national organization for locating missing children as well as parents of found children – A Child is Missing – blanketed the immediate surrounding area with phone calls. Police pounded on doors throughout the surrounding area.

Teague said it’s unusual for a child to go missing without hearing from the parents almost immediately.

“Typically if you find a missing child, or a lost child, in half and hour or 20 minutes Mom is frantically looking for him and it’s over and done with pretty quickly,” Teague said.

But this time was different. Police knocked on doors for about four hours before finally making contact with the boy’s mother at a house police had already visited.

According to Teague, the mother “admitted she had smoked marijuana the night before and had stayed up into the early morning playing on the Internet, and … hadn’t heard the attempts to rouse her.”

One officer’s report remarked that the mother was “non-emotive about the situation, showed no concern about where her child was, and still seemed to be under the influence of … narcotics.”

I know, if we legalize pot then people like Sabrina Mills wouldn’t get high and allow her two-year-old son to wander the streets, and if she did she’d be able to show a little emotion about the fact that her son could have died or been abducted by a child rapist. Because legalizing pot would magically make pot smokers good parents and productive citizens.

Thanks to SoUncool at the Dreamin’ Demon forums.

Mexican Sex Slave Ring Broken Up in Atlanta!

At least ten women, four of whom are under the age of 18, were lured from Mexico to the Metro-Atlanta area by a gang of illegals and forced to work as prostitutes. It’s being reported that the women were forced to be raped by 20-30 “johns” a night:

ATLANTA — Five men are charged with luring women from Mexico to Metro Atlanta and then forcing them into prostitution.

The female victims were as young as 14-years old. They expected a better life in America only to learn when they got here that they were sex slaves.

Five men, all of them illegal citizens, appeared before Federal Magistrate Judge Janet King Monday morning. They are accused of trafficking the women from Mexico to Metro Atlanta.

An indictment says three of the men — 31-year old Juan Cortez-Meza, 34-year old Amador Cortez-Meza and 25-year old Francisco Cortez-Meza — travelled to Mexico to seduce and befriend the females with promises of a better life in America.

“Once they started dating them in Mexico they would get them to come to the US promising them jobs in restaurants or cleaning houses and then when they got here they were forced into prostitution,” said Assistant United States Attorney Susan Coppedge.

At least ten women, four of them under the age of 18, were trapped in suburban homes in Norcross and Cartersville, forced to be prostitutes under a threat of deportation.

The indictment says “The victims were beaten, threatened, or their families back in Mexico were threatened in order to force the victims to work as prostitutes against their will.”

The indictment also alleges that 69-year old Rosa Tort and 21-year old Raul Cortez-Meza drove the women from the homes to various places where men or “johns” were willing to pay for sex with them.

Had our border been secured these monsters would never have been able to run back and forth to Mexico luring these poor women here to be tortured. Let’s hope the girls are granted citizenship so they can see what sort of country this really is, and this gang put away.

But the customers who hired girls that were clearly being coerced are just as bad as the gang. There is legalized prostitution in Nevada, and something tells me there’s no shortage of escort services in Atlanta. Using one that employs underage illegals is the same as raping children. The punishment should be the same.

Surprise! Many Jihadis Have Criminal Records in America

Since Muslims tend to recruit in prison, and radical Muslims tend to be degenerates it didn’t shock me to learn many Jihadis fighting in the Middle East and Africa had records here. It did shock the government though, proving once again that few people truly understand the enemy we face:

WASHINGTON — In the 6  1/2 years that the U.S. government has been fingerprinting insurgents, detainees and ordinary people in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa, hundreds have turned out to share an unexpected background, FBI and military officials said. They have criminal arrest records in the United States.

There was the suspected militant fleeing Somalia who had been arrested on a minor drug charge in New Jersey. And the man stopped at a checkpoint in Tikrit, Iraq, who said he was a poor dirt farmer but had 11 felony charges in the United States, including assault with a deadly weapon.

The records suggest that potential enemies abroad know a great deal about the United States because many of them have lived here, officials said. The matches also reflect the power of sharing data across agencies and even countries, data that links an identity to a distinguishing human characteristic such as a fingerprint.

“I found the number stunning,” said Frances Fragos Townsend, a security consultant and former assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism. “It suggested to me that this was going to give us far greater insight into the relationships between individuals fighting against U.S. forces in the theater and potential U.S. cells or support networks here in the United States.”


Fingerprints lifted off a bomb fragment in Iraq have been linked to people trying to enter the United States, analysts said.

In a separate data-sharing program, 365 Iraqis who have applied to the Department of Homeland Security for refugee status have been denied because their fingerprints turned up in the Defense Department’s database of terrorists or suspects, Richardson said.

h/t N.T.A.

Jihad Watch has a disturbing related report.

Muslim Honor Killing … in Atlanta!


Feminists silent on this one? Of course! Luckily agent of the patriarchy Gateway Pundit took time out from oppressing women to bring us this awful story from Georgia where a 54-year-old Pakistani Muslim strangled his daughter because she wanted out of her bad marriage.

Her arranged bad marriage:

CLAYTON COUNTY, Ga. (MyFOX Atlanta) – A Clayton County man was behind bars Sunday, accused of killing his own daughter. Police said the father was angry because he felt his daughter was disgracing the family.

Investigators said 54-year-old Chaudhry Rashad was so outraged at his daughter, Sandela Kanwal, and her plans for divorce that he killed her after a heated argument at the family’s home. Investigators said Rashad confessed to strangling the 25-year-old woman.

“The family is very upset and stressed,” said Shahid Malik of the Pakistani American Community of Atlanta.


Police said the victim had been in an arranged marriage and hadn’t seen her husband, who lives in Chicago, for months.

Malik said arranged marriages are not uncommon for Pakistanis. He said the marriages are usually accepted and successful, although young people living in American might develop problems with them.

“Their minds are changed when the live here due to this system,” said Malik.

Shaheed Malik sounds as if he’s minimizing Rasheed’s actions and putting the blame for this crime on the dead woman and we Americans who are “corrupting” Pakistani women by giving them the idea that they are free to live their own life as they see fit. The Pakistani American Community of Atlanta has a website but no contact information for Malik so we could ask him to clarify his comments.

Another example of a woman failed by the west and our impotence. When will we decide to finally stand up for our values and demand that people wanting the freedom and prosperity we provide assimilate into our culture?